November tune contest : Scenery of (closed November18)

Started by Doc_Savage, Tue 05/11/2013 02:28:50

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For this tune contest you'll have to compose for this scenery  :

1- I give you 2 weeks : End November 18


Okay, here's mine.

Click to listen!

Or click this link to listen to this tune on SoundCloud.


Alright, I made a track for this Tune Contest!

I'm pretty excited.  This track was made (as all of my entries in the past) specifically for the contest.  This one is a loop, so it plays through twice.  I had a few more ideas, but they didn't really work with what I had, so I cut it down to the core in the end.

Without further ado, here is the track I composed for the above scenery:

Scenery Tune, November 2013

I tried to capture the sunny, grassy feel of the picture, while still observing it's mountainous qualities.  Mostly, I tried for something that felt like a nice green garden, with an adventurer as a gardener!

This one was a lot of fun, and as always I wish I had more time.  It was a good break from other projects, and a good opportunity to stretch my musical muscles a bit.


nihilyst, I am unable to listen to your tune.  I encounter problems loading the page.


Hm, works for me. Anyone else encountering a problem?


Quote from: nihilyst on Mon 18/11/2013 15:20:21
Hm, works for me. Anyone else encountering a problem?
Strangely, I also can't see your avatar (but I know you have one, there's an empty box).  Not sure what the issue is.

Edit:  Unable to connect to anything at the domain, no idea why.  Is it possible to upload elsewhere?


Today, the tune contest will close so, I'll let a couple hours before i hear your creations and cast a vote.

I thank every participant :)


Okay, I've edited my post to include a SoundCloud link. That should work. :D


Quote from: nihilyst on Mon 18/11/2013 19:11:00
Okay, I've edited my post to include a SoundCloud link. That should work. :D
Thanks for updating the link!  It's a really nice track, and captures the peace and serenity of the scene.  Good work!


Dactylopus your link dosen't work, do you want to send it in pm? you can send it at

Edit : Never mind, i found it :)


In the meantime, my feelings upon the nihylist theme:

Nihilyst , your mustic very inspiring, I was really impressed by the choosen instrumentation. There is a
kind of nostalgia in your theme that I would surely feel in that scenery.

Dactylopus, it is the oriental them that gets me first, the selection of flute and piano is also a great choice. The repetition of the melodic theme ensure in incrust your mind in no time.

It is always such a pain to choose between such greats artists who participate into that contest. I must say it is not an easy one but for this contest I pick Nihilyst input.

Congratulations :)


Congratulations, nihilyst!  That was a great tune.  Looking forward to seeing what you choose for the next theme!


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