Background Blitz WINNER: LOOMINOUS

Started by Krysis, Fri 21/10/2005 09:42:17

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I decided its time to try something different. :)

High in the Sky A.K.A."I can see my house from here."
Towers, mountains, roofs, whatever you like. It must be high. Veeery high.Ã,  ;D

Size: 320x240 or larger

Restrictions: You must be able to see the ground.Ã,  :)






Something else seen from a zeppelin.

Not an entry.


I haven't been working on any backgrounds lately, so here's one I whipped up, just to keep in practice:

I know its a little bare, but I have lectures in the morning!


I hope nobody else enters, so that this gets delayed a week. I'm not nearly done with my background, and I would definately profit from the extra time.


Since they were less than 3 entryes and I like the theme(hehe :P) The deadline is extended untill 04.XI.05.
Come on people! Draw! Paint! Move! It cant be that hard.


Quote from: Krysis on Sat 29/10/2005 21:47:15

Come on people! Draw! Paint! Move! It cant be that hard.

you kidding?? this is the hardest theme i've seen since im on this forum
Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!


Bye bye thankyou I love you.


^ Lol. i thought huybrush might have been working for the circus again. ^


Okay, here's my entry with special cheers to Loominous: ;)

Hour and a half in Adobe CS2; pity I have no tablet, it would be easier to draw. Not an easy theme, hope I didn't broke the rules. ;)
a.k.a. johnnyspade


Mind delaying it a day? Was planning on doing my entry tonight but I'm too tired.
Looking for a writer


I'd appreciate more time, too. I may not be able to finish mine tonight...


Okay. But one day only. That means 6-th and 7-th we start voting. Like it or not.  ;D


Oh, just need a day really. So we can start voting tomorrow if it's ok with tiki.

I always get confused by this kind of deadline date convention, since some hosts have the voting start at the enddate, not the day after.
Looking for a writer


Yeah, voting may start tomorrow, I don't have much left to do with my entry.

I'll probably end up editing this post with it before too long...

EDIT.  Like now.

Had to rush it at the end, please don't look too closely.


Another style experiment, with many rushed areas.

Edit: I just realized that the chair or desk are too tall. Same goes for the fireside.

Edit II: Updated pic. (Fixed the desk height)
Looking for a writer


Oh my god!! That's the best piece I've seen from you so far. Very creative design, wonderful colors and a friggin' mindblowing atmosphere. I can't say anything else. My mind is just simply boggled.

So, did you really make that background in only one day? And did you draw it on paper or is it fully done in PS?


a.k.a. johnnyspade

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