Coloring Ball - Transitional States - Winner announced...

Started by jwalt, Mon 21/04/2014 23:41:15

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There have been two local events, recently, that have prompted a lot of before/during/after shots on TV newscasts: we had a major flood, and the dome of the state capital building was restored. The subject of this ball is Transitional States.

What I propose is to fill in my shape with a before/during/after image, looking at transitional states in your subject matter. You can resize/rotate as required. You can also change the order to emphasize the state you feel most important, or open to your best creative interpretation.  If the order is not obvious, please share the order when you post your entry.

So, put in your Vivaldi CD and show us three of those Four Seasons. Or, give us a glimpse of your latest pixel-ing effort, from sketch, to midpoint, to final. Or, give us a picture of your bathroom, before, during, and after you cleaned it all up bright and shiny. Or, show us your inner child, the mature adult you've become, and the old fogy that will be looking back at you from the mirror before you realize it.

Open through May 5, 2014.

Voting through May 10, 2014.


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Tue 22/04/2014 11:06:01
Hope this fits into what you had in mind. :)

Thanks for the entry, and that is what I had in mind.


I like the theme, it was fun to think of. :)
also I like yours Cassiebsg, especially the tree in the middle.


Instead of a Before-During-After, this is more a "now" with two "what can be"s.
And I did it in using the EGA palette (with some almost indistinguishable colours). DON'T ASK ME WHY!
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone


Three entries to check out and two days remaining to put something together. If you need more time, let me know. I might extend the deadline, a bit, since trophys are unlikely.


" be able to enjoy one's past life is to live twice" -Martial


Brightest 8 from ZX Spectrum palette, with the guidance of JimReed.



Thanks, everybody, for the nice entries! No requests for an extension, so let us open the voting through May 10, 2014.


AprilSkies' entry is a notch above the others (colour choice, clear depiction of the scene, how the three images blend seamlessly together, presence of pink pigs), so my 1st place goes to him.
2nd place to Babar (clever to tackle the topic).
3rd place to SiliconAngel.


I'm voting for AprilSkies, and that's not just because I'm a huge Orwell fan.  Great job!

2nd to bicilotti, and 3rd to Cassiebsg.  Very nice all around.


1st AprilSkies
2nd bicilotti
3rd Cassiebsg

A pattern emerges (roll)




Is a top 3 thing normal? I'll just make things simple by adding my vote for AprilSkies.
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone


As for me it's an ex aequo between babar and bicilotti (and I want to tell him: hic et nunc... est bibendum!)


Quote from: Babar on Wed 07/05/2014 06:21:23
Is a top 3 thing normal? I'll just make things simple by adding my vote for AprilSkies.

First, second, third voting was desirable in this case. I'll figure it out, hopefully. Now to go find out what ex aequo means.  :)



There are those who believe that life here began out there...


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