Fortnightly Writing Contest: Black Magic (CLOSED)

Started by Mandle, Fri 05/07/2024 11:17:50

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Well done on the stories, everyone.

For me, it ended up being a toss-up between Lorenzo and Baron. There was nothing wrong with Sini's story in terms of some beautiful descriptions and interesting characters, but there was and awful lot of standing around talking about the history and arguing about who knows what, and I think it could have been streamlined or turned into more action.

I found both Baron's and Lorenzo's stories a bit easier to read, not just because they were shorter. Admittedly, some of the words in Lorenzo's relating to the church and art history went in one eye and out the other, but I think I got the gist of most of them meant.

Baron's story was fun to read, but by the end it felt like the protagonist's arc was just beginning. In the end, I feel like I got slightly more out of A Shrine.

Lorenzo: 2pts
Baron: 1pt


I hereby seal this magic circle with a ring of salt and all that fancy black magic hokum.

The scores stand at:

Lorenzo: 6
Sinitrena: 2
Baron: 4

Making Lorenzo our master sorcerer for this round, passing the wand for the next to him.

I will be reading and feedbacking this round of stories tomorrow.



Thanks! I'll try to find a (hopefully) fun new theme in the next days.



Thank you, Baron!
Hope you'll be able to join the new FWC  :cheesy:

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