Background Blitz - Misplaced in time (Aug 02 - Aug 16) WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by Daniel Thomas, Tue 02/08/2011 16:52:41

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Daniel Thomas

Topic: Misplaced in time

Something that has been misplaced in the wrong time/era/age. It could be a Super-laser-gun-tower on a castle, A catapult as a ship-turret or just something in the museum.
Be creative and crazy. :)

Voting: August 16

Restriction: AGS compatible.

Good Luck people!
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


cool topic :D Nice and open :) Can't wait to brainstorm an idea up for it :)


My entry :D

I decided on a modern/futuristic operating room which still uses a barbaric table and equipment for surgery.

I hope I'm not the only one entering this time around though!

Daniel Thomas

Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio

Creed Malay


Mushroom clouds are hard to draw

got to rush out now, I might add more to this later, if that's allowed?
Mobile Meat Machines - Comics of Animals and Education! -


A modern building in old town. Or are the old buildings the misplaced ones?

Could have added more detail, but I'm kinda lazy.

Creed Malay

Nice old buildings! I love that style. Also, I find the shade of green that roof is inexplicably pleasing.
Mobile Meat Machines - Comics of Animals and Education! -


I really don't know, what bite me to put that in here
(maybe because of the theme and the possible story)?

So please don't search for perspective â€" you won't find,
but I think the idea behind it is to be recognizable  ::)


Quote from: zyndikate on Tue 02/08/2011 16:52:41Voting: August 16

Working on something...I need a couple more days to finish it though, so I'll have to beg for an extension.

ps. yes, I'm still alive...

Daniel Thomas

Sure thing, Ill extend it for a couple of days.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


The Damsel and the Dragon

Everybody knows the story about the brave knight who set out to slay to dragon that imprisoned the beautiful damsel...well...sort of...

I've been using the grace period long enough, so even though the piece isn't finished yet I'll submit so we don't have to wait any longer (plus my computer is being annoying again).

Particularly the rocks and water could use an extra rendering-pass, and I would have loved to add some more slimey-smelly-leafy stuff in the background as well to show how much time had passed since my damsel had arrived. Designing a full-body harness for a brave knight would have been fun, and I originally envisioned some claws for my dragon...but I like how the idea and main elements came together in this piece.

ps. Zyndikate, this was a great theme.
pps. everyone, great entries; and again sorry for the delay.

Daniel Thomas

Nice entries everyone! I'll keep the voting open for two days.

Here is the categories(copy and pasted from a previous comp):

Idea: Is it an original/creative interpretation of the theme?
Atmosphere: Is an interesting world created? - Does the scene evoke a feeling?
Design:  How well are the individual elements designed, from clouds to doorknobs?
Composition:  How well do the elements combine to create a pleasing whole, and lead the viewer to the points of interest?
Functionality: How well would it work as a background? Does it have clearly defined entries and walkable areas, as well as a good viewing angle? This also includes introductory shots of an area as long as a player character can be present in the scene.
Technique:How well is it rendered, within the chosen style? (in no way meaning the more elaborate, the better!)

Code: ags

[b]Idea[/b] -
[b]Atmosphere[/b] -
[b]Design[/b] -
[b]Composition[/b] -
[b]Functionality[/b] -
[b]Technique[/b] - 
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Idea - Creed Malay
Rockets in an old German(ish) village make perfect sense to me. And there is both some serenity and hostility in this idea that I like.
Atmosphere - Tabata
I liked that this piece played not only with the contrast of old and new but also warmth and light vs. cold and dark. And despite the simple style this injects a lot of character to the little house in the looming city.
Design - gameboy
The details in the stonework, the tree, and even that café/dining area are just great.
Composition - gameboy
There's some nice use of overlap without getting cluttered, important areas are nicely devided.
Functionality - 2d_Matty
I can see how this piece would work both as an in-game screen and in a cut-scene. Exit and walkable area are both well defined and some possible objects for interaction are clear
Technique - gameboy
As a 320x200 screen I think everything and more is in there. In just about all areas of the piece we can find something to look at without it being in your face.


Idea - Misj'
Atmosphere â€" Creed Malay
Design - Creed Malay
Composition - Misj'
Functionality - 2d_Matty
Technique - gameboy

Daniel Thomas

I think we can do better then this, people. :)

Ill keep the voting open a little longer..
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Bye bye thankyou I love you.


More votes!

Idea - 2d_Matty
Atmosphere - Creed Malay
Design - Misj'
Composition - gameboy
Functionality - 2d_Matty
Technique - gameboy's kinda steep. But with a sled I can slide down the slope.


Idea - Misj'.
Atmosphere - Tabata.
Design - Creed Malay.
Composition - Creed Malay.
Functionality - gameboy.
Technique - Creed Malay.
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


Idea - Creed Malay
Atmosphere - gameboy
Design - gameboy
Composition - Misj'
Functionality - gameboy
Technique - gameboy

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