Background Blitz - Secret Passage (Oct 17-Nov 1, 2011) WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by oraxon, Mon 17/10/2011 19:59:54

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Topic: Secret passage!

Bootleggers, princesses, resistance fighters, billionaire vigilantes, everyone needs a secret passage!
When you find one, you know you're on an adventure.

We had a Secret Hideout blitz last year - this time it's just the pasageway, probably disguised.

Voting: Nov 1.

Restriction: AGS compatible.


I originally intended to picture a hidden staircase behind a garden statue, but it turned out barely visible, so I hope that the hole in the wall with the rusty gate can work as a secret passage and fit the theme :)




*blink blink*

That literally made me 'wow'.

If I ever get to be as good as you Kastchey I can die happy.


Great, Kastchey! Bright and lush and full of adventure!
We move the statue, and the passage is how do we raise that gate?...I'm already playing your game in my mind...
Thanks for the entry!


It seems weird to *show* a passage that's supposed to be secret, so I just put an outlet in an unexpected place. I hope it's discreet.


Excellent point, PacoTaco! You found a compelling solution. It's intriguing yet somehow ominous...I'm compelled to click that hatch and see what happens next.
Thanks for the entry!

Just a few more days, everyone! Works-in-progress are ok, too!


Ok! It's voting time!

The traditional categories:

Idea: Is it an original/creative interpretation?
Atmosphere: Was an interesting world created?
Design:  How well are the individual elements designed?
Composition:  How well do elements combine to create a pleasing whole, and lead the viewer to points of interest?
Functionality:  How well would it work as a background? Clearly defined entries and walkable areas? A good viewing angle?
Technique: How well is it rendered, within the chosen style? (in no way meaning the more elaborate, the better!)

Anyone can vote! Polls close midnight Nov 3th!


Idea: Kastchey
Atmosphere: Kastchey
Design:  Kastchey
Composition:  PacoTaco
Functionality:  PacoTaco
Technique: Kastchey


...and Tabata calls the winner: Kastchy!

Congratulations Kastchy! Here are golden stairs leading to your award:

Looking forward to whatever you choose for us next.

Thanks, Tabata and PacoTaco!


Thanks oraxon, and thank you guys for all the nice comments :)

I'll come up with a new theme soon.

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