Jam: 100% essence of sprite. 30th-6th

Started by Flippy_D, Thu 29/07/2004 18:46:06

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Okay alright okay WOW.

Niftyness! I won. This will be my second 'jam *guitar chord* so y'all are in safe hands.


An AGSer attacking a political/world figure with or on a pogo stick.


Yufster, m0ds (baseball cap), C.Leks, Helm, Flippy \o/, CJ.
Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, The Esteemed Mr. Bush, The Dalai Lama, Saddam Hussein.

Remember, WITH or ON a pogo stick. Most inventive and funny wins, good art is a bonus.

Edit: Crap on crutches! I just realised, I shan't be here to judge. I'll hand it to the forum mods to pick the winnar :(


Hey, Flip, does this mean no restrictions when it comes to coulour/size/res, etc?


Do it old skool style. No size restriction or colour restriction BUT only use basic paint tools. No fancy photoshop wizardry. Cutting and pasting forum photographs is allowed.


Davy Malay has gone mad!

For those who wonder... it's hair

Creed Malay

That be awesome, Haddy. Thankee.Ã,  ;D


edit to say -
I look deeply odd in the picture below. It's the angle or something. My head and hands look freakishly large, like I've got gigantism or elephantitis or something. I look far less fucked up to the naked eye, I swear.
Mobile Meat Machines - Comics of Animals and Education! - http://meatmachines.livejournal.com/


And for those who DON'T know how Davy looks like in Real Lifeâ,,¢


Here is my entry, I hope I win this time!!

Akumayo on a pogo stick "attacking" Arnold Swartenblablablabagenagers (spelling please).

"Power is not a means - it is an end."


Cutting and pasting forum members, but I'll let that one slide. But DON'T DO IT AGAIN.


Just to even things out a bit, on the political side, here's Helm, getting ready to bash John Kerry with his brand new pogo stick. (I mean, that's what politics is about, really, isn't it? Right?)


i couldn't resist,  i give you john prescott in kombat with flippy(well he has glasses) armed with a pogo stick...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v430/KnightStar05/po-ta-toes.gif << It's the potatoes, go on watch it you know you wanna


Moments before the incident

Washington : Take that Mostly!!

Captain: Damn you four armed Washington!!
Hey! All my awesome trophies dissapeared in the year since I was here last. CONSARN_IT! with an underscore!!! I earned dem tings!! Oh well. Hope your Monkey floats.


Frisby should win...

And for fucks sake... spritejam is about making sprites! NOT PHOTOSHOPS!!!!!!

I am Jean-Pierre.

_T3_ [returned from oblivion]

I should have read the rules first... damnit.
Oh well... by the time I noticed it was paint-only, I'd already spent two hours on this, so I'd might as well post it.

It's Chris Jones, about to whack Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist with a... erm... Pogo-stick.Ã,  Or rather, a stick, to which is tied Pogo the Monkey from GTA fame.Ã,  That counts, does it not?

You can kind of tell at what point I noticed this would not be eligible for Sprite Jam... bout halfway through CJ... so the quality past that point isn't so great.Ã,  Oh well.Ã,  It's funny anyhow - at least to me.Ã, 

Why Bill Frist?Ã,  No idea.

If I get the ambition, I'll redo it in true sprite form, for real contest submission.
Infinite corners does not equal no corners.Ã,  If you try to proof otherwise, you will become an exploded person, exploded in the head.

| Bass |

-Teh republic Agser will always PREVAIL ::) (Stick figure Daz at it again
For now, this is were I get off...

Previously BassFisherman


Quote from: Pirate Jack on Mon 02/08/2004 06:18:37
And for fucks sake... spritejam is about making sprites! NOT PHOTOSHOPS!!!!!!

Quote from: Flippy_D on Fri 30/07/2004 00:54:53
Cutting and pasting forum members, but I'll let that one slide. But DON'T DO IT AGAIN.


| Bass |

Quote from: TikiTikiMan on Mon 02/08/2004 16:09:15
Quote from: Pirate Jack on Mon 02/08/2004 06:18:37
And for fucks sake... spritejam is about making sprites! NOT PHOTOSHOPS!!!!!!

Quote from: Flippy_D on Fri 30/07/2004 00:54:53
Cutting and pasting forum members, but I'll let that one slide. But DON'T DO IT AGAIN.


Hey, its not a Photoshop...Its a "NeoPaint"
For now, this is were I get off...

Previously BassFisherman


what about the Cutting and pasting FORUM MEMBERS?
Sign Here           Mephistophilis


Just draw the entire picture instead.
More fun that way.
By the time you read this you've already read it.

Paper Carnival

Honestly, this has to be the worst sprite jam ever ;D


QuoteAn AGSer attacking a political/world figure with or on a pogo stick.

...is not the most exciting or interesting idea for a drawing, either. :P

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