Coloring Ball: Opposites - VOTING UNTIL 1st of JULY

Started by selmiak, Sat 25/05/2013 16:56:15

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The new Coloring Ball Challenge. This time with a twist.

Chose one word that has one distinct opposite, like night (opposite: day), giant (opposite: dwarf), Anakin Skywalker (opposite: Darth Vader), Love (opposite: hate) and so on.
Draw this into the shape given below, post it and tell us what your word with an opposite is. Then, when more and more entries get posted, you chose one of the entries by someone else and draw the opposite for this entry into the same shape and post this too. Be creative, maybe someone was not that distinct and drew water and you can now either draw fire or ice or whatever you think is the opposite if water...
There will be a voting in the end and both your entries are voted on. So if you deliver only one entry chances are you receive no votes at all.
There can be multiple opposite drawings for one first drawing, so multiple people can chose to draw the opposite for one first picture.
And to make it even more interesting, every time your first entry is chosen for an oppositedrawing you instantly get one vote for the end votings. So participants vote by chosing which opposite they draw already. So draw a nice first image so a lot of people want to be your opposite.
If you are really dedicated you give your part either a lighter or a darker color to have some real yin yang feeling in the end.

the shape


1. the outline is part of the shape and you can replace it with your own colors. Fill the outline and every red pixel.
2. You can use any number of colors.
3. You are not allowed to resize or mirror or rotate the shape, but for the second entry you should rotate it by 180°
4. Have fun!

3 weeks should be enough for 2 filled coloringballs, so the deadline for both sides of the story is Sunday, the 16th of June.


[imgzoom][/imgzoom] [imgzoom][/imgzoom] [imgzoom][/imgzoom]

and still I have no idea yet how to presents the results for the voting...


Complex challenge. I came up with this:


The applicable word is "birth," with the opposite being, I guess, "death." I found a use for a few of the "red pixels" as the umbilical cord. Hope that's okay? Animating it seemed appropriate, in this case.



Okay, to keep things going :)

Death, as the obvious opposite of life:

And for the next participant, space (opposite: Earth, I guess):


but... you have earth in it already (and you missed 3 pixels at the bottom, but looking great!), but microcosm for example is also a valid opposite I think :)
And you don't have to pick the previously posted part, my plan was that it is possible to chose your favourite from all the first pieces that are posted and draw you opposite for it, so when you wait a bit before you draw your second piece you can choose from a lot of first pieces, but at the moment there are not than many pieces to chose from... come on you creative AGSers! :)


I do have Earth in it, but a very small and distant Earth. I was thinking more of a close-up or even surface shot as an opposite.
Microcosm would also work, though! I guess we can leave the interpretation up to whoever decides to uptake the task, if anyone.

As for the rules, yep I got them, but filling up jwalt's entry seemed fun enough to give it a go straight away :)


Kastchey's response was pretty clever! I'm concluding the ECG on the field of battle, near the fallen warrior, is his shield. And all of the embryo images I found on the web had a dark colored eye, so it works in a number of ways to actually complete my image.
     I submit another opposite to "space" might be non-space, or hyper space, or a star gate, which has me exercising MSPaint at the moment. I'm trying for a suitable animation to fill that obnoxious hole.

Edit: What the heck... My response:


I flipped Kastchey's star field, and came up with the entrance to non-space, a star gate near Earth. If I'd been as clever as Kastchey, I'd have figured out a way to emphasize the outline of the yin-yang image. It's there, but it's lost in the darkness of space.


Nice theme/idea for a Coloring Ball!
Here's my effort:

Evil / Demonic


And here's my opposite to Kastchey's 'Death':




@miez: technically you were only allowed to either paint death as an opposite to jwalts life or an opposite to kastcheys space, but so few participants in this coloringball I guess it is okay to loosen the rules a bit, so this is now allowed for everyone.

If you want to submit another coloringball yin yang puzzle piece, just do it so we can see some more pixelart.
If you want to join in, there is still one week left, enough time for this. I'm sure someone wants to paint miez' antidemon, whatever you see as a valid opposite. And take a look at the tropies I added to the first post, one of them could be yours!


Well... maybe I'll give "death" or "opposite space" a go as well :D
Nice trophies, by the way!


QuoteIt's good for your Karma to fill odd shapes with harmonious pixels.
- Confucius

the deadline is coming closer, but there is still time...


sorry for beeing that late, I was very busy and stuff...
and since I'm away again next weekend the voting takes place until the 1st of July 2013. Have fun!

an here are the results open for votes. Please vote on the 2 pieces in the first row by 1 individual


1st ...................................

non-space, a star gate near Earth
which resulted in

which came from



1st ...................................

2nd  ...................................
which resulted in

which came from



1st ...................................

2nd  ...................................
which resulted in

sadly nothing
which came from



Difficult choice as I like entries by both Jwalt and Kastchey ... but my vote goes to:



Oh, I completely missed that there is a voting - I vote for Miez. I started to make a white swan opposing his dragon but sadly it was in no way how I wanted it to look and thus didn't finish...


Quote from: cat on Mon 24/06/2013 08:33:55
Oh, I completely missed that there is a voting - I vote for Miez. I started to make a white swan opposing his dragon but sadly it was in no way how I wanted it to look and thus didn't finish...

That's funny! I was working on an opposite to Miez's demonic entry too, with angelic wings and golden bezels, but couldn't find the time to finish it. Maybe next time.
Anyway my vote goes to Miez too.



ohnoes, there are actual votes coming in :shocked:
I got the feeling this would go unnoticed and secretly hoped I can screw this democratic popularity voting and be all dictatory in  its tyrannic glory and chose the winner myself :P
Meh, I will vote at the end of the voting period then, after counting in the instant votes that were cast by the participants already by chosing a piece from someone else and count and recout until I like the result then :D

Quote from: Miez on Mon 24/06/2013 09:19:01
I would like to have seen that! :)

me too, I also vote for Adrian showing what he made just for fun ;)


my vote: kastchey

including the votes cast by chosing a part of another participant of this (imho) interesting but not very populated coloring ball leads to the following results:

kastchey 2+2=4

miez 0+2=2

jwalt 1+0=1

so kastchey wins and has the honour to start another coloring ball, which will have a hard time against OROW but hopfullys some motivated OROWers are still high on cocaincoffee after OROW and churn out 5 entries.



Thanks guys! I'll try to start the next round within the next couple of days.

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