MAGS January “Under the Sea” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Fri 01/01/2021 15:51:08

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What is your favourite game of MAGS January?

Shoaly You Can't be Serious  - by CaptainD
2 (25%)
In Search of Marina - by Slasher and Racoon
6 (75%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: Mon 15/02/2021 03:25:58


Quote from: Shadow1000 on Tue 26/01/2021 14:26:23
When I click the link it gets blocked (I assume by my antivirus). Is there an alternative download site?

Weird, does it block the direct link to the Itch page too?



Racoon and I bring you:
In search of Marina
An underwater adventure.

Sparky always meets his friend Marina at the same time everyday and they enjoy time together having fun playing games.

However, one morning Marina is nowhere to be seen. Where is Marina? Sparky sets out to find her....

Left click to interact and right click to look.

Click X to disable Active inventory item.



Just two entries this month. Thanks to those who entered.

Time to play and vote:
(Click on the titles to download and vote using the poll above.)

Shoaly You Can't be serious!
by CaptainD

In Search of Marina
by Slasher and Racoon

Don't forget to rate and comment on the entries' respective game pages.


Shoaly You Can't be serious!
by CaptainD....

A simple, but effective game that I thought had a 90's feel...

Well executed.... The end result displays were a good thought...

It wore my keyboard arrows out and I had to be on the ball the whole time..

I found the font too small and the splash text flashing too fast.

Not exactly your usual adventure game but fell within the boundaries of the topic.

Overall a good game from the Captain....


My thoughts:

Shoaly You Can't be serious!
Great application of the theme of the month! I played it a few times to get the hang of it. There's a lot going on there, with obstacles to avoid and trying to snag those fish.

In Search of Marina
To be blunt: this is everything a MAGS entry should be. Checks all the boxes that make a good adventure game: pleasing artwork, well-designed puzzles good story/objective/resolution to problem. I have to admit to feeling that emotion of despair when I NEEDED to get my friend back. The music score was actually just right to help create that mood. An impressive number of rooms for a short game. This entry easily got my vote.


In search of Marina:

Nice little game for a younger audience, my kids quite enjoyed playing it with me. Given the target audience I would have liked clearer hotspot detection and one of the word choices was a little off (the lesser f word) but overall an enjoyable little romp. I didn't play it with the help so not sure if that made a difference to the hotspot detection. The graphics made it looks like an interactive story book to me which was nice, and the simple language used was good for the target audience.

I felt rather sorry for the crabs though!


My thoughts:

In search of Marina:
Nice and kid-friendly. I like the mechanics Slasher have used before with shortcuts to each location, and a message when there is no more to do there. The help system is nice, even though I doubt there is that much use for it. The game is pleasingly easy. But maybe my youngest will use the help. Beautiful graphics and cool characters. At first I thought the hero fish would have to ask the friends in the first location for help at the right spots, but then the items began to rain down.

Shoaly You Can't Be Serious:
Great pun & fun, especially in two-player mode. The game reminds me of those games where you start as a small fish, then grow everytime you eat a smaller one, but is sufficiently different to keep the interest.

I voted for
In search of Marina. It's an adventure game, and while I liked the other entry a lot, I'm an adventurer at heart.


I've tried twice tonight but I'm not able to generate the download key for In search of Marina on MediaFire.


Quote from: Creamy on Tue 09/02/2021 22:52:40
I've tried twice tonight but I'm not able to generate the download key for In search of Marina on MediaFire.
Not sure what you mean.. people have downloaded it....maybe your pc setup?

Ah, Ive just seen Mediafire problem... have sent problem request...

This only seems to affect this latest game.

Try this link:

Or this:

Let me know



Thanks Slasher. Just downloaded. Time to enjoy your 78th game.


Quote from: Creamy on Wed 10/02/2021 16:33:09
Thanks Slasher. Just downloaded. Time to enjoy your 78th game.
Phew..... Great news Creamy....

Cheers mate


Well done to Slasher and Racoon. You have won MAGS January. You’ll be contacted soon about setting a topic for March.

Big thanks to you both and to CaptainD and to all those who played the games and voted.


Congrats to Slasher and Raccoon on a well-deserved win!



Congrats to the winners. I just came in here to vote, but I missed the deadline. Oh well. I got to add another unfinished MAGS projects, so that gave me a warm feeling of nostalgia.  :=

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