MAGS October "Room of Fear" (RESULTS)

Started by Stupot, Sat 30/09/2017 23:55:10

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What is your favourite game for MAGS October?

Fearaphobia by Slasher
0 (0%)
Moonlight Moggy by Pilchard
7 (50%)
The Frame on the Wall by Hortencya12 and Blondbraid
0 (0%)
Grizzly Goose of Gosse by Smarty
6 (42.9%)
Just You and Me by Glenjamin
1 (7.1%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Voting closed: Wed 15/11/2017 23:57:33


The voting is over and the winner of MAGS October is:

Moonlight Moggy by Pilchard.

Well done Pilch. You'll be contacted soon about choosing a theme for December.

Thanks to all participants and voters.

Fearaphobia by Slasher
Moonlight Moggy by Pilchard
The Frame on the Wall by Hortencya and Blondbraid
Grizzly Goose of Gosse by Smarty
Just You and Me by Glenjamin

Click on the game title to download.


Please use the poll above for voting.

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite
* don't forget to leave a comment and rating on the AGS games database

Voting Ends: November 15th


Topic: Room of Fear
This month's guidelines proved by HanaIndiana.

Halloween is my favorite time of year, so I'm excited to be able to pick the October theme!

This month, your game needs to feature one (or more) of your OWN fears.

If you are working as a team, you can choose to include a fear from everyone, or just one, it's up to you.

But wait, there's more :shocked:
As an extra challenge, the game must take place in just ONE ROOM. Title screens, credits and cut scenes don't count towards the "one".

Now don't be scared, you can do it!

Deadline: October 31st


We're past games needing to be fun, right? (wtf)


There's my number one fear in the picture montage: bottom right!

Hidden due to length:

I'm terrified of heights, or rather of falling or seeing someone fall from a height. I'm fine if there is some kind of uncrossable barrier between myself/them and the drop. I can look down from any height just fine as long as there is a window/fence/high-enough railing. One of my worst things is when people sit on walls/railings with a massive drop behind them. If I see someone I don't know doing that at a party or somewhere I just leave and go home. If it's someone I know I will keep telling them to get down and if they don't I will leave. I have broken up with a girlfriend in the past because of this exact issue. She was drunk and wouldn't get down from sitting on the wall of the edge of a 7-storey roof. I could see that she was enjoying watching it make me squirm, but couldn't appreciate that inside I felt the cold, horrible dread that only a phobic knows and understands. It feels like you are dying. I went home and then the next day told her we were splitsville.

Amazingly, I was actually at a party where a dude was doing the exact same thing on the roof of a 3-storey house. He was drunk and sitting on a railing with his back to the drop. I left and went home. Soon after I heard that he did in fact fall backwards off the railing. He hit some powerlines on the way down and, amazingly once again, not only did not get electrocuted but the powerlines slowed his fall momentarily, and flipped him to save him from a head-first landing on the road below. He survived just fine with a broken jaw and some broken ribs. So my party-leaving policy was even more firmly cemented after that.

And I know exactly where my phobia comes from, which is a rare thing I guess:

WARNING: The following account gets pretty intense. There is a lot of physical injury, blood, and horrible emotions:

When I was about 7-8 years old I went to the beach with a friend's family. He was fanatical about climbing stuff and started climbing a cliff. He got probably about 8-10 meters up the cliff and then lost his footing and fell, hitting several outcrops on the way down and landing on a flat rock at the base of the cliff, which was surrounded by soft sand, of all the luck. I saw the whole thing and still cannot forget the images and sounds. I can see and hear everything all over again as I type this. There was a massive pool of blood spreading out from around his head. His mother was still calmly sunbathing, maybe dozing, but screams from people (not from me. I was just standing there stunned.) made her sit up and she saw what had happened and ran screaming to where my friend lay. People stopped her from moving him but she still touched his head and body and got blood all over her hands and face in the process. Soon the ambulance guys showed up and strapped him to a back-board and carried him away. He was in hospital for about 2 months and had two or three operations on his head to put in metal plates (his skull had shattered into three seperate pieces if I remember correctly). Later I heard that he died twice on the operating table during the first emergency operation but was revived both times. The happy ending is that he did survive and did not suffer any major permanent brain damage or otherwise. His speaking speed was a little slower than before for quite a while but returned to normal eventually. And he didn't stop climbing things either, but only out of sight of his mother who would have killed him herself if she had known. I never told on him but always tried to talk him out of climbs and when he wouldn't listen I would just leave and go home if there were other kids there. Otherwise I felt forced to stay just in case, all the while feeling that horrible phobic "dying inside" reaction. Needless to say, we didn't stay close friends for much longer.

Of course, us humans "love" to take out traumatic and/or gruesome memories and reexamine them over and over. And of course, I often have dreams about people I know and love falling from heights and always being powerless to stop it. Never quite get there in time, or end up falling as well myself. Had this exact dream just a few nights ago.

So this MAGS would be right up my alley, but I doubt I will have time during October to make anything. But something brief might be possible, probably including elements from my own experiences above.


Once you've kissed death you fear nothing...

Still, I will have to cast my mind back 50 or more years ago to recall what I feared then (laugh)

Hopefully you can count me in....


Ooh, using just one room is an interesting twist. I'm intrigued to see what everyone comes up with!

Mandle: 8-0 Wow, that must have been awful. I'm scared of heights/falling too, but I don't know where it came from. I've been afraid of it for as long as I can remember.


Tricky topic. I FEAR NOTHING. 8-)

I think I'll give this one a shot. I've got a decent idea.


Nice Glenjamin :) Then your game would be about NOTHING! Like an episode of Seinfeld? Is that right?
And Funkpanzer, that looks absolutely frightening. Would it just be a button you push to scream, but nothing comes out? Now I'm scared.


This is the first competition here I enter, it seems like you got an interesting theme, since fear is such a subjective thing.(Everyone fear different things).


I'm working with Hortecya12 and doing the grapics this time around,
but it'll be fun to see what you others come up with! :)


I'm doing about the fear of fear...Fearaphobia (laugh)

"When nightime draws in and light dissapears
you are left on your own to face your fears.
Things that go bump give you a freight
hang on tight cause tonight is the night...."

Is that the floorboards squeaking or the hinges of the gate...
or the ghost of Benny milkman rattling his crate? (laugh)

Scream and scream again.........(laugh)


I was curious, so I looked it up and apparently the fear of fear is actually "phobophobia". So there you go. (laugh)


Quote from: Riaise on Sat 07/10/2017 10:38:19
I was curious, so I looked it up and apparently the fear of fear is actually "phobophobia". So there you go. (laugh)
Alright smart ass.. I was using mine as the title 8-)



A game about the fear of fear is very intriguing!
And welcome to your first MAGS, Hortecya12. I find them quite fun yet challenging, hopefully you do to. And I hope both you and Blondbraid contribute a fear to your game.. the more the merrier. (laugh)


How about "Fear of running properly"; when you run the setup wizard it crashes (laugh)


QuoteHow about "Fear of running properly"; when you run the setup wizard it crashes
We've all had that fear (laugh)


How much fear can a young lad take before he want's to climb in with mum and dad? (laugh)

Or maybe he can beat his fear of fear :)

Game progress: 70%



My entry for this month is basically done. Just a few tweaks then it's good to go (nod)(nod)


While we're on the topic of fear and phobias, there are some pretty bizarre phobias out there, like:

Ailurophobia â€" fear of cats
Koumpounophobia â€" fear of buttons
Pogonophobia â€" fear of beards
Pedophobia, paedophobia or pediaphobia â€" fear of babies and children
Tetraphobia â€" fear of the number 4
Xanthophobia â€" fear of the color yellow
Lusophobia â€" fear of the Portuguese, Portuguese culture and the Portuguese language
Papaphobia â€" fear of the Pope

It would be interesting to see someone try to make a horror game out of one of those topics!


A classic :


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