Background Blitz: Mountains (Results)

Started by Kastchey, Thu 12/09/2019 22:16:00

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Hi everyone,

As there has been way over a year since the last Background Blitz, with Gilbert's blessing I took it upon myself to attempt to revive the competition.
The theme for the current edition of the Background Blitz is...

Make a background featuring a mountain range of any type and at any distance. The mountains can, but do not need to be the most prominent feature of your background, but they need to be visible somewhere.

Deadline: the 2nd of October
Voting until: the 6th of October
Winner: lorenzo
Second: Deabriel / Flugeldufel
Third: Creamy

Concept: Your background should tell us something about the place you have depicted.
Playability: Does it have clearly defined walkable areas, things to interact with, etc?
Artistic Execution: Does the image convey the wanted atmosphere? What's the feeling of the place?

Don't let the Blitz die, get an entry started today! :)

Oct 6th:
Below are all the submitted entries. Thank you everyone for the great turnout!



Great idea, Kastchey, and a lovely theme!
I hope I'll be able to make an entry.


I will see what I can do. This is a busy month for me.
But I might be able to either use some mountains in one of my games or work a few minutes at a time to make something specifically for this.


Thanks for bringing this back!  (nod)
I'm not sure I have the time to enter right now though.  :-[
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I started to work on something but don't know if I will be able to finish it (or get distracted in the middle)


Fingers crossed for your entries, guys. I can always do a small extension if needed.



An extension until the 1st or 2nd would increase the likelihood of me being able to do something quite a bit.


Okay then... It's longer than an average BB would last but let's make an exception as it's the first one since over a year ago ;)
I have changed it now so that everyone has a fair chance.


Awesome, thanks. Unless some major unexpected event happens, I should be able to make something no problem.


Very nice entry, lorenzo! It's inspiring me to try my own even though my art skills are nonexistent.


Thank you, Durq!
You should definitely give it a try! (nod)


It's beautiful, lorenzo. Love the colours you used, especially for the mountain range in the distance.

Durq, do try it! Getting inspired to create a piece of art regardless of your skill level is what this competition is all about, in my view.


Lorenzo knocking it out of the park as always!!!

I can imagine Tin Tin arriving at that trailer on his motorbike to investigate!


Kastchey: Your comment makes me really happy because I often struggle to find the right colours!

Mandle: Thank you! You can read the full the story on his unofficial comic book: Tintin and the Mystery of the Dirty Caravan, where the reporter will answer hot questions such as: "Who littered the mountains?" Is as exciting as it sounds!


I'll try it.  I made a simple mountain trail setting.  The person who might use this in a game can probably make up an inventory item the main character might pick up on the way, and perhaps the narrator could say what awaits higher up.


DBoy, thanks for the submission. I'm sure the background would seen a use especially if you added some more details to make it more interesting.

Three days left everyone!


Cassie told me about this, and then I forgot. Lorenzo has set the bar high, but I will see if I think of something simple I can conjure up quickly. But next time: Definitely.

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