Background Blitz: The Bridge 2-15 Feb: Winner Announcement

Started by scourge, Thu 02/02/2006 19:35:29

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Okay, here is the topic (i went far back in background blitz history but couldn't find something like this_.

Topic: The Bridge

Colours: 256

Res: 320x200 OR 320x240

That's it, do what you want with it.

inspiration ...

Voting: (thanks to Loominous for the system)
Voting will take place on the 16th and 17th of February. Please give one vote in each of the following categories:

* Best Idea - The underlying idea to the background. Doesn't neccesserily have to coincide perfectly with the theme of the week, just strike you as interesting/amusing/inspiring; a place you'd really enjoy visiting within a game.

* Best Design - The style of the picture, architectural, landscape design, best mood, most evocative etc.

* Best Functionality - How well it would work when adding sprites, including appropriate walking distances, good angle for character sprites, clever walkway solutions, easily understood exits etc.

* Best Technique - How well the ideas are executed in form of rendering.


Why did you change the topic? I already started working on a forest...


I'd like to know what that image is from???


Quote from: Venus on Thu 02/02/2006 22:10:09
Why did you change the topic? I already started working on a forest...

sorry about that, but there was already an 'enchanted forest' in a previous background blitz. I had this guilty feeling someone might have already started on the forest ... sorryÃ,  8) I viewed at previous comps too late

I can't remember where i got it ... hmmm, long time ago.


I'm sorry.  I'm new to this. What are we supposed to do again? I did a search but nothing came up.
Life is a banquet and most poor sonsofbitches are starving to death


Draw a background (following the rules), that's it.


What happened to the thread for the previous Blitz? I thought I'd link to it to let theatrx see, but it doesn't appear on the board any more.  ???


Previous Blitz
You can get to it through Darth's previous posts (or anyone's that posted in it, obviously), but for some reason it's not on the board. Same thing happened with the coding comp I hosted before Christmas..
I know what you're thinking ... Don't think that.


For some reason both of them are the very end, the last page of the Competitions and Activities board.


and funnily enough, both of them were won by buloght!

. . .

suspicious . . .

"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


my feeble entry. i had much fun making this.

Its called "under the bridge".

This is where Old Man McGee Lives, he was kicked out of the hostel, and now has to live here. Alone.

Bye bye thankyou I love you.


i did this pic for a game im busy with. although, the pic is far from finished. but i wont be working on it for quite while, so i'll enter what I have now.

it's just a normal background pic, so no big idea behind it. and the water bothers me immensely.


"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


Quote from: strazer on Fri 03/02/2006 15:38:27
For some reason both of them are the very end, the last page of the Competitions and Activities board.

But hey, if you guys just want to locate the more recent activities, why not just use the Hall of Fame ? :-\

Mr. Mozzarella

Quote from: Zooty on Fri 03/02/2006 22:21:13
my feeble entry. i had much fun making this.

Its called "under the bridge".

This is where Old Man McGee Lives, he was kicked out of the hostel, and now has to live here. Alone.

this was my first idea ... now I have to think of somthing else  ::)
Night of Fire - Thread

I control, I am in charge of
Everyones future, red button is mine


I was going to colour it but decided on a tonal piece instead. About 45 minutes in total.


Oh my god. That's it for me. But what's the tent-shaped thing in the background?


Quote from: ildu on Mon 06/02/2006 00:04:59
Oh my god. That's it for me. But what's the tent-shaped thing in the background?

Thanks :) it's a ship.


Zooty, great work! Love the idea.

Looks awesome Mordy!

Dan, That's really good! But you must colour it, it's very sketchy and concept artyÃ,  ;D I'd love to see something like that finished!


Sektor 13

Cave bridge.... i just draw it for my new game and competition :)


Quote from: ildu on Mon 06/02/2006 00:04:59
Oh my god. That's it for me. But what's the tent-shaped thing in the background?

ildu: you are the most active member in the background blitzes without entering?? When will you honour us with an idlu masterpiece??

sektor 13: that's brilliant, of course.

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