Background Blitz: Tropical (CLOSED)

Started by Racoon, Fri 11/12/2020 21:53:13

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Since we are already late with this month Background Blitz, lets get started right away. And to give you some warm thoughts in this cold season I would like the theme to be "Tropical"

Jungle, Sandy Beach or Pirate Bay, its up to you.

Here is some Inspiration:

And now get drawing, time is running :-)

Open till December 27th
Voting till January 3rd

Congrats to lorenzo for winning this Background Blitz

DBoyWheelers beach and volcanic island combination:

lorenzos polynesian huts:

Sinitrenas island that might or might not sit on the back of a giant sea creature:


Concept: Your background should tell us something about the place you have depicted.
Playability: Does it have clearly defined walkable areas, things to interact with, etc?
Artistic Execution: Does the image convey the wanted atmosphere? What's the feeling of the place?


Currently penciling an idea for this!  I might have something up soon.

Update: Finally completed mine!  (This contest also gave me a chance to experiment with GIMP more.)

For the interaction part, maybe the player could find something in the bushes, or on the beach itself to help him/her cross the sea to the volcanic island on the other side.


Great, we have our first  entry! Looking good DBoyWheeler :) Why did you put it in a spoiler?


Quote from: Racoon on Tue 15/12/2020 10:10:01
Great, we have our first  entry! Looking good DBoyWheeler :) Why did you put it in a spoiler?
In case the picture might slow down others' connections.


I'm lovin' the composition of DBoy's entry!!!

I like the offset balance of the mountain and cloud, and the stark repeating horizontal jungle pattern through the middle really breaks up the rest of the more rounded elements above and below.

If you could manage this kind of style throughout a game it could be awesome!



If you manage to find this island on a map, you are truly an expert in following a pirate's twisted mind. I'm sure figuring out where exactly the tresure is buried is only a matter of seconds now.

(Very simple, but I kinda like it; I hope you do too.)


More entries, great!

Quote from: Sinitrena on Thu 17/12/2020 20:29:42
If you manage to find this island on a map, you are truly an expert in following a pirate's twisted mind. I'm sure figuring out where exactly the tresure is buried is only a matter of seconds now.

Or maybe since it is so small, it´s not an island at all, but the tip of a giant turtles shell?  8-0 Ok, my fantasy went ahead of me..


Actually, you're pretty spot-on. I thought of having the island sit on the back of a giant whale, but it was so nice and simple as is, I didn't bother drawing it.



Putting voting in the headline but not writing a new post to tell people that voting is open is a surefire way for no votes at all. Add to that that very few people vote anyway and the holidays, and you get absolutely nothing.

But I just did notice this, so here are my votes:

Concept: lorenzo
Playability: lorenzo
Artistic Execution: lorenzo

I liked DBoyWheeler's entry too, but, well, I really love lorenzo's style here.
And hopefully, this post will get some more people in here.


Concept: DBoyWheeler - one of your best submission so far IMO.
Playability: Lorenzo. The three pictures are nice postcards but they don't give us many elements to play with.
Artistic Execution: Lorenzo. Even if this picture is quite simple, Lorenzo's style is always pleasing to the eye. One small criticism about the cabin: its geometry doesn't read very clearly.


You are right Sinitrena. Let me catch up on that.

I think it's best to stretch the Deadline to Jan.3rd

My Votes:
Playability &Artistic Execution:lorenzo


Congratulations to lorenzo for winning this Background Blitz!

Even though you say your entry is simple and quick, I think it has lots of detail and would look awesome as a real game background.

Also thank you Sinitrena and DBoyWheeler for participating and keeping this competition alive. Sorry, there were so few voters this month. Lets hope lorenzo already thaught of a fun theme so a lot of people will participate in January. I´m in for sure :-)


I haven't logged in for a while, so I missed the voting, sorry about that!
I'll try to think of a new theme, I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a good idea. :)



I can't remember who suggested it, but there was the idea some time ago to inter-connect the different competitions a bit. You could look up the writing competition (either a specific one or open it up to all) and ask for scenes illustrating one of the stories, or a background that fits style and theme of one of the sprite jam entries (either all sprite jams, one specific one or even just one specific sprite)...

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