MAG October “Prolific” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Sat 30/09/2023 23:15:35

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What is your favourite game of MAGS October?

Super Author Simulator 2023 by RootBound
5 (71.4%)
The Weird Thing Under the Bed by Mandle
2 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: Fri 17/11/2023 06:05:42


In honor of Slasher, one the legends of MAGS (or MAG, as he called it), we have a special theme for you this month.

Theme: Prolific
Set by: Durinde

The time for voting is now.

Please vote using the poll at the above.
]Super Author Simulator 2023
by RootBound
]The Weird Thing Under The Bed
by Mandle

Create a game themed around something or someone who produces a lot. Perhaps there's an adventure about a magic tree that produces an abundance of fruit. Maybe a game about a once prolific sci-fi writer who is stuck for ideas or an underachiever is suddenly asked to produce a lot. Perhaps a game about a movie star that seems to get cast in everything and wants to do something else.

Inspirations might include Isaac Asimov, Stephen King, Steven Spielberg, The Rock, and of course Slasher.

What is MAGS?
Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the guidelines set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualize your game following the month's criteria (see above). Second, create your game fuelled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

* A working download link
* The title of your game
* A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fourteen days, and the winner chooses the next month's theme.

Remember that this is a challenge to see what you can do in a month, so any tinkering you do after that, including fixing minor glitches, is against the spirit of the competition. The exception to this is that you may go in and fix major, game-breaking bugs only during voting. We want you to have a game that voters can actually play and that runs on their machines.

So to reiterate, during the voting period fixing major, game-breaking bugs is okay, fixing minor glitches or making cosmetic changes is cheating.

Here are some ways to make sure you have a game to submit at the end of the month:
* Make a tiny game. Plan small, then cut it in half. Find shortcuts (e.g. if making walkcycles is time-consuming, make the characters static or have it in the first person).
* Plan to have your game playable and submittable with a week to spare. This way you have a week to fix bugs, add some flourishes and maybe even get someone to test it.
* Plan to submit it a day or so early. This way, if there are any technical issues with uploading, they can be sorted out in time.

Need a little help with graphics? Perhaps The AGS Trove has something you can use.
Don't want to go it alone? Try the Recruitment board.


Now Slasher's got to make something for this one!  (laugh)


Quote from: Kastchey on Mon 02/10/2023 18:04:00We all wish he could :(
I missed the news, but he truly was a prolific creator, and had a drive few could live up to.


They/them. Here are some of my games:


Making progress! Almost ready for playtesting.  8-)
They/them. Here are some of my games:



Just about done! Anybody else jumping in?  :)
They/them. Here are some of my games:


My entry, SUPER AUTHOR SIMULATOR 2023, is live!

Once again, a single-room, non-adventure game offered the quickest route to finishing.  (laugh)

Huge huge thanks to @Nahuel for playtesting and for compiling the MacOS version.

Here's the Completed Game Announcement!
They/them. Here are some of my games:


Hey @Stupot the most recent game listed on the ags website says it's a MAGS entry but I don't think it was posted anywhere in the forums. Also doesn't seem obviously related to the theme, so could be a mistake. Not sure.
They/them. Here are some of my games:


It's a common mistake by someone new to the site - they click all boxes that sound good. And we could have had a Game of the Month picked out of the last month's releases. Anyway, I'll give the game a go and (probably) uncheck the box on the game page afterwards.


Yeah it looks like a mistake. The rules state that you have to post about your entry in this thread anyway, so I'm willing to wait until the deadline, on the off chance he does actually post it here. And then uncheck the 'mags' box if he doesn't.

10 minigames seems quite an accomplishment for a MAGS entry, but it would fit this month's theme.


Hopefully "finishing" mine today or tomorrow. It's probably gonna be a lot less grand than planned, but it'll have to do.


Should be able to get mine done given an extra day if possible.


Quote from: Mandle on Tue 31/10/2023 10:17:28Should be able to get mine done given an extra day if possible.

You all have one extra day.


Here is my Slasher-esque MAG entry.

My philosophy behind it was what Slasher did to be so prolific with his games: Only push forward, never go back.

No matter how stupid this game was becoming, I never went back to remove anything. Everything I ever added is in there, and everything after was built on top of it.



CONTENT WARNING: (Spoilers within)
Suicide and Domestic Violence themes


Quote from: Stupot on Wed 25/10/2023 13:49:36Yeah it looks like a mistake. The rules state that you have to post about your entry in this thread anyway, so I'm willing to wait until the deadline, on the off chance he does actually post it here. And then uncheck the 'mags' box if he doesn't.

10 minigames seems quite an accomplishment for a MAGS entry, but it would fit this month's theme.
I have been in contact with the author, and it was indeed a mistake. The game has been in development longer than a month anyway.


Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 02/11/2023 03:21:22
Quote from: Stupot on Wed 25/10/2023 13:49:36Yeah it looks like a mistake. The rules state that you have to post about your entry in this thread anyway, so I'm willing to wait until the deadline, on the off chance he does actually post it here. And then uncheck the 'mags' box if he doesn't.

10 minigames seems quite an accomplishment for a MAGS entry, but it would fit this month's theme.
I have been in contact with the author, and it was indeed a mistake. The game has been in development longer than a month anyway.
Thanks, Heltenjon. I've removed the MAGS check mark from the game page.


The time for voting is now.

Please vote using the poll at the above by November 17th

Super Author Simulator 2023
by RootBound
]The Weird Thing Under The Bed
by Mandle


Here are my thoughts:

Super Author Simulator 2023 by Rootbound
I like the idea a lot, and I find the implementation is very well done. However, the gameplay features a lot of keyboard bashing, which I'm not particularly fond of. The chapter openings and the agent's feedback are funny and well-written, but I have to say that the Powerups were the most of fun here, and probably what I'll remember abour the game. Longer feedback in the game's release thread.

The Weird Thing Under The Bed by Mandle
I spent some time chasing dust bunnies under the bed, believing that was what I was supposed to do. (Yes, I found the place for starting the game immediately.) I liked the choose-your-own-path gameplay afterwards, even though all possible endings were somewhat bleak (but fit the tune playing 100%). Indeed, I think the best ending is to choose "Sleep and exit".  8-0

Conclusion and who I voted for:
It dawned on me that both the games this month have had me reach ultimately bad endings. The CYOP parts of Mandle's game was easily my favourite game mechanic, but there was more gameplay and polish in Rootbound's entry. I gave my vote for Super Author Simulator 2023


Played The Weird Thing Under The Bed.

It's weird!  :-D  Managed to get a few different endings. Oddly, my favorite part is
walking the hand around. I kept wanting to interact with the dust creatures.  :)

I gave it my vote.  ;)
They/them. Here are some of my games:


Quote from: RootBound on Mon 06/11/2023 17:21:15Played The Weird Thing Under The Bed.

It's weird!  :-D  Managed to get a few different endings. Oddly, my favorite part is
walking the hand around. I kept wanting to interact with the dust creatures.  :)

I gave it my vote.  ;)

Yeah, interaction was in the plan, but just never got done. Only had 3 afternoons/nights to work on the game. I also voted for yours, obviously, but have only checked it out briefly. Hopefully will get back to it and be able to give feedback.



Results are in. RootBound takes the win.

Thanks for the entries and votes, everyone.

RB, I'll be in touch soon about choosing a theme for December, but feel free to start thinking about it until then.


Thanks for playing and for all your votes, everyone! I'll get thinking about the next theme.
They/them. Here are some of my games:

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