Background Blitz: September 27th - October 12th [VOTING CLOSED!]

Started by ildu, Wed 27/09/2006 00:53:16

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Well, haven't been around forever and my team is gonna shoot me for working on this instead of our projects, but oh well.  :P

320x240 20colors
(the instrument is the little reed flute, kinda easy to miss)


I have a work-in-progress that I unfortunately won't have time to finish by the deadline.

It was supposed to be a city sunk into a tropical swamp (inspired by JG Ballard's The Drowned World), but I never got around to adding the vegetation (as well as more details, make the buildings more run-down, fix the colors, reflections, shadows, etc.). This thumbnail sketch gives a rough idea of where I was going:

There would be technical instruments on the rooftop in the foreground, and the highway sign serving as a picture of something old.


Well, it certainly wouldn't qualify by the rules, not having any swamp or all of the objects in it. But I guess I'll allow it. Hopefully people will vote accordingly.


There is still 6 hours before we start voting. So if anyone still has something in the works, finish up.


Like the previous bg, this is unfinished and isn't a valid entry (missing items, mainly, but also doesn't really have a real walkable area). I just didn't read the rules when I did this, and I am too busy to add the items today...


I was expecting this entry, so I'm glad you obliged, scotch :). Yeah, another entry that doesn't follow the rules properly, albeit it's visual quality. Again, I hope the voters will take that into consideration.

Exactly one hour to go before we start voting.


I think i'll enter, give me 20 minutes.



The little men climb through the black hole into a whole new world filled with water and greenery.

think i covered everything. :)

*edit 2*

It's a picture of a broken old box with small men inhabbiting it, one small man is sitting down next to the tied up shoe string playing guitar.


The picture might be tricky to spot, but it's there. The odd looking drum like object is supposed to be some sort of large ship compass (instrument of navigation).

Could've used a couple of hours to touch it up, but the more relevant parts are fairly refined.
Looking for a writer


Chicky: Haha, I didn't think you'd actually make it in time :D. So where exactly are the items :)?

loominous: Woah, I wasn't expecting this so late. But nevertheless, it's in :D.

Well, anyways, time has run out and it's now time to start voting. So take out your pipes, magnifying glasses and notebooks and get ready to cast your ballots. We've got 12 entries:

01. Andail
02. SilverTrumpet
03. the victor
04. Penguin
05. Mikko
06. Neil Dnuma
07. buloght
08. LilBlueSmurf
09. Snarky
10. scotch
11. Chicky
12. loominous

Due to the great number of entries in this blitz, not to mention the exceptional standard of quality presented, I've decided that I'll extend the voting time until we have a satisfying number of votes. In my opinion it would be a travesty if such a fruitful and exciting blitz as this, were to be concluded by just a few voters. The artists deserve better. So, until we have at least around 15-16 voters, I'm extending it. Of course if the blitz gets more votes than that before the original voting period has ended, that's ok.

Voters take your marks: Ready. Steady. GO!


Oh and don't forget to give reasons for your choices. The artists deserve that as well :). And remember that you can only vote for one person per category. If you want to name runner-ups, make the actual choice clear! Ambigous votes will be disqualified. Also, participants may vote, too. And I'll probably vote myself as well :).


Best Idea - Neil Dnuma

Best Design - Loominus

Best Functionality - Loominus

Best Technique - Neil Dnuma
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Amazing entries :o.  It's so hard to choose!

Idea: Scotch--> even though it didn't follow the rules exactly, I love how the island's trees seem to form a gateway into another world ^_^

Design: Penguin--> the cramped flatness gives this background a dark charm

Functionality: Buloght--> I demand you use this background in a game! ;)

Technique: Loominous--> I think the picture speaks for itself ^_^


Best Idea - Buloght : For implementing all the requirements masterfully and with a twist in interpreting them.

Best Design - loominous : for a piece of art a step above all others. Excellent eye path, a clear focal point, 2 point perspective and a great composition to boot.

Best Functionality - Mikko : The high point of pixel art over high-res. Clear paths and a "fit-in-the-character" environment.

Best Technique : loominous : I'd love to vote a less refined artist but I can't help but admire loominous' technique. Fantastic tones and what I love most in a painting - Emotion :)

Great job everyone, those were some awesome entries.
Farewell Friend, for I was a thousand times more evil than thou.


Super entries! Congrats to everyone.

My votes, it wasn't easy (especially the design vote):

Best Idea - 06. Neil Dnuma
Best Design - 10. Scotch
Best Functionality - 07. Buloght
Best Technique - 06. Neil Dnuma


Wow, everything is so very astoundingly good O:

Best Idea - Scotch, even though (as you said) it isn't suited as a functional background, I'd love to be treated to something like this in a game. Reminds me alot of a cover for a fantasy book :3 (The good covers).

Best Design - Loominous, the mood is absolutely killer fantastic, and things <3.

Best Functionality - Mikko, it's the only one that I can figure out how the walkable area would be like xD. Also has some nice clear objects.

Best Technique - Loominous, wow :3.

I would've voted for my own but it seems to have some problems showing up :(.
I'll just have to make another one next time :3.


Best Idea - Buloght. different ideas and interpretations.

Best Design - Loominous.

Best Functionality - Buloght.

Best Technique - Buloght. This was a tough one, since it's Buloght's brilliant pixelart up against loominous brilliant hi-res art. both equally amazing, I'm going with buloght since he captures that misty swampy night atmosphere with only a few pixel colours.

creator of Duty and Beyond

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Best Idea: Scotch
Best Design: Buloght
Best Functionality: Buloght
Best Technique: Scotch


Haha, even with Andail's entry before mine I knew I had no chance. I forgot about the layers option and started treating it like ms paint
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


Best Idea: Buloght, the heart idea got me! (chicky's was unique and almost had my vote)

Best Design: Loominous, that's some interesting design with the boat

Best Functionality: Neil Dnuma (very interesting playing area)

Best Technique: Buloght. It's seems the obvious choice is loominous, but man, buloght you master pixel art and that is amazing with the atmosphere you create with plain old pixel art. Neil Dnuma was also in consideration here.

Neil Dnuma

Pfff... so damn hard.

Best Idea: Chicky, that has to be the best idea ever!
Best Design: Scotch. I like how the triangular shapes are implemented. The centre - the dark hole - is an amazing touch. Great colors. I love this piece!
Best functionality: Mikko. Everything is clearly laid out in a still very artful and moody BG (I was planning on doing a piano myself until I saw this and had to think up something else!).
Best technique: Loominous. Sven Nykvist - the master of light - recently passed away (RIP), but there appears to be another master of light living and well in Sweden... In the BG Blitz he seems to always be a step ahead, although there were some great competition in this category, like pixel-master buloght, the great palette and style (and theme) from Penguin, and Andail's romantic location. Scotch and Mikko also considered here of course.

So much greatness, so few votes to give :(

EDIT: Spelling


Tough comp. Amazing entries. Although I didn't vote for Scotch because it doesn't really follow the rules and isn't great for functionality, I'd like to point out that it's an amazing image and probably the best image in the comp (close to Loominous')

Best Idea: Buloght - The most swamp like BG and great incorporation of the habitat with the swamp.
Best Design: Loominous - A design that gets all my juices flowing.
Best Functionality: Mikko -
Best Technique: Loominous - Amazing work of art. Beautiful painting


Really awesome entries. Unfortunately, I can't see Andail's picture (dead link) though that was nice too. My votes:

best idea - Neil Dnuma
best design - Neil Dnuma (this was a hard one and if Scotch have entered I would voted for him maybe...)
best functionality - Mikko
best technique - Loominous

i also would like to ask how these high res pictures are done? You draw it on paper than scan and make contours with ps/psp? Or some entirely different technique? What ps/psp tools do you use. I would welcome a tutorial, please shed light on these dark secrets. :)

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