Background Blitz - Unholy Temple - CLOSED, WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Started by formica, Tue 21/10/2014 09:37:16

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Thank you guys for making this blitz completely awesome. I loved waiting to see each new piece as you finished it.
Here are the placings:

Concept category:

     Tied between Aikex222 and kastchey with 3 votes each!
    jwalt with a close 2 votes.
    Cassiebsg with one vote.

Artistic Execution category:

     Kastchey with 7 votes!
    Tied between jwalt and aikex222 with one vote each.

Playability category:

     Aikex222 with 6 votes!
    3-way tie with one vote each: jwalt, durinde and cassiebsg!

Congratulations and thank you guys again! We need someone to start the next one, do any of you two 1st placers want to have a go? First come first serve since we have 2 this time.



Most temples are nice places to commune with a benevolent god. Some are not.

Your evil temple can be for any god, demon, entity or alien. The only criteria is that this deity demands BLOOD SACRIFICE, and it will not be denied!

Your entry must be able to be used as a background in AGS, but what sort of place it is is completely up to you. Maybe it's a nice-folk church in the Midwest with a dark secret, or maybe it's a golden edifice built in the skeleton of a space dragon. Go nuts.

Please submit your entries here by the 21st of November. There will be trophies!



Sweet, glad you guys like it :-D Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with, there's a lot of interepretation that could go on.


indeed a cool theme. And please tell me where is that last screen (bottom right) from?


I suspect it may depend on an individual's liberal/conservative bent as to whether or not The Boardroom is an Unholy Temple. Regarding the blood sacrifice, the Newspaper headline, from Black Tuesday, 1929, says: "Wall St. in Panic as Stocks Crash." Seemed apropos in view of the years that followed.

Edit: Since Anim8or doesn't seem to give me some of the textures I'd like (at my current level of ability), I took the model into Bryce for textures and rendering:


Quote from: jwalt on Fri 24/10/2014 03:36:46
That looks fantastic! I'd say it counts. Maybe more so with every passing day.

Quote from: selmiak on Thu 23/10/2014 21:29:15
indeed a cool theme. And please tell me where is that last screen (bottom right) from?

Cheers :-D That one is from the 2005 King Kong. Miserable movie but pretty cool sacrifice pylon-thingy.


WOW. JWALT. THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL... :shocked: 8-0 :shocked: 8-0

Seriously, you've excelled at 3d rendering a lot! That's so cool! Brilliant concept!

Formica: I really like the theme of your competition but, unfortunately, I'm not that much of an artist. Had I been one, I would have definitely participated in this one. :)



I'm trying to teach myself to do background art so at least I'm not stuck in a loop of "It's pointless to code because I don't have any graphics." I thought I would take on this theme.

Anyway, one can make sacrifices 10x easier if you have a handy-dandy mine-cart for all the corpses. Hope you enjoy.


It's lovely Durinde! :) Love your location!

I've made a sketch, so I'll definetly be entering on this one. Though, not sure how much finished it will be. ;-D
Will outline it later, as soon as I can find my coloring pens or my black pen.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


A sacrificial site raised in an attempt, most likely futile, to please a certain resident of this charming realm. Special guest appearance made by Yog-Sothoth in the role of the Greater Faceless (but not Mawless) Eldritch Cosmic Horror.

It has turned out a little more panoramic than I originally intended but hey, if Mr. Faceless is made into player character, the image should do just fine as an AGS background...



Nice BG Kastchey, before I even read your description I felt your piece was very Lovecraftian!


Now you just depressed me... (wtf) That is one killer BG!
Now am almost ashame to show mine... lol... oh well, outlining and coloring is done. Need to add some shading and see if I can make it look more realistic with digital effects. (nod)

EDIT: Arrrrhhhh. I've spent most of the day adding special effects, making my bad painting look a bit better, adding shades and highlights, and just when I was sorta happy with it and decided to add a bit more mist into the picture, Corel crashed! And, of course, well aware that my Corel keeps crashing, I did (NOT) save my progress on the picture! :(
Now all I have is my original scan and a screen grab from the crash... :angry:
Will need to start over... oh well, maybe I get to do a better flooring, it kind of sucked anyway. (roll)

Here's what it looked like at crash time (75% of original size):

(Last Edit: 06-11-2014, 20:27:45 by Cassiebsg )

Okay, redone the painting, and give it as finished.
Here's my entry:
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Ahhhh no Cassie! The worst feeling in the world, when the little box of doom pops up. Still I think the result is awesome! I like the weird rainbow halo effect on that light column thing, really cool.

Kastchey: Woah now. I would definitely play this game. I can almost hear the like velociroptor scream that thing would make.



Hmm I wonder, if I am able to do it in two days. Well I just will know, if I try. I have something in mind, why not. And the last day I must find a good picture host, hahahaha. ;)


Loving all the entries in here so far! Good luck to all!

Cassie, I must say I admire your perserverance after your puter crashed. I can't say I would have had the patience to redo so much work, although it's very true that being forced to redo something right from the start often results in a superior result (as it has in your case: Beautiful background!!!) as you know where all the pitfalls lay... ahead of time...

The Yog-Sothoth Shrine picture sends shivers down my spine in all the best ways: Especially when zoomed-in and the fate of the sacrifice victim on the far right becomes clear....OUCHIES!!! Remind me to NEVER visit a proctologist with more than 7 unpronounceable syllables in their name... :-X

Also loving the mine-car pic: I would totally LOVE to play that game in all its unaltered rough pixelly goodness!!!

Adventuress, I hope you get your own done in time. I just can't get enough of seeing what people are doing with this awesome theme!!!


No, this time I have to pass. To much stuff going on. What a pitty, I realy liked that theme.
3 little snacks and a major project on the horizon, looks like you have to be patient, @Mandle. But don't be sad, future holds a lot in hand.



Trophies are done!! :-D I should clean up those stray pixels but they're ready to go.

I don't know if it comes across but it's meant to be from everyone's favourite scene in Temple of Doom.

Last chance to enter guys, I'm going to open this for voting tomorrow. That's a shame adventuress, maybe next time?


ahhhh :~( finish today
i wish i could be flash with pixels xD so i could enter with a background.

Well good luck everyone :D waiting for the votes to start


Well sometimes you have to handle things of high priority first. Sounds logical, or. Was getting started on a quick doodle, but couldn't get the project out of my mind. So I screwed it up and was getting started on serious stuff. And besides, I haven't had many of official forum days yet. (laugh)

@formica, don't worry you will see things from me. I wonder, what the next winners will come up with. I beginn to feel the little tickles in my fingers. I pixel since the age of 12, you could say I love it. Absolute nothing tops pixel art. :-D

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