Monthly Writing Competition - May 2006 ***TIME TO VOTE***

Started by celestialroad, Sat 27/05/2006 23:27:37

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Here are, of course, the rules:

- Participants will write a story not limited by length unless specified by the month's rules;
- It's impossible for a judge to be impartial in this kind of competition where, for instance, great writing can save a meager plot. So the voting will be public, and go on for at least a week after the deadline, when the winner will be announced.
- The competition should last a month. Therefore, this particular one will run until the 27th of June. After that, we will have five days for voting. These deadlines are not absolute, but try to meet them.
- The actual posts must NOT contain the story, but a link to it. The story MUST be hosted somewhere, even if temporarily.
- The object of this is to write a story. It can be a short story with 10 lines, it can be a whooper with 20 pages. It can have no characters, or a myriad of them. It can be in first person, or third; present or past of future tense. Your ONLY limitations are the ones the rules state, if any.
- The winner provides the theme and rules for the next comp.
- The comp-starter may participate. It's happened already, and this voting system should elliminate unfairness. Of course, out of fairness, the comp starter should start it without already forming an idea of the story he may write.

The subject is:


This is a pretty big subject, but I think you guys can do a lot with it. Can have any kind of ending, of course, and the end of the world can anything, from a fiery inferno raining on earth, to zombies, etc.

Happy writing.  :)


Sorry for the double post, but is anyone going to participate?


I'll try, but I have to admit the theme doesn't really appeal to me :)
Still here.


Quote from: voh on Fri 09/06/2006 02:15:45
I'll try, but I have to admit the theme doesn't really appeal to me :)

Haha, maybe that's why no one entered... >_>


The month is still young :).  I will try to write something... is poetry allowed?  (the kind that tells a story, not the abstract kind :P).  Since there's no poetry competition anymore, I think it would be nice to allow poetry in the writing competion...


My Entry.

Um. I got bored and couldn't really see where the story was going ... But, the entry is still valid!


Quote from: MashPotato on Fri 09/06/2006 15:41:14
The month is still young :).  I will try to write something... is poetry allowed?  (the kind that tells a story, not the abstract kind :P).  Since there's no poetry competition anymore, I think it would be nice to allow poetry in the writing competion...

Um, I have no idea, but I guess since it IS writing, it should be valid. :)


Quote- Participants will write a story not limited by length unless specified by the month's rules;

There's nothing saying what form the story has to be in ;)
Still here.


Mr Flibble

I keep meaning to enter one of these... right, okay, watch this space for Flibble Related Literature coming soon!
Ah! There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!

Here is my addition, perhaps not your run-off-a-mill typical apocalypse story but what the heck. :D


Competition is nearly over, everyone. Get in what entries you can. ;D


A piece of poetry examining the dichotomous, and often polarizing, viewpoints of the world, and the different values found within these respective conceptions, of a youth and her matriarchal figurehead (ie mother) as regarding the importance of appearance...

... in limerick form ;D

(I know it doesn't really fit the theme, so you can disqualify it if you want to, Ryan... not that it would win anyway ^_^)


Okay, everyone, time to vote for your favorites.  :)



Sure. I vote for adam100. Great atmosphere.
I liked the other two but they weren't exactly serious entries. No offence intended.
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II


- The humour is broken up into several short remarks and is usually irrelevant Hitchiker-like pladder which leads to the following:
   * Although a short story, the narrative progresses at the pace of a novel
   * The story lacks a clear direction and becomes more difficult to follow

+ As postmodernist literature:
   * The story abruptly changes gears and mood (from the welcoming embrace of a children's
   story to the hostile last sentences)
   * Especially the last sentence is great

- Some sentences are too long
- the writing is too saturated with poetic expressions (heavy reading) -> the story gets lost in the atmosphere (in the beginning)

+ toward the end, the narrative manages to come to the front
+ when it does, the slaughter takes place, taking the reader by surprise

- Short
+ Elegant, most polished of all entries

My vote goes to MashPotato, due to her mundane/unusual take on the apocalypse theme plus that it made me smile.
Hell is like Tetris, make sure that you fit.


Okay, that's one for adam100 and one for MashPotato. Keep voting, guys.


No one seems to be voting anymore... if it remains a tie, I suggest Ryan, as host of this competition, choose a winner.

(and thanks for the vote, Biothlebop ^_^)

Huw Dawson

My vote goes to MashPotato. Short, sweet and with a good eye for humor considering the topic.

The other two, whilst being much more conventional, were still of a good quality. Kudos to everyone.  :=

- Huw
Post created from the twisted mind of Huw Dawson.
Not suitible for under-3's due to small parts.
Contents may vary.


Okay, since I think it's way overdue for this thing to get over, MashPotato is the winner!


My limerick won? O_O Well thank you!  I hope more people vote next time, though ^_^.  I'll start a new competition right away... get your pencils (or keyboards) ready!

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