MAGS December "Forbidden" (VOTING)

Started by Stupot, Tue 28/11/2023 07:31:54

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What is your favourite game of MAGS December?

"Not My Ron" by jwalt
2 (15.4%)
"Dead Phones" by noblonski
8 (61.5%)
"Hues of the Haunt" by Kastchey
3 (23.1%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: Wed 24/01/2024 09:12:24


As a special Christmas treat, I'm giving you a few days head start and a cheeky extra week to make your games. What can I say? The rules are meant to be broken... which is fitting, since this month's theme is "Forbidden"

Theme: Forbidden
Set by: RootBound

Not My Ron
by jwalt
Dead Phones
by noblonski
Hues of the Haunt
by Kastchey


A lot of room to interpret here. Could be as small as a parent's curfew or talking in a movie theater, as medium as forbidden love or trespassing, or as big as a totalitarian 1984 planet. Someone or something in your game should break a rule set by someone or something else.

What is MAGS?
Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the guidelines set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualize your game following the month's criteria (see above). Second, create your game fuelled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

* A working download link
* The title of your game
* A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fourteen days, and the winner chooses the next month's theme.

Remember that this is a challenge to see what you can do in a month, so any tinkering you do after that, including fixing minor glitches, is against the spirit of the competition. The exception to this is that you may go in and fix major, game-breaking bugs only during voting. We want you to have a game that voters can actually play and that runs on their machines.

So to reiterate, during the voting period fixing major, game-breaking bugs is okay, fixing minor glitches or making cosmetic changes is cheating.

Here are some ways to make sure you have a game to submit at the end of the month:
* Make a tiny game. Plan small, then cut it in half. Find shortcuts (e.g. if making walkcycles is time-consuming, make the characters static or have it in the first person).
* Plan to have your game playable and submittable with a week to spare. This way you have a week to fix bugs, add some flourishes and maybe even get someone to test it.
* Plan to submit it a day or so early. This way, if there are any technical issues with uploading, they can be sorted out in time.

Need a little help with graphics? Perhaps The AGS Trove has something you can use.
Don't want to go it alone? Try the Recruitment board.


Interesting, I'll see if I can think of something interesting and that can be done in about a week (have seem vacation days during xmas and new year. :) crossing fingers I can find the time.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

The Great Underground Empire

...does this mean we can just make a game about whatever we want because we're breaking your rule?  :grin:


This one sounds fun! I'm a bit busy during the beginning half of the month, but with the extra week maybe I can make something happen...  :P  I will have to see!
I have a website:
I've made some games:
I've made some videos:
And some game videos:


I meant to post in the 'How to get more participation' thread that I wouldn't mind joining, but can't make a game on my own. And then saw that I wrote just that on page one a few years back...

So, since it's been a while that I did any scripting and I like to brush up on that: does anyone like me to help with (or do) the scripting for their game? I may come up with a puzzle or two as well.

Thanks  :)


i'm gonna give this a try. bloody beginner on ags but i participated on one of those in the visionaire community about 10 years ago and made first place. funny thing is, the topic was almost the same haha. contests are always a great way to get the skills! let's go and good luck to everyone participating!!


Cracking first post noblonski. Welcome to the forum.

Good to see some early interest in this one xxx


Quote from: HandsFree on Wed 29/11/2023 23:31:05I meant to post in the 'How to get more participation' thread that I wouldn't mind joining, but can't make a game on my own. And then saw that I wrote just that on page one a few years back...

So, since it's been a while that I did any scripting and I like to brush up on that: does anyone like me to help with (or do) the scripting for their game? I may come up with a puzzle or two as well.

Thanks  :)
as my scripting skills are pretty much 0 i might get back to you about that. 😄


Part way through my November MAGS entry, I realized I had stranded two characters in an alternate dimension. I began thinking of how to get them back to their Reality on the Norm. What I'm coming up with can be morphed into a Forbidden entry, so I guess I'm giving it a try. More complex than my November attempt, but making some good progress, already. Fingers crossed.

Edit: Lost a few days with a power supply failure on the system that had the game files. Replaced the supply and hope to have something presentable by the deadline. It's not going to have any puzzles, or inventory use. Just a bunch of conversations with an assortment of RON characters.

Kitty Trouble

Anyone have anything started for this?


Kind of... started late in the month again, trying to use the extra week to finish.


Well, here goes...

Help "the boys" explore another RONality. Will they stay, or will they go? 

MediaFire link to game:

I lost five days with a power supply issue on the PC that had the game files. Once I got that fixed, I had a lot of problems resuming work on the game. I think it's playable, but may be breakable? Also, I keep finding spelling issues, so there may be some of those still lurking around. I remarked out the inventory screen, as it was interfering with some hotspots in the City Square. You may need ESC to quit the game. BASS template.

Edit: Some folks may not appreciate my take on The Baywatch Bounce in Josh's portion of the game.


Quote from: Kitty Trouble on Wed 03/01/2024 15:37:50Anyone have anything started for this?
yes. final polishing is being applied.
gonna make proper settings & save/load menu and inventory adjustments tomorrow, play around with some scrolling modules a bit and then it's done!

Kitty Trouble

Ok cool, I was just coming on to check for January's theme and noticed that December's didn't have any submissions yet.



Dead Phones

Ok, here we go!

There is an english and a german version.

Should work ok. I hope. haha.

fireplace bug fixed
ladder bug fixed too
chessbook bug fixed too, timer for additional hint added


Great work, guys. Remember to also add your games to the main database, please.  (nod)


Quote from: noblonski on Sat 06/01/2024 12:41:56Dead Phones

Ok, here we go!

Playing through this, this AM. Very impressive. May need a hint, however. Also, a comment:


Looks like I'm going to need a hint about the cat food? Seems like I'm going to need something to carry it in, but haven't found anything that works. Unless, of course, there's some other way to deal with the crow?

Seems to be a sticky walk path issue, near the bathtub with the body. It's not a game breaker, since scrolling along the bottom brings up the "door" and will allow exiting the room. Everything else seems to work, and how'd you manage to get so much into the game in a month?  :shocked:



Quote from: Kitty Trouble on Sat 06/01/2024 17:58:29
Quote from: jwalt on Sat 06/01/2024 16:21:55
cat food

Where did you find that?

In the first apartment, the cat has a bowl of water and food near the shelf, on the floor, on the left side of the room.

Kitty Trouble

Quote from: jwalt on Sat 06/01/2024 18:16:32
Quote from: Kitty Trouble on Sat 06/01/2024 17:58:29
Quote from: jwalt on Sat 06/01/2024 16:21:55
cat food

Where did you find that?

In the first apartment, the cat has a bowl of water and food near the shelf, on the floor, on the left side of the room.

Found the answer to your problem after realizing you could even
go back to the apartment

He won't take the food because the cat is watching over it.

Can you distract it?

Can you play with it?

Can anything that you have in your inventory be used to play with it?

Unfortunately stuck on the next part.


Quote from: Kitty Trouble on Sat 06/01/2024 18:23:38Unfortunately stuck on the next part.

Thanks for helping me with my Kitty Trouble. ;-) I may now be stuck as well?

Got past the cop, got both pawns, and solved the map. Took the picture, but then not much.

Also, looks like you can relight the fireplace, get a third pawn, and, apparently, mess up that portion of the puzzle?


Quote from: jwalt on Sat 06/01/2024 16:21:55
Quote from: noblonski on Sat 06/01/2024 12:41:56Dead Phones

Ok, here we go!

Playing through this, this AM. Very impressive. May need a hint, however. Also, a comment:


Looks like I'm going to need a hint about the cat food? Seems like I'm going to need something to carry it in, but haven't found anything that works. Unless, of course, there's some other way to deal with the crow?

Seems to be a sticky walk path issue, near the bathtub with the body. It's not a game breaker, since scrolling along the bottom brings up the "door" and will allow exiting the room. Everything else seems to work, and how'd you manage to get so much into the game in a month?  :shocked:


thanks a lot :)

to get the cat food:
try using something you have with the cat to play with it

oh i didn't even spot that walk area bug yet. thanks for pointing it out. i noticed a few others (when trying to pick up the catfood for example or going inside the front door, when the character is turning a couple of times before doing the action.) it might be due to the character's sprite size. not 100% sure, though.

also, honestly i have no idea how i got that done haha. once i'm in the flow, i get stuff done somehow haha.
hope you like it. if you find anything else that doesn't work as intended, please let me know.


Quote from: jwalt on Sat 06/01/2024 19:13:35
Quote from: Kitty Trouble on Sat 06/01/2024 18:23:38Unfortunately stuck on the next part.

Thanks for helping me with my Kitty Trouble. ;-) I may now be stuck as well?

Got past the cop, got both pawns, and solved the map. Took the picture, but then not much.

Also, looks like you can relight the fireplace, get a third pawn, and, apparently, mess up that portion of the puzzle?

oooh, crap... haha. yeah, that is possible, i guess. i'll fix that. thanks.

after sending the picture
check your messages on your phone

i've fixed the fireplace bug and updated the link in the original post.
also, sorry for doubleposting.


Quote from: noblonski on Sat 06/01/2024 19:18:16oooh, crap... haha. yeah, that is possible, i guess. i'll fix that. thanks.

after sending the picture
check your messages on your phone

Fireplace not really an issue, since there's no reason to do it yet again. Been back to the bathroom several times, and the sticky walk path issue hasn't happened again.


Edit: Have now played two of the endings. Do seem to have a dead phone in one of the attempts. Not sure why? The two successful playthroughs it has worked fine.
Don't seem to be getting the phone to work as it was before?


Quote from: jwalt on Sat 06/01/2024 19:37:30
Quote from: noblonski on Sat 06/01/2024 19:18:16oooh, crap... haha. yeah, that is possible, i guess. i'll fix that. thanks.

after sending the picture
check your messages on your phone

Fireplace not really an issue, since there's no reason to do it yet again. Been back to the bathroom several times, and the sticky walk path issue hasn't happened again.


Edit: Have now played two of the endings. Do seem to have a dead phone in one of the attempts. Not sure why? The two successful playthroughs it has worked fine.
Don't seem to be getting the phone to work as it was before?

oh, what's the issue? it doesn't work, right clicking the phone and selecting the first app? the chat might take a second to load though. i couldn't reproduce it on my end.


Quote from: noblonski on Sat 06/01/2024 20:53:23
oh, what's the issue? it doesn't work, right clicking the phone and selecting the first app? the chat might take a second to load though. i couldn't reproduce it on my end.

Two endings encountered, so far: returning home and buying replacements, and getting caught in the room with the phones. In the saved game that stopped working, the phone screen comes up, but doesn't display any of the four options. It's just dead. Didn't act like that outside that one game. May not be a real problem? Maybe my batteries are dead. ;-)

Edit 4 of 5 possible endings:
So, have now played 4 of 5 possible endings, including the "original" one. If that last keypad puzzle is supposed to be working, I note clicking on the ladder up to the final manhole will bypass the puzzle, which I couldn't seem to get to work, anyway. Had the wire cutters and info from the second color chart, but it didn't seem to work the way I thought it should.

Think you should be pretty proud of your game! And I liked the music, as well.

Kitty Trouble

Can I get a hint about the


Quote from: Kitty Trouble on Sat 06/01/2024 22:32:35Can I get a hint about the

There's a bathroom in the original apartment. Check out the medicine cabinet for something that might help with the cop. The next issue might be figuring out what to do with your discovery.  ;-)

Kitty Trouble

Okay thanks, I really think
that could use a visual indicator though

Kitty Trouble

Quote from: jwalt on Sat 06/01/2024 21:12:05
Quote from: noblonski on Sat 06/01/2024 20:53:23
oh, what's the issue? it doesn't work, right clicking the phone and selecting the first app? the chat might take a second to load though. i couldn't reproduce it on my end.

Two endings encountered, so far: returning home and buying replacements, and getting caught in the room with the phones. In the saved game that stopped working, the phone screen comes up, but doesn't display any of the four options. It's just dead. Didn't act like that outside that one game. May not be a real problem? Maybe my batteries are dead. ;-)

Edit 4 of 5 possible endings:
So, have now played 4 of 5 possible endings, including the "original" one. If that last keypad puzzle is supposed to be working, I note clicking on the ladder up to the final manhole will bypass the puzzle, which I couldn't seem to get to work, anyway. Had the wire cutters and info from the second color chart, but it didn't seem to work the way I thought it should.

Think you should be pretty proud of your game! And I liked the music, as well.

For the 5th ending:
Two of the endings basically have repeats with/without the headphones


oh no haha. thanks for the heads up. i'll fix that before the deadline ends tomorrow.
(edit: fixed. link in original post updated to database game link)
little hint about the keypad:
use the wirecutters on the fence downstairs to get the missing part of the colour combination puzzle.

thanks so much for the kind words. i appreciate it  :)


I want to report a crash

I put the pawns where I THOUGHT I was supposed to based on the text conversation but nothing happened and I didn't see any way to do anything else, including try again. So I thought I'd check if I can reread the conversation on the phone in case I put the pawns in the wrong place. I didn't see any way to scroll back so I took out the map again (the chessboard was still loaded) and I took the picture again. The game crashed. I'll have to restore from my last save.


Quote from: Shadow1000 on Sun 07/01/2024 06:28:59I want to report a crash

I put the pawns where I THOUGHT I was supposed to based on the text conversation but nothing happened and I didn't see any way to do anything else, including try again. So I thought I'd check if I can reread the conversation on the phone in case I put the pawns in the wrong place. I didn't see any way to scroll back so I took out the map again (the chessboard was still loaded) and I took the picture again. The game crashed. I'll have to restore from my last save.

oh, ok. thanks a lot. i'll have a look and fix it.
fixed. please redownload.
as the book is pretty much useless after sending the picture, i'.ve removed it after closing it and sending the pic as it could have caused a couple more issues later on. for me the mousewheel works ot scroll back up in the text messages but now i've added a reminder when you're stuck in the chess puzzle (20 second timer based)

thanks so much for these reports!


Mine's going to be a demo, but I'm going to release it anyway. At least it should be a real, complete demo this time ;)

Working to fix the last few bugs. And maybe add a bit more content before the deadline.

Edit: I'll be uploading in about couple hours.



Hues of the Haunt

A visual novel (demo)
Download v. here

Following a car accident, a young woman wakes up in a small town, picturesque but strangely silent and still. It turns out that leaving the place may not be so easy...

A game made in the style of the Japanese visual novels, a genre that became popular in the late 90s. I had a lot of fun coding the layout!
I think I have squished most bugs, but had no testers so do save often.

Music on/off and sound on/off buttons don't do anything as there's no music or sound. Single slot save/restore. You can switch between slow and fast skipping style by clicking the bottom left button in the settings GUI (top left corner). Slow skipping is recommended if you have tendency to accidentally double click. Fast skipping is ideal when replaying the game.

Download v. here

Edit: Updated the download link with a bug fix.


Took a quick look at Hues of the Haunt.

More stunning graphics from Kastchey! Did bumble into a pretty solid lock up. Task Manager couldn't get me out of it, but I was able to get to the Task Bar and reboot. There were some AGS error message thumbnails displayed above the task bar, but I got no access to actually read them. I was clicking around pretty recklessly, so it may have been my fault. Getting a serious vampire vibe, since the kiddo mentioned "sire." Enjoying it and left me wanting more.


Quote from: jwalt on Mon 08/01/2024 01:55:10
More stunning graphics from Kastchey! Did bumble into a pretty solid lock up. Task Manager couldn't get me out of it, but I was able to get to the Task Bar and reboot. There were some AGS error message thumbnails displayed above the task bar, but I got no access to actually read them. I was clicking around pretty recklessly, so it may have been my fault. Getting a serious vampire vibe, since the kiddo mentioned "sire." Enjoying it and left me wanting more.
Thanks for trying the game, I'm glad you liked it!

As for the error, uh-oh. I was fairly certain the GUI was immune to obsessive clicking ;) You don't happen to recall where, more or less, you could have clicked or what location you were at? No worries if not, I'll try to track it down.


Quote from: Kastchey on Mon 08/01/2024 00:26:41

Hues of the Haunt

A visual novel (demo)
Download v.0.5 here

Following a car accident, a young woman wakes up in a small town, picturesque but strangely silent and still. It turns out that leaving the place may not be so easy...

A game made in the style of the Japanese visual novels, a genre that became popular in the late 90s. I had a lot of fun coding the layout!
I think I have squished most bugs, but had no testers so do save often.

Music on/off and sound on/off buttons don't do anything as there's no music or sound. Single slot save/restore. You can switch between slow and fast skipping style by clicking the bottom left button in the settings GUI (top left corner). Slow skipping is recommended if you have tendency to accidentally double click. Fast skipping is ideal when replaying the game.

Download v.0.5 here

this looks super impressive. i'll need a few days without any ags related things and will play all other contestant's games next weekend. good luck everyone


Quote from: Kastchey on Mon 08/01/2024 11:17:37Thanks for trying the game, I'm glad you liked it!

As for the error, uh-oh. I was fairly certain the GUI was immune to obsessive clicking ;) You don't happen to recall where, more or less, you could have clicked or what location you were at? No worries if not, I'll try to track it down.

As I recall, I was rapidly clicking through locations. Don't really think there was anything wrong. I couldn't read those thumbnails. They were AGS error screens, but that's all the info I have for you.

Kitty Trouble

Quote from: Kastchey on Mon 08/01/2024 00:26:41

Hues of the Haunt

A visual novel (demo)
Download v.0.5 here

Following a car accident, a young woman wakes up in a small town, picturesque but strangely silent and still. It turns out that leaving the place may not be so easy...

A game made in the style of the Japanese visual novels, a genre that became popular in the late 90s. I had a lot of fun coding the layout!
I think I have squished most bugs, but had no testers so do save often.

Music on/off and sound on/off buttons don't do anything as there's no music or sound. Single slot save/restore. You can switch between slow and fast skipping style by clicking the bottom left button in the settings GUI (top left corner). Slow skipping is recommended if you have tendency to accidentally double click. Fast skipping is ideal when replaying the game.

Download v.0.5 here

"To the outskirts" is freezing my game.


Also, just curious, are you planning to make a full version of the game?


Quote from: Kitty Trouble on Mon 08/01/2024 16:58:29
"To the outskirts" is freezing my game.
Ahh, thank you for this! I bet this is what crashed jwalt's game, too. It was this specific location having an invalid parameter.
Thanks to you both for reporting, I've updated the original post with a fixed version.

Quote from: Kitty Trouble on Mon 08/01/2024 16:58:29Also, just curious, are you planning to make a full version of the game?
Yes. This isn't the first project on my 'to be finished' list, but this one probably won't require as much effort, so I may bump it up the queue. Not having to animate things is a huge time saver, and the tiny rooms are a lot faster to make, too.

Quote from: noblonski on Mon 08/01/2024 14:47:18this looks super impressive. i'll need a few days without any ags related things and will play all other contestant's games next weekend. good luck everyone
Thanks! Hope you will enjoy it :)


"To the outskirts" is freezing my game.


Also, just curious, are you planning to make a full version of the game?

I can verify that that also freezes my game, but in a controlled fashion. Something about walktobtn4. If you need it, I can capture the error message. My initial crash occurred in full screen mode. This time I was playing in windowed.


Quote from: jwalt on Mon 08/01/2024 18:13:38I can verify that that also freezes my game, but in a controlled fashion. Something about walktobtn4. If you need it, I can capture the error message. My initial crash occurred in full screen mode. This time I was playing in windowed.
Thank you, I've managed to pin it down thanks to you and Kitty. I had mistakenly set the last destination description in that particular location to non-blank, which would produce a navigation button that had no destination specified. That location should only have 3 places to move to. The download link is already updated.


Thanks for the entries, everyone.
Time to vote.

Please vote using the poll above.

Not My Ron
by jwalt
Dead Phones
by noblonski
Hues of the Haunt
by Kastchey

Please let me know if I've missed anything.


Quote from: Stupot on Wed 10/01/2024 09:15:13Thanks for the entries, everyone.
Time to vote.

Please vote using the poll above.

Hard to compare a full game with a demo. In the end, I went with Noblonski. Nothing wrong with Katschey's game, and the graphics were... WOW. Would look forward to Katschey's complete game.

In fact, even my entry might qualify as a demo, since I left the two characters still stranded in that alternate reality. Right now, I doubt I'll ever find a way to get them out.


Stu, I think Dead Phones links to the screenshot instead of the game in your post.

Quote from: jwalt on Wed 10/01/2024 14:42:31Voted.
Hard to compare a full game with a demo. In the end, I went with Noblonski. Nothing wrong with Katschey's game, and the graphics were... WOW. Would look forward to Katschey's complete game.
Thanks, that's totally fine! People tend to prefer games that give them a sense of completion. I was fully aware of that when submitting my entry :D


Playing now... voting soon...  :cool:

Update: Voted!  :cheesy:

Good games this month. Very hard to choose.


Quote from: Kastchey on Wed 10/01/2024 19:08:07Stu, I think Dead Phones links to the screenshot instead of the game in your post.

Thanks, Kastchey, you were right.
Sorry about that, noblonski. It should be fixed now.


Quote from: Stupot on Fri 12/01/2024 07:53:19
Quote from: Kastchey on Wed 10/01/2024 19:08:07Stu, I think Dead Phones links to the screenshot instead of the game in your post.

Thanks, Kastchey, you were right.
Sorry about that, noblonski. It should be fixed now.
no problem. it's all good.  :)  now the screenshot is missing, though :D


I voted for
Dead Phones. To me, this game is top-notch in every aspect. Great story, graphics, music, I loved the overall atmosphere and great puzzles.


Quote from: Shadow1000 on Thu 18/01/2024 05:21:41I voted for
Dead Phones. To me, this game is top-notch in every aspect. Great story, graphics, music, I loved the overall atmosphere and great puzzles.

wow, thanks a lot, much appreciated!


My thoughts this month:

Not My RON by Jwalt:
I like the story, though I'd liked our heroes to put an end to the Dayists. The beach part was very funny. More story than game, though.

Hues of the Haunt by Kastchey:
Very impressive. The layout and graphics are professional and set the mood. I like how the windows all seem to immediately tell their purpose, and the game design truly sells this instantly. The intro is cool and unexpected, and the story is well written, setting the spooky mood. I have all sorts of theories about this small town now. The only real downside (apart from no sound yet) would be those inherent in the VN genre. I'm looking for triggers to the next part of the story, not really puzzles to solve.

Dead Phones by Noblonski:
Also very impressive. When looking at the credits, it looks like it's the work of a whole team, but really, it's the work of one guy putting all the others' assets into his own creation. And makes it look like this is what it all was created for.  :-D  Cool story, satisfying puzzles, great use of modules that push AGS somewhat, and a mighty fine soundtrack to boot. I could wish for a bit better signposting of exits - i found the bathroom by sheer coincidence.

I voted for:
Dead Phones. Even though the writing in Hues of the Haunt is spectacular, I like my puzzles.


I have played both co-entries. My thoughts:

Not My RON by jwalt:
Wow, that was deeper than I expected! I don't know if that was fully intentional, but the clash between Josh's blissful ignorance and Davy's depressing revelation produced a really interesting (and gloomy) narrative twist.

Dead Phones by noblonski:
Really impressive, especially if that was your first AGS game ever. The puzzles were clever and enjoyable, and you managed to squeeze in multiple endings on top of that, nice! Good job blending the visuals into a consistent whole, too. I would have liked if there was a bit more to the story, it seemed somewhat random. The jump scare with the lights going off compensated for that fully, though! :D

It was a tough call, but in the end I voted for:
Not My RON. I'm a sucker for a good story and post-apocalyptic worlds.


Quote from: Kastchey on Sun 21/01/2024 21:30:53I have played both co-entries. My thoughts:

Not My RON by jwalt:
Wow, that was deeper than I expected! I don't know if that was fully intentional, but the clash between Josh's blissful ignorance and Davy's depressing revelation produced a really interesting (and gloomy) narrative twist.

Thanks for the kind words. HeltonJon also said some nice things.

I intended to have the two aspects of the game, as mentioned, between Josh and Davy's parts. I also gave serious thought to trying to "do away with the Dayists," similar to HeltonJon's comment. However, decided to keep the story about trying to find a way to get Josh and Davy back to their Reality.

I confess to knowing next to nothing about RON's Dayists. My game probably isn't canon, but since they operate in an alternate Reality, I think I can get away with it.


Upon reading Jwalt's answer and doing a quick check about the Dayist Church in earlier RON games, I retract my notion that they should be fought in this game. I had forgotten all about them, to be honest. (Played the RON games 10+ years ago.) I actually thought they were something Jwalt had made up for this entry, but now I see they are a part of a what if-scenario that plays heavily on alternate realities where things played out a bit differently. And I think the story is all the better for it.


thanks for the nice and kind words!!

i agree with the things y'all mention: the bad signposting (and about 100 other little things) is fixed in the polished version which i'll drop  after voting has concluded.
the story was originally a little more on the horror side of things but my graphic skills are pretty much non-existent. i used lots of heavily and not so heavily edited free assets and a couple of paid ones but my resources were still limited, that's why certain parts are a little weird. for the next one i'm definitely gonna have more story. thanks for the feedback! this is very exciting!  ;-D


Quote from: heltenjon on Sun 21/01/2024 17:26:58
Very impressive. The layout and graphics are professional and set the mood. I like how the windows all seem to immediately tell their purpose, and the game design truly sells this instantly. The intro is cool and unexpected, and the story is well written, setting the spooky mood. I have all sorts of theories about this small town now. The only real downside (apart from no sound yet) would be those inherent in the VN genre. I'm looking for triggers to the next part of the story, not really puzzles to solve.
I voted for:
Dead Phones. Even though the writing in Hues of the Haunt is spectacular, I like my puzzles.
Thanks for the feedback! I generally lean towards classic adventures games too, but I've been wanting to try making a VN layout for a while now, and the idea I got for this theme fit fairly well. Glad you liked the UI design and the writing. I perceived neither as my forte, so I did focus on those two aspects quite a lot to make them right. If this gets its full version one day, I hope I'll be able to make tad more to the gameplay than just coursing around the locations looking for the next part of the content.
And if the story sparked some early theories in your head, awesome! This is exactly the effect I was hoping for :)


Congratulations, noblonski! A well deserved win :)


Quote from: Kastchey on Wed 24/01/2024 11:50:38Congratulations, noblonski! A well deserved win :)
oh, i didn't even see that yet.  8-0
wow, thanks so much everyone!!
it means a lot and surely is a big motivation.


Congratulations noblonski. Great start to your AGS career!

I'll be in touch soon about setting the theme for February.


thank you very much!  :)  i'll come up with something until then.

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