Coloring Ball: Birthday present (ended)

Started by Cassiebsg, Mon 14/10/2019 02:22:05

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<<  COLORING BALL: Birthday present  >>

Roger has invited every single AGSer to his birthday party!    :grin:
He hopes there will be many, if not all that will drop by.    :kiss:

He's not only a party animal but he also expects lots and lots of presents, considering all he's done for you over the years!  :shocked:

And he's extremely curious to see what he gets!  :confused: :confused:


Just pick a shape and color it as you see fit!

You may:

-color the outlines
-rotate the sprites 90°, 180° or 270°
-flip the sprites horizontally and/or vertically
-use animation
-submit multiple entries
-use as many colours as you want

The trophies:

To be announced (and made).


The deadline:

Entries are accepted until October 25th November 10th.

VOTING: (until 22 Nov)

Cat wins the contest with her number #1
Congrats and looking forward to see what you'll come up with next.

(Disclaimer - Text shamelessly stolen from Krysis.)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Is the white dot intended to be part of the outline?


No, sorry, the white dot is me missing the alpha in Graphic Gale.
Just "delete" it please.  (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I wanted to make an entry but completely forgot about it. Since noone entered yet, can we maybe get another week or two?


Roger is very very sad that nobody come to his party and brought presents.  :cry:

Sure, take as long as you need. I'm sure Roger rather has some "better late than never" presents.  (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...



There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Happy birthday, Roger!

Together with the fragrant flower,
a small butterfly comes along to congratulate:



There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I guess I close this now...
Roger is very happy for both presents!  (nod)

Choose your favorite until... I remember to close it, but lets say max a week from today:

#1: [imgzoom][/imgzoom]


There are those who believe that life here began out there...




"Nomen est Omen" (nod)
So my vote goes to number 1 to become number 1  8-)


I vote for Tabata. Not only is it a great use of the shape, I also like the colors on the flower.


I close the voting now.

I herby declare cat as #1!  :-D And here's your gift.  :)

And 2nd gets this lovely trophy.

Thanks for participating!  :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

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