MAGS October: "You, From the Future" (CLOSED)

Started by Atelier, Sat 01/10/2011 20:20:01

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Topic: 'You, From the Future'

This month's guidelines were set by Duzz:

The topic is not limited, but the protagonist must meet their future self at some point in the game.

Ideas to help you:

• You give yourself advice on a tough upcoming decision.
• Your future self brings news.
• You won't tell yourself whether you hooked up with the woman of your dreams!

Ending 31/10/11

What is MAGS?

MAGS is a monthly competition for all amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, or provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

You may get help for the competition, although you must end up doing something yourself. You should however be warned that it proves difficult to organize a big team within thirty days. You are not allowed to use material already created before this competition. Your game must be completely new! Music and sound is an exception; you can use free material that is available to the public, if you wish. Modules and templates are also allowed. Please do not enter the competition with a rushed entry (a game created last minute). Sure, you can make a game and rush it - but don't do this just to win by default.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Third, finally, and most importantly, post your game here, including:

✓ A working download link.
✓ The title of your game.
✓ A suitable screenshot.

At the end of the month, the all-important voting will begin! This period usually lasts fifteen days. Should you win, along with announcing the next month's rules, your name and game will be immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information visit the Official MAGS website.


Now this is a MAGS I could sink my proverbial teeth into. This will be some inspiration as well.


Oh. My. God. The possibilities! Wicked theme!


Yeah. Good theme. I may give this one a shot, if I can find the time.


Half way! My future self told me that this month will not be a disaster.


While I love time travel stories, I seriously don't have time for a MAGS this month. Perhaps my future self will write it at some point. Warthogs II, anyone?


I'm also out, sadly. I had a really good idea for a game -- one that tied into the Outrage Dreamer Roads universe (making it a spin off of a spin off of the Oceanspirit Dennis universe). But I just don't have time this month.  :-[

I wish everyone else the best of luck. Maybe I'll have better luck next time.


Quote from: Ponch on Tue 18/10/2011 03:28:49
(making it a spin off of a spin off of the Oceanspirit Dennis universe).
My crystal balls tell me you'll get a chance NEXT month.

No progress here too. Can't say what kept me. Sorry.



 :'( Sorry guys. Really cool theme too. Maybe I should run it again in the future? Strange... I tell myself I will.

I'll open MAGS November now.


Quote from: Atelier on Fri 28/10/2011 21:40:05
:'( Sorry guys. Really cool theme too. Maybe I should run it again in the future? Strange... I tell myself I will.

I'll open MAGS November now.

I hope you do run it again in the future. I had a really neat idea for a game. But with the bake sale simmering behind the scenes, there just wasn't time for it.  :(

Maybe next time.  :)


Seeing as there was no winner this time, I can always run it for MAGS December. So people - I would be very wrong to suggest you can start your entry now. Very wrong indeed ;)


It feels so wrong, it's gotta be right, baby!  :D

And since you don't have a MAGS to preside over, Atelier. Why not put your free time to good use and write a scary story? I bet if you look around, there might even be a contest to enter it in!


Aha Ponch you :) Will do if I get the time tomorrow!

Ryan Timothy B

Quote from: Atelier on Fri 28/10/2011 23:10:50
So people - I would be very wrong to suggest you can start your entry now. Very wrong indeed ;)
A two month MAGS? That would result in some nice games indeed.

And it definitely was a good topic.


It is somehow fitting that a time travel story runs over multiple months...

Igor Hardy


Quote from: Ascovel on Sat 29/10/2011 09:09:03
OMG! AGS Bake Sale killed MAGS!

Did it? Or was is the greatest twist in the history of MAGS? We'll find out soon when we meet "YOU... FROM THE PAST!!"  :D

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