Background Blitz - Phone Booth - Winners announced

Started by selmiak, Sun 11/10/2015 21:27:41

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There are way too little interesting things happening in telephone booths in adventure games,
so for this background Blitz you should go out make something interesting happen in an adventuregame background that has a phonebooth in it

Maybe the phonebooth is the main attraction of the background or it is blended into the scenery.
Will you show us the insides of a telephonebooth as a GUI with lots of clickable buttons and things?
Maybe there is something interesting happening inside the phonebooth or something is happening to the booth?
Is it in a crowded city or in a remote place in the country side? Next to a rundown building, a prison or is it even in the future?
You show us where you receive the best call in an adventure game.

Use as many colors as you like, draw or pixel in any style you like,
the only restriction is that the background has to be AGS compatible
(with a normal aspect ratio...)

Voting will happen in 3 categories once time is up.
The categories are: Concept, Artistic Execution, Playability

And here are the Trophies:
every participant can get the blue phonebooth!
Enter now!
(This trophy is absolutely NOT for participants that
don't want to receive any votes! >:( :P)

the winners are

Kumpel / Crimson Wizard

Kastchey / Monsieur OUXX


The entrants are:





Dor Hajaj

Crinson Wizard


Monsieur OUXX


Great theme!

I was just thinking though, I've been working in 1366x768...  Is that ok?  I've had my games set at that res for at least 6 months now.  If not I'm going to have to phone this one in :D

Good luck everyone!

Monsieur OUXX


Harass me every day until I draw this, selmiak.


@Grok: You are freaking fast! This is the phonebooth with a fastastic view while talking :)

@OUXX: Do it! do it! just DO IT!

@Silverspook: If you want to use the background in you game later but haven't drawn this before and draw it for the contest I think you should of course draw it in your game's resolution.


Grok that's a really nice background. I get a studio ghibli concept art vibe from it. Like I can just imagine totoro running on screen to make a phone call.


I'm working on something, it'll fit right in into my Jake game. :-D
This will give me an excuse to start working on the village. ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


@selmiak   Only when I've changed into my blue leotards in a telephone booth
@Myinah   Thanks.  It does a bit :)


Just wanted to say...

@OUXX: Do it! do it! just DO IT!

anyone else planning on entering? Got something to show already?


Okay, I'll show a bit... not that I have more than this mind you (currently have NO free time :-\ ).


Original pencil sketch:

Current 3D WIP:

There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Nice job, Cassie!

And how the hell does Grok crank this stuff out so fast?  Is that phone booth a TARDIS in which you brought your entry back from the future?  :)

I'll be entering soon...  Once I wrap my head around the geometry of phone boothees.


thats cool cassie. I'll come over for a coffee in that cafe in no time  ;-D


Thanks. :)
Today's progress: Added ground floor, a few more window openings and a couple simple textures.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...



@cassie: It's nice to see progress, isn't it. Keep it up. This has such a warm mediterranean feel, maybe add some pillars everywhere to the corners or in front of the houses. Or even to the phonebooth :)

@jwalt: This is oldschool. Whenever you chose the middle booth, you can be sure that the 2 people in trenchcoats and wearing sunglasses inside the building, that are entering the other 2 booths on each side, are listening in to your important call giving you more directions in a complicated espionage murder case...


selmiak, spot on with the Mediterranean feel. ;)

jwalt, awesome you're back in tip top shape! (nod) I was wondering where you were.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Nice. I especially like the half seen Hat check counter :)




Just noticed I have messed up the colours in the upper part of the street lamp. Meh.

Old version:
New version:

Edit: wanted to add a new version but thought better of it. This time I've managed to mess up the shading on the phone booth itself.
Edit2: This should be a little bit better.


Here is my first attempt at one of your glorious competitions :)

Could be a background for some detective adventure.

Epilogue: "The Last Call"


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