MAGGIES 2024 (videos wanted!) 🎬

Started by Stupot, Fri 15/11/2024 02:35:32

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Hi all. It's still early but I'm in the process of rigging up the voting etc. for MAGGIES (Best MAGS game of the year). Ideally, I want to be able to kick this off as soon as we have a winner for December.

As preferable as it is for voters to have played as many of the games as they could before voting, I know this is difficult, if not impossible, for most people. That's why in the last couple of years, I've tried to include gameplay videos of some of the entries. That way, voters can at least see each game in action and get some idea of its merits.

Last year I was able to record a few myself, but I am struggling for time these days and would like to invite anyone reading to have a go at making some videos. I know WHAM has covered a few and I'm sure he won't mind if I link to those, but if anyone is interested in helping out with some more, I'll give you a list of the games that need one.



Feel free to use any AGS and MAGS related footage on my Youtube channel as you see fit and let me know if you're looking for anything specific. October MAGS game videos are coming up later today in the MAGS thread, too! :)
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Here's links to Wham's and a couple other people playing our mags games this year... The trick seems to be using the #horror tag on, and someone will make a video :D  I dont think anyone made videos for the first two games.

Botos do Diabo

Sphinx of Time

Abducted Intelligence

Hoopoe's Inferno

The Stew of Las Moras


Thanks @jfrisby. I think I've already mined WHAM's playlist for relevant videos but I'm still after some of the others.

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