Background Blitz (Secret Lab) - Runs Oct 25 -Nov 10

Started by JoshuaSmyth, Thu 24/10/2013 23:25:39

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That's right - A Secret Lab.

It might be a room full of genetic experiments, an alchemists mixing chamber, the entrance to a military base inside of a volcano.
Or just something strange concealed in the basement. Whatever it is, it's a secret and the owner doesn't want you to know about it.

Competition runs from Oct 25 to November 10

Look forward to seeing the entries!


I don't know if this qualifies as a Secret Lab? I went looking for a chair that might be suitable, and got distracted by some pictures of 1800s dental offices. At any rate, I started doing some modeling:

I'll probably be revising this, since it's not really a scene.

May not be what you want, but looks like a real chamber of horrors, to me. "Open wide, while I pedal faster."

Chair modeled in Hexagon. Foot operated drill and spit sink modeled in sPatch. It's a Bryce 7 render.


Tried to make it into a scene, of some sort.


Don't know if I'm going to do a bit more with this. I'd like to get the drill up into his hand, but not sure how to manage it with the hodgepodge mixture of tools I'm using. And, I did get highjacked here, by a certain movie. Mostly modeled in sPatch. Rendered in Bryce 7. Used FaceShop for an attempt at the dentist's face. Figures are from DAZ Studio and are part of a LowRez package I bought along the way.


Quote from: jwalt on Sun 27/10/2013 23:15:43
I don't know if this qualifies as a Secret Lab? I went looking for a chair that might be suitable, and got distracted by some pictures of 1800s dental offices. At any rate, I started doing some modeling:

Definitely qualifies! Dentists can be mad geniuses too.


Well it doesn't seem like there is much interest in this background blitz - Time's up.
Which is a shame, because I liked the theme.

Maybe there will be more interest in the next one, which I guess jwalt can choose seeing as it's the only entry.


It does get discouraging when so few entries show up. I know; look at the keyhole coloring ball I hosted. If it hadn't been for Adeel...

I'll see what I can come up with.

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