Colouring Ball: Decaying Decorations (Results)

Started by Sinitrena, Thu 29/10/2020 19:23:17

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Decaying Decorations

Halloween is soon and when it's over, the poor decorations will all wither and rot. But I want to give them one last chance to shine.

So show us all what these decorations look like:


You may:
- Colour the outline
- Submit multiple entries
- use as much colour as you wish
- rotate the outlines

You may not:

- Colour outside the outline

Deadline: 12. November


The following is based on true events, as of when I collected and disposed of my son's decorations on the 2nd Nov...

There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Oh, an entry! Hello little pumpkin!

Keep them coming, guys. There's only a day left (or more, if someone asks nicely.)

Btw, how long do Colouring Balls usually run? I'm so used to the Fortnightly Writing Competition, which has its length in the name, that I didn't even think about it here.


2 weeks seems about right, I think. But at the end of the day, it's really the host that decides. I just check previous comps to see how long they run, and go from there.
So, it only took me  13 days to remember about it...  :-[

Hope more will chip in with their coloring.  (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Hark! It is a ghost! The ghost of Polands past! A late arrival, but a welcome one.


He seems quite jolly for a forlorn spirit. He brings us vodka.


Another ghost! The ghost of Pac-Man's past!


Decaying after he seems to be killed by a cherry branch... Perpetrator is unknown.



I guess it's time to take the decorations down. Decaying? Well, let's just say the spider wasn't there when I first put it up.



That's a whole lot of last minute (well, day) entries. I guess you all did not want to take your decorations down even a second earlier then necessary?

Anyway, that's five entries that are now open to everyones scrutiny and votes:

[imgzoom][/imgzoom] Cassiebsg

[imgzoom][/imgzoom] Reiter

[imgzoom][/imgzoom] arjon

[imgzoom][/imgzoom] Hobo

[imgzoom][/imgzoom] Klatuu

You may vote for a first, second and third place and of course comment as much as you want on all our wonderful entries.
Voting is open until 18th November.


1st: Hobo (love the small scary (or scared) ghosts peeking behind the curtain.  (laugh)

2nd: Klatuu (just love that spider! Well done. Kan I ask for an extra sprite without the black in the web? Just transparent - just to see how it would look ;) )

3rd: arj0n (poor Pac-Man! hope they find the perpetrator soon.)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


1st: Klatuu's spider and cobweb
2nd: Hobo's spooky scary ghosts
3th: Cassiebsg's scary pumpkin


1st: Hobo's ghosts
2nd: Klatuu's spider
3rd: Cassieberg's pumpkin


1st: Klatuu's spider
2nd: Cassiebsg's pumpkin
3rd: Reiter's ghost


1.) Cassiebsg. The light green and rest of the muted palette really give a sense of decay.
2.) Hobo. It looks like the curtain is closing until next Halloween!
3.) arjon. A Pac-Man ghost was the first thing I thought of when I saw the outline. Death by Cherries is a nice touch.

And thanks for your kind words, Cassiebsg! Here's a transparent spider variant:


Voting is over and if I tallied up the votes correctly, we have a tie between Hobo and Klatuu. So, I will have to cast a tie-breaker.

But first, some words for each entry:

Cassiebsg: I love the expression on the pumpkin's face. He looks so sad! And the choice of colour is pretty good to. It gives the impression that the pumpkin is really starting to rot.

Reiter: I'm missing the decaying part in this entry, I more get the impression of decadence, with the champagne (ok, you say Vodka, but that's clearly a champagne glass) in the ghost's hand and the golden beard (?) around it's nose.

arj0n: Poor little ghost! He has done nothing and someone attacks him? Why? And why with cherries? I love the weirdness of this idea.

Hobo: I think when creating outlines for colouring balls, there's usually a standard idea for what the outline is for. Here, it was obviously a pumpkin or a ghost, and I just love it when someone soes for something else. In addition, your ghost look so incredibly cute and shy!

Klatuu: Another entry that doesn't go for the obvious idea. Yay! The spider has a nice sinister look.

It is a difficult decision, because both Hobo and Klatuu show a lot of creativity with the offered shapes. In the end I think Klatuu's entry is slightly stronger from an artistic execution point of view, so my one tie-breaking vote goes to Klatuu and this leaves us with:

First place and our winner: Klatuu's menacing spider.

Second place: Hobo's shy ghosts.

Third place: Cassiebsg's sad pumpkin.

Congratulations, Klatuu, your turn to host!


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Congratulations, Klatuu! Looking forward to see what shape you can come up with for the next one.


Thank you, and great job, everyone! I'll have a new contest up soon!

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