Background Blitz - Nov 28 to Dec 18 - Ice! Winner Announced

Started by ThreeOhFour, Wed 28/11/2012 10:09:22

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For this BG blitz, I want you to focus on frozen water. Your scene can be a snowy street, a cave in the tundra, a research station amongst a chilly glacier, or perhaps something a bit more out there like a sno-cone stall or a cryogenics lab. Whatever you do, make it icy!

Entries should fit within AGS constraints, other than this there are no restrictions.

Voting will start the 19th of December.

Happy drawing!


Nice topic! I didn't join a BG Blitz for quite some time, maybe I'll give it a try.


I'm working on a piece, but haven't had much time. And tomorrow I'm going to install a new computer (finally! - after this one has been dying for years (since early 2009)) hopefully I'll be able to continue/finish it in time.


Was an ice bridge in a cave with a hole in the ceiling and loads of icicles...then I tried to draw that...then I did something else:
Made in 640x480px, but thought the clear lines make it look ok smaller also.
If the snow is not enough, there's suppose to be more water inside the well and it's probably frozen. :grin:
I don't want the world, I just want your half


I'm gonna try my luck with this one too.


A rocky/snowy path way with Dave running up it while it's snowing. I like the background so much I might use it in a game but a version that's less snowy and blue. :)


Quote from: Misj' on Fri 14/12/2012 hopefully I'll be able to continue/finish it in time.
The piece is almost done...but I still need to add some important details (like the ice and stuff). So I'm going to ask for a 24-hour extension to finish it. Call it a birthday present :-D


This time something photoshopped. Could use lots of extra work, though, but since this Blitz has almost ended, here it is:


Thanks for the extension Ben!

Here's my entry...there's ice in the wine-cooler  :)

ps. nice entries everyone!


She looks half-pregnant in the portrait but is trying to make it look like she is sticking her stomach out.


Quote from: Armageddon on Wed 19/12/2012 23:45:42
She looks half-pregnant in the portrait but is trying to make it look like she is sticking her stomach out.

that's a much better story than I had in mind for the portrait. So from now on it's a painting of your pregnant wife. But...what happened to your wife and kid in this post-apocalyptic world?

Quick-edit just for you Armageddon ;)


Quote from: Anian on Sun 16/12/2012 00:09:42
Was an ice bridge in a cave with a hole in the ceiling and loads of icicles...then I tried to draw that...then I did something else:
Made in 640x480px, but thought the clear lines make it look ok smaller also.
If the snow is not enough, there's suppose to be more water inside the well and it's probably frozen. :grin:

Great style man!


Hooray, several entries!

It's now time to VOTE! Categories:

Idea: Was it an original/creative interpretation of the theme?
Atmosphere: Was an interesting world created? - Did the scene evoke a feeling?
Design: How well the individual elements are designed, from clouds to doorknobs.
Composition: How well the elements are combined to create a pleasing whole, and lead the viewer to the points of interest.
Functionality: How well it would work as a game background, with clearly defined entries and walkable areas, as well as a good viewing angle (this also includes introductionary shots of an area as long as a player character can be present in the scene).
Technique: How well it's rendered (within the chosen style!), in no way meaning the more elaborate the better.

You have one week!


Idea: Misj'
Atmosphere: nihilyst
Design: Misj'
Composition: Anian
Functionality: Misj'
Technique: nihilyst


Idea: Anian
Atmosphere: Anian
Design: Anian
Composition: Anian
Functionality: Misj
Technique: Anian


I really wanted to join this blitz, but sadly I had no time:

Idea: Misj'
Atmosphere: Anian
Design: Misj'
Composition: Anian
Functionality: Anian
Technique: Misj'


Idea: Misj'
Atmosphere: Anian
Design: Anian
Composition: Anian
Functionality: icey games
Technique: nihilyst


Idea: Misj'
Atmosphere: nihilyst
Design: Misj'
Composition: Misj'
Functionality: icey g
Technique: nihilyst
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Idea: Misj'
Atmosphere:  Anian
Design: Misj'
Composition: Anian
Functionality: Anian
Technique: Misj'


I always like to see people's motivation for their

Atmosphere: Icey Games
-- both anian and nihilyst have nice entries, but icey's was the only piece that had a certain coldness about it. Anian's use of warm colors for the sky felt a bit too warm for my taste. And in nihilyst's piece atmosphere was a bit lacking due to the photoshop approach (I think).
Design: Nihilyst
-- Had the well been flat like everything else I would have gone for anian. But the first thing my wife 'complained' about was this inconsistency; and in the end that made me choose Nihilyst.
Composition: Nihilyst
-- This piece has a lot going on but also a lot of well structured empty space. When removing the menu-area it actually (though loosely) adheres to both the rule of three and the golden ratio, and the viewer's eye is nicely guided through the picture from one area of interest to another. Anian's dead-centered well ruined that piece for me.
Functionality: Anian
-- Each of the pieces would work in a game. But when it comes down to putting a playable character in there (so I'm not talking cutscenes or introductionary shots) I think the 'flat' look of anian's piece definitely has its advances, and could prove very interesting (also puzzle-wise)
Technique: Nihilyst
-- Both anian and nihilyst tried something different from their usual styles. But since nihilyst is more consistent in this piece I choose him.


Idea:  Misj'
Atmosphere:  Anian
Design:  Misj'
Composition:  Misj'
Functionality:  Anian
Technique:  Misj'

I found it hard to decide between Misj' and Anian for every category.  Both have created such wonderful pictures, although both so different. 


Great entries all round!

Idea:  Misj'
- because there seems to be one. :) Also, there are clear hints at some kind of story behind this background and it's not the first image that comes to mind when I think "Ice".
Atmosphere:  nihilyst
- it's so coherent and precise in it's snowiness that it creates a very dense and particular atmosphere.
Design:  Anian
- this is a tough category - Misj' always puts a great deal of thought into his designs and I just love the way he's done the fire and the carpet on this one, but I feel that Anian was more succesful at creating a more uniform and unique style.
Composition:  Anian
- again, really hard to choose between Misj' and Anian (and nihilyst). Misj''s entry has a nice interplay between warm and cold, nihilyst's is very solid and reliable, but Anian's, because of it's simplicity, is by far the most precise and easy to read.
Functionality:  Misj'
- this is an easy one - loads of stuff to look at and interact with, plenty of possibilities for puzzles, a story to piece together and a cat. What's more functional than that? :)
Technique: Anian
- no idea which one to choose here, so I just picked the one I like the best. :)

Shame that I didn't find a category to vote for icey - it's a nice entry, but it's not quite on par with the rest of them and could've used some more work. :)


An extremely close voting tally has been counted (although it appear Misj' forgot to nominate a candidate for "idea") and Anian is revealed as our winner!

Congratulations to everybody for putting in a lovely set of entries for the last BG Blitz of the year.

Take it away, Anian!


Thanks Misj' and Ilyich :)

It was fun XD, maybe next time.


Wow, really though Misj' was gonna take this one. Thanks for the votes people.
I'll get my thinking cap on and think of something for the next BB.
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Congrats Anian

Quote from: Anian on Fri 28/12/2012 11:42:19Wow, really though Misj' was gonna take this one.
But you didn't give me enough votes (shame on you ;) ) one wants me to enter the 3x winner hall-of-fame when running unopposed twice (although that was kind of my tactic ;D )

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