Bg Blitzl 11th nov - 25th nov l Isometric perspective.

Started by Iwan, Thu 11/11/2004 20:19:53

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Isometric perspective.

What is Isometric perspective?

*Draw a new bg of a building and its suroundings of your choice which uses an isometric perspective.

No colour restrictions and the resolution should be something like 32x240, 640x480.

Good luck all!


Very interesting topic, specially the link to the tutorial... I've learned that with isometry you can draw bg very quick, and, if smart, create a database of objects (in The Sims style) to redouce all the artistical project to a simply "cut and paste matter".

Here is my very first attempt at iso:

This is the office of Sgt. Lou and Lt. Torder. Both are detectives that work together in a little town called Lorburgh. Lou is an old cop, but a little pig, his mates call him "Lou the Law"... Torder is a new and methodic policeman who takes a lot of attention in having all ordered, people call him "Torder the Order"... Together they're known as "Law and Order".

EDIT: Here are some objects of my database... You can see them in "contributions thread in CL"

Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Great entry Farlander. I've become addicted to iso perspective for a month and i've started making a little data base of objects, like you mentioned. Glad you found the link helpfull :).

Darth Mandarb

Farlander - that's a great pic and an awesome start to the 'objects' database.Ã,  We're going to have some fun with this ;)

I decided to make an entry ...

meh ... I rushed a little.


Wow! That's a lovely bground indeed... I see that ISO accepts more shadows than the ones I did...  :)
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Quote from: Farlander on Sat 13/11/2004 18:07:02
EDIT: Here are some objects of my database... You can see them in "contributions thread in CL"

Where uis that thread?
You know what they say... no... wait... you don't. What a shame.


Contribution thread... It's sticky in Critics Lounge, Andail started it, I think...

(It should be the first or the second though)
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


There it is, 640x480, 34 colors, all made in MsPaint:


Lovelly entrys so far! I like the terrain Damien, reminds me of Roller Coaster Tycoon.

Privateer Puddin'


Yeah, that's what I thought of.

Industrial zone!
aka Nur-ab-sal

"Fixed is not unbroken."


So... we got a winner?  :) I want to go for the next BG blitz!!!11oneoneone!!!
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Quote...reminds me of Roller Coaster Tycoon
Quotereminds me of sim city

What, no transport tycoon fans?


I played Transport Tycoon like a madman a couple of years ago., but i've lost the floppys.Ã,  :-\
By the time you read this you've already read it.


I love Transport tycoon deluxe. I allways make my own maps and try to build mega-large cities with just a few empty squares just in the centrum for my helicopter pad to go ::)

alpha in col


All three entrys are good, and youre database is a good idea Farlander, but nevertheless my vote goes to Darth Mandarb. I like his entry the best.


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By the time you read this you've already read it.

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