Fortnightly Writing Competition - Extras - WINNER CHOSEN!

Started by Eric, Wed 28/03/2012 21:10:47

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Well, as we have a three-way tie, it looks as though the deciding vote has come down to me.

Captain - You chose one of my all-time favorite works for your piece, and I liked how the Vogon was sort of like Brian in the Life of Brian, always one step behind or beside the action of the story.

Budger - You did a great job of flipping the power structure of the Mario series on its head, representing the plumbers as bloodthirsty invaders, the Goombas as uneasy cogs in a war they didn't choose.

Sane - Far from being something I'm not familiar with, I actually re-read "The Hunting of the Snark" a few weeks back (because I've been reading Roger Langridge's comic Snarked -- if you haven't read it yourself, you should seek it out). You tackled the task at hand, and not only that, but you did it in rhyme, you crazy person!

It's tough, tough, tough to decide. In doing so, I've looked back at the original prompt, and taken special note of the section where I say:

QuoteBonus points if your own tale contributes new meaning to the stories those characters come from.

From this, I have decided to award this fortnight's prize to budgerigar, for their story up-ends the traditional video game scenario and inscribes a new, highly political reading to the text that is Super Mario Bros.

Well done, everyone. I'm quite pleased with how this month turned out.


Congrats budgerigar!  ;D ;D

I always suspected there was something not quite right about that Mario person...  ::)

Sane Co.

Good job budgie,
Can't wait for the next contest  :)
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 18/04/2012 08:45:16
I always suspected there was something not quite right about that Mario person...  ::)
Of course there's something wrong, he's on shrooms.


Oh, goodness, thank you so much!

I very much enjoyed everyone's entries, both feeding my love for TNG and putting me in awe of such length written with a strict rhyme scheme :)

I hope what I come up with is just as fun..

(I admit I failed a little, though. My intention was to call attention to the plight of the coins, not the goombas. Because that's not a strange thing to do or anything ;D)

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