MAGS January: "Aftermath" (Winner Announced)

Started by Atelier, Fri 02/01/2015 13:22:22

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ohnoes, waiting one more day for all this great new mags games will kill me...
btw, what's the february mags theme?

Dropped Monocle Games


Is finished and ready to be played!

Completed Games Thread

That was pretty hard going... I don't think I have left my computer desk much the whole month, can't wait to see the other games :D


Got it in, in time.
I feel so...tired, I think I'ma sleep till September.

Submitted for the approval of the AGS Community, I present to you...

All Gone Soon

Giles and Niel have been separated for months, is it really the end? Or do they still have a chance at love?

Download here: 


Brought to you by LostTrainDude and Kastchey, with some additional help from CaptainD!


"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Holy avalanche of entries, Batman! :shocked:

Based on the screenies these are some serious entries.  Not like that fluff that Ponch & I won with in November.... ;)

Look forward to playing!


Blimey. Another healthy looking MAGS line-up.
Well done folks.



Apologies for posting late. I bit off more than I could chew for starting so late!



Starlit Grave is a very short intro to a game set on a space ship based around the theme: Aftermath.
I had recently come back to game making and the January MAGS theme really inspired me.
However, I started about 3 weeks late, so what I have so far is not exactly everything I wanted to get done.


My main aims were as follows:

To use a very low resolution using the new AGS build.
To have a no voice acting RPG-esque speech style.
To to try to design a 1-click or 'tap' interface that could be used universally (PCs, phones, tablets etc).


Calico Reverie - Independent Game Development, Pixel Art & Other Stuff
Games: Mi - Starlit Grave - IAMJASON - Aractaur - blind to siberia - Wrong Channel - Memoriae - Point Of No Return


Since it has no official thread (if so I'll delete this!), I really enjoyed the (unfortunately short) Starlit Grave experience!
Loved the pacing and your use of pixel art. I also found your GUIs to interesting (yet a bit "clunky" sometimes - My fault for being too much used to a "Right Mouse Button = Examine" way of thinking, anyway).

I can't wait to see where this goes, so please keep us updated! :D
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Heeeere we go! 4 entries to choose from:

Mess Goblins by Dropped Monocle Games:
All Gone Soon by vertigoaddict:
A Landlord's Dream by LostTrainDude:
Starlit Grave by xil:

Please PM this account with your vote by the 14th February. I must say, the standard is ridiculously high this month!


Just finished playing all the entries, and they are ALL so good!

All Gone Soon - Lacking in puzzles, but the story and art were nice. And adding voice to a MAGS entry I know is tough to do, very cool.
Mess Goblins - Hilarious, great mix of puzzles, and a fun story! I love it when people create all new creatures, complete with back story.
A Landlord's Dream - I couldn't figure out how to create an emergency, but I'm guessing there's more. :) Wow, just wow. Kudos for creating such an immersive
story, without burying me in paragraphs of dialog. You make it look easy. I hope this one is 'to be continued'.
Starlit Grave - Ditto here. A true adventure, with some great puzzles, and an interesting story.

This is some serious talent :shocked:  Voice acting, great graphics, animations, inventive stories, geez...
I love it!


I just finished playing the last of the entries, and WOW it's hard to decide on voting order: The level of all entries is just so high this month!

I'm going to have to go with Mess Goblins for my #1 vote though as it is a complete game of a good length, and is also charming, funny, and looks just beautiful.

For #2 I'm going to choose All Gone Soon as it really stuck in my mind storywise, and also I got some genuine laughs out of the funny parts, and felt genuinely sorry for the characters during the sadder bits. The bonus material also provided a great insight into themes that lie just beneath the surface of a deceptively simple-looking story.

My #3 slot goes to Starlit Grave for its awesome retro graphics and slick animation and all around look and feel. The music is awesome too!

A Landlord's Dream was a great glimpse at what looks like a much bigger story and I'm very much looking forward to seeing what that story turns out to be.


Voted.  Man, that was hard.  All the entries really glowed in their own way, in that they were by far and away better than what Ponch and I were able to cobble together last November. (roll)  I feel bad that you all can't win: try to disperse your entries more next time! :)

All Gone Soon might have suffered from a lack of actual game play, but the story line was very well-written, the voice acting superb, and the humour outright hilarious.  Bonus points for Neil mimicking Gile's accent in mockery, Audrey Hepburn with a Penis, and the sarcastic "Shouldn't you be transitioning to the game-over screen now?" ending. :=

A Landlord's Dream did an amazingly atmospheric job of slowly introducing the player to a futuristic dystopia.  The dialogues were snappy, and the background art jaw-droppingly gorgeous.  The puzzles were logical (if a bit outlandish in terms of the cat... (roll)), and the animation solid (especially the fish and the fixer).  Such a large concept obviously begs a larger game, but I thought you guys did a phenomenal job given the timeline restraints.  Awesome!

Starlit Grave was a very intense experience.  The music really made it work!  I loved the low res-art and animations, and the puzzles were logical (though short).  I felt a little overwhelmed by the sudden introduction of so many characters at the beginning, but otherwise the plot was solid.  The interface was a complicating factor for me, but it certainly gave the game that old-school vibe.  Nice work!

Mess Goblins was icky-sticky cute.  The world, the back-story, and the dialogues that revealed it were all wonderfully executed.  The puzzles all had an inspired insight into the minds of the slovenly (luckily I share this wavelength ;)).  But all of this pales in comparison to the blinding light of the animation.  I think my jaw shattered into a thousand pieces when it hit the floor: it is INSANE that you were able to pull all that off in a month (among all the other tasks necessary to assemble a functional game).  Wow!  :shocked:

Good work all around, and I hope to see more from all the developers and teams, either expanding upon the work above or in other projects!


Whew! I wasn't sure I'd get these played before voting closed but I squeaked across the line! :cheesy:

All the games were great and I'm thrilled there was such a nice turnout. It's hard to choose who I'm going to vote for, but I'm PMing in my ballot tonight.

Thanks for a fun batch of games, everyone. :kiss:


Results time peeps, and we have an overwhelming winner!

All Gone Soon - 1 vote
Landlord's Dream - 2 votes
Mess Goblins - 7 votes

Congrats Dropped Monocle! Thank you to everybody for a very 'meaty' month.


Congrats to Dropped Monocle. And thanks to everyone who entered this month! :cheesy:


Thank you so much for voting for us! It was a really amazing month and we were so impressed with the work everyone put in! I felt terrible for most of MAGS, as I contracted the Norovirus, so this is really awesome and makes the days I stared at the computer screen blankly feeling like crap wondering why I let Sox talk me into this again all worth it lol.

But seriously thank you. It means a lot ;-D


Congratulations to Dropped Monocle! You rule! :D
Now a bunch of Mess Goblins will take over the forums, I just know that (laugh)
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Ditto what he ^ said, after playing Mess Goblins, I can never watch "Hoarders" the same way ever again XD


Congrats Dropped Monocle, very worthy winners indeed.
Calico Reverie - Independent Game Development, Pixel Art & Other Stuff
Games: Mi - Starlit Grave - IAMJASON - Aractaur - blind to siberia - Wrong Channel - Memoriae - Point Of No Return

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