Background Blitz: Old Religion - WINNERS!

Started by waheela, Wed 06/03/2013 22:51:16

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                                                                                         Old Religion
                                                                                                   March 6th - March 22

Make a background that incorporates elements of an old religion.

For example, it could be a(n):
    -medieval catholic cathedral
    -archaic alien temple
    -ancient, lovecraftian cult underground

You can also make the background an interior or exterior building, it doesn't matter.

Only requirement is that it is AGS compatible.

Deadline is March 22, 2013, so get working, guys! I can't wait to see what you all come up with! :DDD





Wow, that was quick! : )
Very ominous! Dusk is the spookiest time of day. Thanks for submitting and good luck!

Quote from: Miez on Thu 07/03/2013 22:14:28
Nice theme ... I might give this one a go.

Yay! Please do. Looking forward to seeing your submission!


Awesome theme, waheela.

At first I was planning to picture an underwater temple of some lovecraftian god, but I ended up with this instead:

Shrine of a spider goddess?


Kastchey, that's phenomenal!!! I love the idea, and the details and colors are amazing! That spider silhouette is really creepy too. Thanks for submitting, and good luck!

Unrelated-- I updated my first post with trophies.


Kastchey, that is a pretty amazing image!  Love your use of colour, I wish I had a tenth of your artistic ability.


Thanks both for your kind comments, happy to hear it turned out okay despite those horrible scribbles on the left that pretend to be moss and foliage.

The technique I used in this one is slightly different to what I usually do, so I had quite a lot of fun trying it out :)


Two more days! Is anyone else working on a background? I'm happy to extend the deadline if it means more entries. Let me know! : )


I'm working on a background, but I think I should be able to manage without a deadline extention :)


Yeah I'm also working on an entry. Hopefully I'll be done friday night, and if I'm not I'll probably post what I've done anyway.


I'm trying to post something tomorrow as well :D


Yay, That's great! I'm excited! Thanks, guys! :-D


Ok. So here it is.
I had some fun doing this, trying out some new techniques. Although I sometimes wonder if I'm suffering from some kind of anti-saturation disease. Good thing I added the red sign!

"Where's the old time religion!?" I hear you ask. "What! Can't you see the Voodoo-cross!".
Maybe not the most well thought design, but once I got started, I couldn't stop.
Hope you like it!


Well, pfff - I might not be able to finish this puppy in time (however: I'll certainly try tomorrow :D )
But what the hell, I might as well share a little work in progress sketch:



I feel I should give it more attention but i'm too tired right now. I'll just call it a day. Gotta get some sleep.


Wow! Kasander and Miez, both your backgrounds look great! And Miez, I hope you'll finish it because it looks like it could be awesome!


Great job, and awesome idea! Voodoo stuff is so awesome. I've been obsessed with it ever since playing Gabriel Knight. Great building, especially the bead string door!

That is a flipping awesome start! I absolutely love the delicate color transitions. I'm happy to give you a day or two if you need it. Let me know soon!

Those super rich colors are amazing! And oh my god, that sky! The building is really really well done as well. Good job! *_*

Unless I hear otherwise, the competition will be closed at the end of today and I'll start the voting process.


Thank you Lasca, Waheela :) This is a such an awesome theme for doing background blitz! I can only wish that each one of us taking part in the competition could (sooner or later) make a game that includes her/his 'old religion' piece ;)


@Waheela - haha, thanks, but that wouldn't be in the spirit of the competition: either I'll finish it before 12 tonight or I don't compete! (I'll finish the background anyway...) :D

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