Coloring Ball: Weapon of Choice (Voting until August 18th)

Started by jasonleeholm, Mon 01/08/2011 23:30:25

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On topic: Astonishing...Ha....Do not get your hopes up, I have fiddled with this shape for over two hours when it first came out and I'm still scratching my head how well everyone has done. I don't want to late post and make something similar to what's out there.....even tougher now...Arrrrgg   

Off topic: The game is coming along nicely and should be finished in a month....I hope. I keep finding ways to improve it and extend it....which is not helping my spare time. I am my own worst enemy for sure. For a first game, I went a bit overboard, but it's helped me develop and learn even more. I will update the thread soon.

Funny you said that about Jimmy the Troublemaker, I have noticed a similarity, he's doing a great job over there, I love those backgrounds.

Intense Degree



* Whilst viewed as pointless by many it is able to destroy most games within a few minutes!
* Massive effort to damaged caused ratio when used in combat!
* Do not use without wrist strap (now you can't sue us!)
* Can be used with nunchuck but really, what's the point?


Ha, nice one I.D.  :)

Cools, I've managed to destroy 'Colin Simpson Leaves Employment' in 1 minute!!.
*sorry*  :=

Intense Degree

Ha! Easy when you know how. ;)

And that game is definitely worth one minute of anybody's time! ;D


Quote from: Ghost on Sat 06/08/2011 02:13:13
Warmonger: Damn it, Fred, you always amaze me!
Scientist: Well, you asked for the most deadly weapon of all time.
Warmonger: And you made it. Its sight along will crush my enemies!
Scientist: Ah, it was nothing. A simple rocket launcher modified to fire switchblades instead...
Other Scientist: Training the ninja penguins was hard, though.
Warmonger: Still. Sliced, exploded, and savaged by an angry bird. What a way to go!
Funny thing, the game 'Batman Returns' (DOS, 1992) also contains a loyal army of missle-packing Penguin Commandos lead by Oswald Cobblepot, known as The Penguin.
Although they're not ninja penguins...  :D

1 day left before the deadline. Any more entries?
And NickyNyce...  ...where's yours? You promised...  :'(


I have now spent 3 hours drawing and erasing....the agony....I will try again...Promise ;)

If for some reason Jasonleeholm doesn't come up with trophies, I have made some cool skull trophies for the winners if necessary. But I would would imagine he will come through. ::)

Darius Poyer

I've got another one, the ultimate killer:

the galaxy!

The terrible destructive power of this weapon boasts the following:
magnetar blasts
hyper-velocity stars
rogue black holes
et cetera.



                                            I present to you, the Skull Cracker, this gun was found on the battle field of Omega 1

                         Fear no one in battle when you carry the Skull Cracker, known to make enemys flee at the mere sight of it


This gun contains an enormous blast of pure plasma that incinerates anything in it's path, known to make the human skull emit a sickening cracking sound when it explodes. The large melee blade at the top still has blood on it from the battle of Omega 1. Fully automatic with 3 cooling cylinders for the most intense fire fights. Adjustable blast width helps with accuracy while the recoil accelerators stabilize the gun.

Sorry so late everyone, I pulled this one out of a hat........last ditch effort....


Funny one Darius Poyer  :D

Well, you pulled out a very nice one Nicky.
Is that skull on the gun a hunting troffee?  ;D


Hehe, Darius's one makes me think Tengen Toppa.  :P
Also: loving the detail on NickyNyce's Skull Cracker.
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


Quote from: NickyNyce on Sun 14/08/2011 00:51:22
... I pulled this one out of a hat........last ditch effort....

:o   Where to get such a hat? 

I need it very urgently!


Quote from: Tabata on Sun 14/08/2011 12:00:52
Quote from: NickyNyce on Sun 14/08/2011 00:51:22
... I pulled this one out of a hat........last ditch effort....

:o   Where to get such a hat? 

I need it very urgently!

It was a very big hat, purchased at the last second at the magic shop   ;)

Quote from: └» Arj0n «┘ on Sun 14/08/2011 10:35:46
Funny one Darius Poyer  :D

Well, you pulled out a very nice one Nicky.
Is that skull on the gun a hunting troffee?  ;D

Something like that, decoration or trophy...I'm not sure, I found it on the battlefield of Omega 1.
Thanks for the push Arj0n, I almost gave up  :-[



Trophies are up -- let me know if they are too big and I can shorten them.


They look great but I think they are a little too big, I believe there is a height restriction, 50 pixels high.

Also .... when are you going to start the voting ?

When you do, place in the Subject heading after weapon of choice ( Vote Now ..Ends the 17th or 18th...whatever you wish )


Quote from: NickyNyce on Mon 15/08/2011 03:23:37
Also .... when are you going to start the voting ?
Anyone can as the deadline is known, so:

All the entries in chronological order:
                 Arj0n                                   Darius Poyer                               Tabata                                       Ghost                                 Intense Degree                          NickyNyce

Great entries again, all of them. My vote goes to...

Great design and: skullz rulez  ;D

Quote from: NickyNyce on Mon 15/08/2011 03:23:37
They look great but I think they are a little too big, I believe there is a height restriction, 50 pixels high.
It's often around 30x40 so between that and max 50x50 would indeed be a good size.

Intense Degree

My vote goes to Tabata.

Good looking weapon with four lasers and duct tape? IN! ;D

Darius Poyer

Quote from: └» Arj0n «┘ on Mon 15/08/2011 08:15:38
All the entries in chronological order:


Darius Poyer



Intense Degree



My second one wasn't an 'official' entry, it posted it just for fun and for encouraging others to create one and post it.
I thought your second one wasn't 'official' either?

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