Comic Contesht from today (12/8) to the future (26/8)

Started by Inkoddi, Sat 12/08/2006 13:50:05

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Dum de dum.

It's time for making comics again! This time, the theme is:

The Amazing Adventures Of Duck And Kitten

Any number of panels is good.
Ninjas, pirates, robots, dinosaurs in spaceships and gorillas are optional,
although, your creation must contain a worm somewhere. Yes.

And remember: Always start what you finish!

visy (the guy who made Lassi Quest)

Still working on 8-bit stuff, mostly NES and Atari 2600:


I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


my entry is slightly large so i'll just show this thumbnail which, when clicked upon, will (hopefully) take you to the full size extravaganza!

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


Bye bye thankyou I love you.


Yes, it's the Amazing Adventures of Duck and Cat by the amazing master of badly draw images made with paint and lines: Dan N.(!!!) right here at Comic Contesht. Now, we shall view Strip 1 of the Amazing Adventures of Duck and Cat entitled "What a way to surprise, jerk!".

(P.S.: I'd like to cosider my image a valid entry, but my intro not.)


Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


Lions and tigers ans bears, oh my!

Picking a favourite from all these will be close to impossible...
I haven't seen any ninjas or pirates yet though. There is still time!


Quote from: BOYD1981 on Tue 22/08/2006 03:07:16
that's because it's in your mouth!  :D

That was meant to be drool but...I guess I can get away with calling it a worm.


I present, The Amazing Adventures Of Duck And Kitten: Issue 27 - Skeletons in the Warehouse

(Click on the images for full sizers. Duh.)


I'll make this quick, since I am very very tired.

Azash would have won, but I picked Ishmael's thingy instead. I'm sure you can come up with a motivation yourself.



I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.

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