Background Blitz :: May 10 - May 24 ::

Started by Daniel Thomas, Thu 10/05/2007 14:31:52

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Daniel Thomas

He knew that he had to enter the cave, but the adventurer took as small step he could in hopes to give someone enough time to appear and tell him that he didnt have to, or atleast delay what ever cruel faith was waiting for him inside. The closer the adventurer came the more did he realise that no one actually would jump out from the bushes telling him, someone that had been sitting in it, picking his backside and just enjoying his trembling from fright.
He was now just one step from entering the cave, one last breath for courage was taken before he jumped in and took his most powerfull and heoric pose, or atleast for some who was just about too wet his pants and actually had to help holding it back with every limb he could spare.
He looked up, and to his surprise... It was empty, not a sign of life.

[:: Topic - Uninhabited ::]
Uninhabited places, it can be abandoned and with traces from someone/something that have lived there. Anything from forests-caves-houses-rooms-castles, use your imagination.
Something to maybe have in mind is puzzles, have atleast something the player could have interacted with, like in the cave there could have been some hard stones needed, or metals - so its not just an empty cave. But this is ofcourse up to you :)

Two weeks(24th) and Ill start the voting, if enough entries and unless anyone ask for more time.

Any questions, just ask.

Rules: Anything ags can manage is allowed.

Voting categories:

Idea - The underlying idea to the background. Doesn't
necessarily have to coincide perfectly with the theme of the
week, just strike you as interesting/amusing/inspiring; a place
you'd really enjoy visiting within a game.

Atmosphere - How well the image manages to evoke a certain feeling or mood.

Design - How well the elements in the image are designed,
such as landscapes, buildings, decorations, clouds, doorknobs,

Composition - How well the elements in the image work
together/are positioned in relation to each other.

Functionality - How well it would work when adding sprites, i
ncluding appropriate walking distances, a good angle for
character sprites, clever walkway solutions, easily understood
exits, etc.

Technique - How well the ideas are executed in form of

Anyone is welcome to vote, and it would be
great if all participants could provide their own.
You don't have to vote in all categories, and
if you provide multiple names in a category,
then please be clear about which one is your pick.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Another great topic. I'm sure to enter.

Congratulations for your background. It was amazing, and if I had been able to get on the internet after voting started, you'd get some more votes from me ^^



Are there any limitations (size/colors)? If no, I might enter (depending on how much work I have.)

Daniel Thomas

Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Watch your frisbee, especially when the moon is full and the air is still.


Well, here it is...a sewer. An uninhabited place with human traces. ;)


I hope it is recognizable.

Edit:  If I have to choose one, then I take the sewer. I just like the idea.


Hmm, do photo collages aka matte paintings count? Or is it better if its done from scratch?
I am just a shallow stereotype, so you should take into consideration that my opinion has no great value to you.


Daniel Thomas

aslong as ags can handle it and its a backgrounds which can be used in a adventure-game I dont see why..
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


The little girl looked through the window, no one was there...she went inside the room, closed her eyes. When she opened them again she saw red... she tries to escape but the door is locked; there are cracks on the walls, it's very doesn't seem like anyone has been here for a while.


Things you might be able to interact with:

The bed (move it to reach the lamp)
The lamp (pull on it to reveal passageway behind cabinet)
The cabinet (search and get toolbox, use toolbox to break window)
The window (Stare at red glowing eyes)
The carpet (trap door under it)


NB: I wanted to add cobwebs, but I was afraid to ruin it.

Daniel Thomas

cobra79: I thought about it, and I think you will need to decide one background which you will participate with. I hope its ok with you.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


You might say that this background was inspired by a certain show about these certain people who wander in an uninhabited jungle and happen to find some tunnels that lead to uninhabited underground bunkers.




Hmm, whats that certain show?

2 days to go, yay, maybe I'll manage to whoop something up even  :D
I am just a shallow stereotype, so you should take into consideration that my opinion has no great value to you.



Daniel Thomas

1day left, if anyone need more time: PM me.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


here's my entry... although after the Lost-inspired one, I was kinda wery about entering this.  I still am cause I crapped out on my coloring.

But here it is:

-An old, destoryed cottage.
-Exits are at the top and bottom
-Puzzle elements can include The emblem on the fireplace--which could be a handful a different puzzles--which can include but not limited to a missing piece; a full jigsaw; a rotary sliding pizzle; or a cobination there of.  Maybe even something entirly different then those.  But what does the solution Wield?  Just examine closely and it'll become clear.

Daniel Thomas

Ok, Ill start the voting now. Ill close it tomorrow around 23.00 gmt

Voting categories:

Idea - The underlying idea to the background. Doesn't
necessarily have to coincide perfectly with the theme of the
week, just strike you as interesting/amusing/inspiring; a place
you'd really enjoy visiting within a game.

Atmosphere - How well the image manages to evoke a certain feeling or mood.

Design - How well the elements in the image are designed,
such as landscapes, buildings, decorations, clouds, doorknobs,

Composition - How well the elements in the image work
together/are positioned in relation to each other.

Functionality - How well it would work when adding sprites, i
ncluding appropriate walking distances, a good angle for
character sprites, clever walkway solutions, easily understood
exits, etc.

Technique - How well the ideas are executed in form of

Anyone is welcome to vote, and it would be
great if all participants could provide their own.
You don't have to vote in all categories, and
if you provide multiple names in a category,
then please be clear about which one is your pick.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Nice backgrounds all around, but for me the winner in every category is...

I was a bit unsure in the idea category though, because I really like what Meat did. As it is it could already be a puzzle. Get the frisbee without getting bitten. Nice idea.

Vertigoaddict's background makes good use of the few colors and conveys a menacing mood. I particularly like the curtains.

EdLeon's picture reminds me of an Asterix cartoon background, which is great and could certainly be used in a game.



sorry I'm late, better late then never
It's an alien planet, not sure how you got there? but somethings calling for you...

walkpoint is the derelict dragon (I intended that the dragon's eye be an entrance)
the strange pyramd structure you walk close to and both sides of the beam trails

(again really sorry, I only just got back)

Daniel Thomas

Ok, np I guess.. Only one who voted yet.

Ill extend the voting for another day
Comeone people, do some voting.. Atleast the participants. :)

Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Idea - Jburger

Atmosphere - Edloen, its so faerie tale and full of inviting intrigue.

design - Jburger, has an eye for detail and depth

composition - Jburger, depth and perspective is reached through use of intelligent use of colours and layers to create the impression of space.

functionality - this was difficult as all good theoretically work, I found Vertigo's style to be a consistant and the cleanness of the art allows for the interactivity to take place.

technique - while i do think Jburger has the best rendering, I actually want to nominate Edloen, because his style is very individualistic and clean and I think the style used is deceivelably simple. It is a nostalgic reminder of childrens illustrations - I think the style works well with the idea and setting.


Raddicksbeat me to it

My votes go like this

Idea                    Jburger  
Atmosphere         Meat  
Design                 Meat
Composition        Jburger
Funtionality         Meat
Technique           Jburger

In all i liked them all no 2 ways about it but these two stood out to me
Although none were caves, as such Jburger was closest with the Bunker but in terms of will sprites work with it i believe that the sprites needed for Meats pic would be more of my style
  Although i hate giving decisions i have to go with my final descision of ...

Jburger to win  outright
Meat               2nd
Vertigo addict 3rd
EdLoen           4th
Cobra79         5th
Raddicks         6th   Far to blurry

But a good turn out  and a great subject
Currently working on a project!


One JBurger with cheese, french fries and a coke, please.


Idea - Meat
I think this would make for an interesting scene in a game.

Atmosphere - Meat
I love the way the light and the shadows work on the floor of the room.

Design - Vertigoaddict
I particularly like the curtains and the floor.

Composition - Meat
Simple and effective viewpoint.

Functionality - Cobra
I think this one would work well in a game.

Technique - Meat
I just love the pixely and clean style.


Since I don't think that I can vote on myself (darn it) these are my votes...

Idea- raddicks

Truly original and interesting concept, an alien planet, no one else thought of that.

Atmosphere- Cobra & Meat

These two were the only ones who I thought really made me feel like their places were unihabited; the others felt (excluding mine) felt like there'd be a tribe of face painted little people or a gathering for many furry animals or something.

Composition- Edloen

I like the camera angle, it's above, behind the tree, gives a nice touch to it. The angle of the ruin was great and the picture as a whole I think is sorta balanced.

Technique - TheJburger

You know why.

Daniel Thomas

Ok, Ill close the voting now and announce that the winner is
TheJBurger, great background! Take it away. :)

Thanks to everyone who entered with thier cool backgrounds!
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Okay, I'll start the next one soon.

Great backgrounds everyone!  :D

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