Fortnightly Writing Competition: WAR

Started by discordance, Sat 20/02/2010 22:03:09

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Come on folks, we just need one more vote or I'll have to declare a three-way tie and just imagine how horrifying that would be! And please no one vote for monkey, that would just complicate things even more ;)


Quote from: discordance on Fri 12/03/2010 01:13:38And please no one vote for monkey

Which is secret code for "Vote for Monkey and together we can RULE THE WORLD!" ;D


If monkey had met the unofficial regulation of; "there must be more than 20 words" he/it would be getting my vote.

Instead, I give it to conan.
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


Well it's been three days and we're still stuck on a three way tie, so it looks like I'll have to cast a vote and save the day. My vote goes to calin on account of his story containing the most uses of the word "bang". Congratulations, the next one's yours!

Calin Leafshade

I'm fairly sure my story doesnt contain the word 'Bang' at any point :P

But I'll take what i can get.

Expect a new comp soon.

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