Coloring Ball: Mysterious Animals Of The World -- Winner Announced --

Started by Ponch, Sun 12/08/2012 04:46:10

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Mysterious and exotic animals of the world.

We've all seen the boring, old animal kingdom in the zoo, on television, and on the annual Mittens Big Game Safari hunts. However, there are mysterious, exotic animals as yet unknown to science. Are they dangerous? Intelligent? Delicious? No one knows!

But rumor has it that a strange new critter has been seen lurking around, right here in this very thread!

Here are the rules for your hunt (using rifle, camera, or MS Paint -- your choice)

1. You must stay inside the lines when you color.
2. You can use as many colors as you like.
3. You can resize and rotate as needed.
4. Your entries must be in by August 22nd.

And the winners will receive one of these fine trophies.

(They look very much like the shirts offered by Intense Degree last time, but rest assured mine are of a much higher quality. No cotton-poly blend here, no sir! Hand wash only for my contestants!)  :=



Intense Degree

Just a quick & silly one.

After an all night beer and wacky races marathon, a Rhino on wheels seemed like a great idea to Steve the geneticist...

Quote from: Ponch on Sun 12/08/2012 04:46:10
Hand wash only for my contestants!

Hey! Polyester they may be but do you have any idea how hard it is to set up a child-slave sweat shop these days? :grin:


beware, it's a cock with big hairy balls. Legend says he has to always fly to move as he is unable to walk (without seriously hurting himself) ...


as soon as I saw the form I knew I'd end up with something with balls...


Daniel Thomas

Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Four entries? Looks like I need to have some more t-shirts made!  ;-D



The vomiting ghost, most notably found in old sewage tunnels where various turtles and plumbers have died over the years creating a vengeful wraith...
Co-Founder of Pink Pineapple Ink Pink Pineapple Ink
Creator of the online comic Trouble Ticket Trouble Ticket


That's it. I'm definitely having more shirts made.  :cheesy:



Daniel Thomas gets my vote. How do you get that much detail? Are you blowing up the image in photoshop, painting it, and then resizing it? Keeping it at a higher dpi? WHAT ARE YOUR SECRETS!? : ) 
Co-Founder of Pink Pineapple Ink Pink Pineapple Ink
Creator of the online comic Trouble Ticket Trouble Ticket


Even if I seem to have an affection to ghosts (I like the vomiting one very much - well done!)
Somehow I can't ignore that fabulous clownbird/birdclown â€" it is great!

So my vote goes to zyndikates entry, too.   (nod)

Intense Degree

At the risk of being unoriginal, my vote also goes to Daniel Thomas for the crosseyed-clownbird!

Daniel Thomas

My vote goes to amateurhour, which I think had a good clean and clear execution.

Sure do, as I'm no pixel artist I work ATLEAST in double the intended final size. But preferable x4.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio



okay, I vote for amateurhour. Zyndikate's beast looks awesome but the pixelated outlines are a bit blurry...


Voting closes tomorrow. Last chance to prove that democracy works, guys.  :smiley:



Okay, I've got to leave for work in twenty minutes, so voting has closed!

The winner of our pixel safari is
Daniel Thomas with his Clownbird Birdclown!

He gets the gold t-shirt!

amateurhour takes second place with his Vomiting Ghost!

He gets the silver t-shirt!

In third place is Intense Degree with his Revved Up Rhino

He gets the bronze t-shirt!

And in the "Miss Congeniality" slot are Tabata and Selmiak
They get the leftover t-shirts from last month's Coloring Ball competition hosted by Intense Degree  :cheesy:

Wear those high-quality t-shirts with pride, people. (But wash them on delicate the first few times  :cool: )

And that does it for this Coloring Ball. Take it away, Danial Thomas!  :smiley:

Daniel Thomas

Ok, I'm really sorry about this, I'm have been really super busy and things are piling up.

Anyone, feel free to make a new comp, so I'm not holding it up for everyone else!
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio

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