MAGS April “Finish Your MAGS Game” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Mon 01/04/2024 05:12:57

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What is your favourite game of MAGS April?

Barn Runner: Fashionably Late (by Ponch)
1 (5.6%)
Steeplejack (by GOC Games)
4 (22.2%)
Sherwood (by Radiant)
2 (11.1%)
In Our Midst (by OneDollar)
11 (61.1%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Voting closed: Wed 22/05/2024 16:14:16


Quote from: Radiant on Mon 06/05/2024 16:29:30Thank you, I've enjoyed watching that!

Good to hear it! I know from experience that seeing someone else play your game can give a lot of context for feedback and help figure out how players think differently than the developer does.

Aside from adding some guide or tutorial to help the player understand what items really do, I feel I have one piece of feedback in hindsight: add a slide to the movement when moving diagonally against an object. Currently it seems that if you approach an obstacle diagonally and don't hit the corner, you just stop, have to adjust sideways and then start moving again. Having the player character slide along the edge of the obstacle until they reach either a dead end or a corner they can slip through would help make the movement feel a lot nicer (though it might also alter the balance too much).

Just my two cents, Sherwood was an impressive outing for a MAGS effort in any case!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Ok, I've updated Sherwood to fix two game-breaking bugs (the crash when an object has an invalid view, and the hang when dying in the first room). Also, as suggested by Crimson Wizard, the acsetup.cfg now uses "full screen as borderless window" to prevent the game hanging when quit, on certain systems. Finally, there's now a readme file, which restates the info from this thread.

I think these changes are valid per MAGS rules; I have a list of other fixes that I've put off until later (such as showing the intro text for long enough to be read). Download link is still - Enjoy!

Quote from: WHAM on Mon 06/05/2024 17:02:16I have one piece of feedback in hindsight: add a slide to the movement when moving diagonally against an object.
I like that idea, and some enemies already do that. I'll add this in the future.


I played the entries and voted. Here are my thoughts:

Barn Runner: Fashionably Late
Dress up doll game for adults! Nice cartoon graphics and the reward for each "dressup" is a bit of story. I don't know if I had trouble with the otherwise-simple controls, but if you select an item and then right click, the item disappears and you can't click anything else. Since there's no save, it's game over at that point. Once I figured that out I played till the end.

The highlight of the game is the cartoon graphics (and to some players, the nudity); no puzzles, plot or challenges.

I love the graphics and characters and the interaction between the two! I spent most of the 10 minute playtime laughing because the humour is spot-on. Well-designed, nutty and solvable puzzles make this game an enjoyable experience

Great idea to make a tile-based, medieval-theme combat quest in AGS! I found that the tiles were a bit small to see what's going on and I had trouble using items using the keyboard controls to use items in inventory. I tried the strategy of just bolting for the exit which worked for a few screens. I realize that part of the gameplay is to figure it out after being defeated and having to start over enough times, but after about 10 minutes of this I felt that I was just not enjoying it enough to continue.

In Our Midst
My experience with this game will be somewhat different than that of players who realized that this is a take-off of an older game. I knew the spaceship was invaded because of the intro but I thought I had to SAVE the crew. Once I realized that I was the alien, THAT'S when the game started! The puzzles are awesome, logical and a lot of fun. The graphics and the humour give the player a real sense of reward in solving the puzzles. I have to admit that I got stuck at the puzzle getting rid of the captain and I needed a few hints to complete it, but once I got past that, the ending was epic. In terms of game design, the absence of text gave the gameplay a different twist where you have icons at best to figure out what's going on. This must have made the design a lot more challenging, running the risk of having the player clued out, but it was pulled off perfectly

My vote
In Our Midst is the most complete entry, excellent in all areas from graphics to puzzle design to overall polish and player experience.


Great to see a late addition to the "dressing up" theme :-)
The graphics are very nice and I liked the scenes, settings and writing. The dressing up itself could have been more challanging. I was expecting that I have to choose from various items the correct ones for the occasion, but actually the challange was only in the style of "socks before shoes".

Not really my cup of tea and very buggy. The font was almost impossible to read for me, so I didn't understand the controls. The whole time I didn't really have a clue what I was doing. I was running around, trying to escape other persons. When I died, I sometimes respawned at locations I haven't even been before. Some of the waypoints would put me somewhere in the middle of another map, not at the border. When an archer hit me, I couldn't do anything. Only wait until he would get one field closer and hit me again. At one point, I was suddenly a dog???
I found two different persons that I rescued.
I liked the graphics of the tiles, but I didn't like the portraits (they didn't fit the rest of the game at all). The music was nice.

I liked the personalities of the two characters and that you have split gameplay between up and down. The graphics are a weird mix of pixel style and photos, especially in the "down" part. The puzzles were okay, but I didn't understand why I couldn't just put the spicy nuts somewhere on the bricks, go away and wait for the bird to eat them.

In Our Midst
This was super fun and the no-talking mechanic worked unexpectedly well. I like the implementation of "can't do it" with showing X. The puzzles were really clever and I only needed a small hint. The game manages not to feel like a classic P&C adventure, even though it has all the features except for dialog. It was weirdly satifiying to strike someone from the list.
My only complain would be that the character sprite was really huge and always standing in front of what I wanted to interact with. Making the PC non-clickable (i.e. click through) might have worked better in this case.
I have to admit, I've never played Among Us, I only found out that this was a homage to it after I finished the game and googled the company mentioned in the credits.

I voted for
In Our Midst



Also voted :)

Barn Runner: Fashionably Late - well...  :grin: I respect your style Ponch. I like how you draw the characters. Your games have that specific kind of humor which I like.

Steeplejack - I liked the humor and the feel of the game. Short but good. I liked the characters too.

Sherwood - a roguelike game made in AGS, impressive! I did not comple it but had some fun

In Our Midst - good puzzles, good game, strong contender

My vote went to
Steeplejack - I had the best overall experience. In Our Midst was close but I did not complete it. I did not get past the vent puzzle.


Quote from: tbook on Thu 16/05/2024 09:10:36
... In Our Midst was close but I did not complete it. I did not get past the vent puzzle.

I also got stuck there. I will note that it was the only part of the game that I couldn't solve. I had to get a few hints and I was able to proceed. I recommend that you ask for some help and finish the game; it's worth it!


I've also voted. I suppose it comes with the theme, but it was fun to see how diverse the different entries were in both gameplay and style and I think they're all really strong entries.

I can give some thoughts/opinions/feedback on the other entries if people want them, I'm not sure whether I should do that as an entrant or while voting is ongoing?


Quote from: OneDollar on Sun 19/05/2024 20:38:57I can give some thoughts/opinions/feedback on the other entries if people want them, I'm not sure whether I should do that as an entrant or while voting is ongoing?
I'm sure all participants want as much feedback as possible. Most participants offer feedback on the other entries and don't wait until after the voting, as this is a low stakes competition, but there are no set rules. Do what you feel is right. :)


Congratulations, OneDollar! Well done!


Well done to @OneDollar for an emphatic win. I'll be in touch about coming up with a new theme for June.

And thanks for all the votes, everyone. 18 is a recent record. I can't remember the last time we had that many votes.


Congrats, OneDollar. Very fun game. You got my vote. (And thanks to whoever voted for my silly entry. :kiss:  )


Oh nice, thanks for the votes and for the competition! It's good to see so many entrants and people voting. I'll have a think about a topic for next month, and I guess I should probably go fix up some of the bugs and release a version 1.1...


Quote from: OneDollar on Sun 26/05/2024 21:16:57Oh nice, thanks for the votes and for the competition! It's good to see so many entrants and people voting. I'll have a think about a topic for next month, and I guess I should probably go fix up some of the bugs and release a version 1.1...
MAGS May June (duh): Polish Your MAGS Game? ;)


We have a winner among us! Congrats!


Quote from: Kastchey on Sun 26/05/2024 21:18:17MAGS May: Polish Your MAGS Game? ;)

Or better Upgrade Your MAGS Game? for older low-res entries?



Well done OneDollar! A worthy winner! Thank you to everyone who voted for Steeplejack and for your kind comments. Thanks as well to WHAM. I really enjoyed watching your stream. It was surreal to see someone else playing it but great!


So I missed the MAGS, and I also missed the vote...  :-[

Still, congratulations to the winner!

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