Backgroundblitz: Microcosm (Mar 26 - Apr 5)

Started by Geratuza, Thu 26/03/2009 19:08:53

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The topic for this backgroundblitz is

You are a volunteer for a scientific project in which your whole body will be shrinked dramatically. Find a small world within our world that you want to visit during the experiment.

Feel free to paint an unrealistic interpretation of a miniature world, like an ant-city with ant-statues and ant-hospitals etc.
Perhaps you will even meet beeings there that usually are too small for our eyes to see. Including sprites of those is appreciated, but not necessary (as this is a bg-blitz).

The voting will start on April 6 unless there is the demand for an extension.

(copy from last bg contest follows:)
The voting will be done in these categories:

Idea - The underlying idea to the background. Doesn't necessarily have to coincide perfectly with the theme of the week, just strike you as interesting/amusing/inspiring; a place you'd really enjoy visiting within a game.

Atmosphere - How well the image manages to evoke a certain feeling or mood.

Design - How well the elements in the image are designed, such as landscapes, buildings, decorations, clouds, doorknobs, etc.

Composition - How well the elements in the image work together/are positioned in relation to each other.

Functionality - How well it would work when adding sprites, including appropriate walking distances, a good angle for character sprites, clever walkway solutions, easily understood exits, etc.

Technique - How well the ideas are executed in form of rendering.


Trophies (edit)

(It's a city silhouette behind a magnifying glass)


The throphy is so small I can't even see it! :P


Trophies aren't nessesary for contests here anyway.


I know I just thought that's a good joke to make :3 Sorry if it was just stupid



shush! No need to! It will look as if I made you do it! I dun wanna be hated by everyone now :P


there you are ^^  (i just made one, in case that anyone wants to participate)


And here we are. It's possibly NOT microscopic... but very small. Microbic, maybe. Enter the beautiful world that's hidden inside everyone's dentures as you play Karies McCavity, miner, explorer and all-round adventurer, seeking the ultimate way to cause havoc in his landlord's molar...


Hahah. Reminds me of 2 games. One where you were a tooth with a toothbrush killing bacteria and heart of darkness  (the black dude :) ) - very nice!!!


Ghost: I've had a pretty similar thing in mind, a venture into human body. Your idea beats mine though, it's hilarious =)

And here's my entry. My idea is pretty much overused if not plain boring: the white fella is a miniature explorer, a medic maybe, sent into human circulatory system to investigate the cause of a mysterious illness.


Quote from: Kastchey on Thu 02/04/2009 14:08:17
Your idea beats mine though, it's hilarious =)

All modesty aside, your STYLE beats mine! That looks way awesome!


I'm not very good at this but I gave it a shot :D

Overview of Micropolis home of little creatures, smaller then ants. You have to explore this world and get to know them. Exits to the lake (West), the hills (North) and the forest (East).

Life is like an adventure without the pixel hunts.


Boring idea that didn't turn out as planned, but I like the sunny atmosphere:

Looking for a writer


Quote from: loominous on Sun 05/04/2009 13:25:29
Boring idea that didn't turn out as planned, but I like the sunny atmosphere:

What?! Thats damn amazing!

Edited by mod: Don't quote whole post with large image(s), especially when it's just the last post above yours.

Cryxo: Sorry, my bad.
Currently working on "My Neighbour is a Serial Killer"
with a certain friend of mine called Geork.


this is an old pocket watch, now is broken.


Still needs to be polished but i'm out of time again. It's supposed to scroll down when you enter the screen, probably as the game starts.

Loominous i can't wait to play a game drawn by you


Quote from: loominous on Sun 05/04/2009 13:25:29
Boring idea that didn't turn out as planned, but I like the sunny atmosphere:

Anyway you could up a larger version of this so I could make it my desktop background :D? It's amazing


Please, guys. I agree that loominous' entry looks great but so do all of his and we know the image you're talking about so please don't quote the whole image.. that just messes up the thread.

Too bad I didn't find the time to enter since I had two ideas I would have liked to realize..


Quote from: loominous on Sun 05/04/2009 13:25:29
Boring idea that didn't turn out as planned, but I like the sunny atmosphere:
Somehow it reminds me of the coca cola happiness factory (which is not a good thing in my opinion).
But I have to admit that apart from that the atmosphere is inviting (and dreamy, which is always good).

On a's a pitty I didn't have time to join, because I would have loved to have drawn the interior of a cell.

Edit: added my votes (after I saw SpacePaws below).

Idea Jerakeen: in my opinion it's the most original setting of them all...but it really fits as a microcosmos where miniature people developed some Atlantis-like civilization (or maybe they are extinct was an ancient civilization maybe). Anyway, I liked it and it was original.

Atmosphere Loominous: I just like his dreamy, warm, and overall inviting style...sure, that makes me biased, but who cares :)

Design Loominous: the little twig that functioned as a 'stairway' to the house on the mushroom did it for me...of course in a game the twig would have to bend when your character walks on it, but the image in my head of such a scene was just great.

Composition Loominous: what can I say? - the composition draws me into the important areas of the image...and I don't even see how crappy he drew the flowers at the trunk of the tree. Also, he kept everything clean and simple, which I love: there is not too much information (even though a lot can be found). Although I never figured out why he always adds black 'wide-screen' bars.

Functionality Kastchey: Ok, so it really doesn't look like a blood-vessel. But I can really see this work in a game (although the continuous animation of the red blood cells might be a challenge)

Technique Loominous: Well...I'm biased towards such the painterly look.


Idea - Kastchey

Atmosphere - loominous

Design - Kastchey (this vein...woah man...)

Composition - loominous

Functionality - Ghost

Technique - loominous

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