Coloring Ball: Triptych - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

Started by antipus, Sun 26/02/2012 22:31:00

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I vote Tabata as well, really cool entries overall :)


Tabata for me, too.  That's a gorgeous entry.


I vote for Darius because I love icons and that would be an epic item combining system.


My vote goes to #3 Pac-Mans and Power Pellet by selmiak! :)



As this is still open I vote for the molotov, with Tabata's entry as a close follow-up.


I apologize for going AWOL this last week. There were all sorts of things happening in real life that kept me from any free time until tonight. That said, I'm so glad so many new votes came in, which at least make me feel a little better about it.  And the winners are:

1st Place: Bottle + Gasoline = Molotov by Darius: (selmiak, Kimbra, DrWhite, Armageddon, Matti)

Tie for 2nd Place:
Pac-Mans and Power Pellet by selmiak: (Tabata, Bogdan, Deu2000)
Birth, Life, and Death by Tabata: (NickyNyce, Bulbapuck, Stupot+)

And because I'm the boss, I declare that we can have two 2nds AND a third.  ;D

3rd Place:
Waiting for a Local Train at an East-Bavarian Train Station br DrWhite: (Darius)

Darius, you are by far the winner, along with a bonus gold star from me for additional AWESOME entries. Congratulations!
Playing Arden's Vale has been shown to improve morale, revive unconscious kittens, and reverse hair loss.

Darius Poyer

Sweet, I will have something up very soon.


WOW! I got some votes  :o - Thank you!

Congratulation to Darius!

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