Coding Contest: WINNER: Babar

Started by SSH, Thu 27/10/2005 18:59:47

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scotch said I could... and sorry dkh for stealing your idea, but here we go:

We have competitions for artists and musicians and stroywriters  but none for the REAL wokrers who make AGS games great, yes, I mean coders.  Slogging away behing a hot keybaord for hours, they recieve little credit and deserve more. So, lets test their skills and raise up one above all the others. When I win, you will see me for the god-like figure I am. Or the remote possibility that someone else wins...

Anyway, after some discussion or IRC, here's the Theme:


Many adventure games have fight engines, but they are all different, so take your pick and script one up in AGS. It can be turn-based or realtime, Indy-like, RPG battle systems, street fighter style, shooting, anything really

I propose that we spend a quick day talking about any rules changes, time changes etc that might be required and start coding at the end of Friday. Don't jump the gun, as the rules may change!

Here are the rules:

1. Must be open-source. We can hardly inspect your coding if we cant see it.
2. Must contain instructions for how to add to an existing game, this will obviously be easier if the scripting is done as a module
3. Only use of the 3D, TCP/IP and maths plugins are allowed: if you want to use another, say quickly before we finalise the rules. Certainly, no NEW plugins are allowed, this is AGS scripting we're competing at
4. Must provide sample game using the fight engine (obviously!)
5. Team efforts are allowed, and you're probably expected to get help for sprites, etc from elsewhere.
6. As far as possible, entries will be judged on their scripting and gameplay rather than GFX, SFX, music, etc.
7. Winner will be decided by 1 week of voting at the end.

I propose that we set a 3 week deadline for the end of the competition. Not too long or people lose interest, not too short so we can be ambitious.

And please, like MAGS, post here if you're thinking of enetering. And please post if you're a spriter, etc. who can offer their services to scripters who need a few images of a guy throwing a punch.

Let the fight commence!


I have already got an open sourced AGS fight game.
May I join the competition with this entry? I will edit the game according for the rules; for example, I will add some instructions how to make a game over the source code.
Games are art!
My horror game, Self


Well, since you're the only person to express interest...  :'(

C'mon guys, where are all the people who were sayign "Yeah!" in the Gen Gen thread about this?


Hmm, could be interesting, I may fiddle around and see if I can come up with a pokémon style entry.

Anyway... more later.
When I was a little kid we had a sand box. It was a quicksand box. I was an only child... eventually.


I was thinking of developing a third person shooter engine, that i will be needing for my Zombies Ate My Neighbor game.
This just may be the thing that kicks my butt into gear to get to work on it.
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT


I'm in, if shooters count as fighting engines, and if I find a spriter (or can be arsed to rip Doom :=)
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


OK then, there seems to be a BIT of interest! I'll maybe have a go myself, too.

Deadline is set to  the end of Friday 18th November, 23:59 GMT.


It's about time!Ã,  I have a battle engine ready... but it isn't open source, and it never will be... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Ã,  I'll work on another though, an open source, similar to mine, but not mine at the same time....yes...I can see it all now... yes.. good... good...

CRAP!!!  I can't enter this one guy's, I promise I'll do mest best to squeeze into the next one... crap crap crap, stupid moving!!!
"Power is not a means - it is an end."


I might enter this ... depending on the amount of time I have ... We're currently writing exams so I might not get it done.

Do we have to use AGS 2.7 or I can I use my 2.6 version?


Well rule 2 will be easier with AGS 2.7, but as long as you stick to the rules 2.62 is OK.

O the other hand, if you're the only entry but bend the rules a bit... :=


Oh crap, I didn't see rule two ... I'm gonna have to chnge a few things now :P


ZorTech presents ...


Download now!

Enjoy =)

(I know I was a bit lazy, don't ostracise me, I'm in the middle of exams and thus very short on time and patience hehe)


I don't think I can make the deadline, but even if the competiton closes, I will still continue it and hopefully have it done next week, when things are less hectic around here.
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT


Just so you know, Zor's coding is unreadable and has no instructions on how to integrate into another game. However, it is kind of fun although I ran out of ammo and had to just leave the aliens for ages to come and kill me...

Anyway. If anyone else submits something with a modicum of readability, I think Zor'll be beaten!  ;)


Hehe, sorry about that :( it's just the way I code. (untidy, I know.)

P.S. The trick to getting the most out of your ammo is to shoot them when they're in the top half of the screen ;)


OK, since there's only one entry so far can those who are trying to get something finished for this, please announce now if they need extra time? I'd be prepared to stretch it to end of Monday if required, I think...


Actually I would want to enter with the Ahmet's AGS Fight Game; but I had made it a long time ago.
So I am not sure if it should be counted as a real entry.
Games are art!
My horror game, Self


Sorry for being late on this, but the forums seem to have been down all night: anyway, scotch and Babar are getting an extensio for their entries, and maybe i can fit one in too. 23:59GMT Monday...


Canyon Runner!
A combined effort from most of the AGS Forums, more specifically Ashen, Ishmael, Scotch, SSH, with (I'd like to think), myself doing the major stuff. The game graphics are by Stefano, which increases the AWESOME value by a factor of 17.5.

Unfortunately, my coding is very sloppy, and aside from a few last minute comments, not documented at all. Since I have no idea how to make modules, I could tell you that after setting up the room, copy the code from the Rep_ex to the rep_ex of your room, and the code from the "before screen fades in" to the "before screen fades in" of your room. Obviously, you'll probably have different names for your own characters, views, GUIs, sprites, so you'll have to put those in yourself.

EDIT: Sorry, fixed now.
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone


Please, Babar, tell me HOW I'm supposed to register on your site!

Edit: Nevermind, thanks!

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