Sprite Jam - "It's alive!" Winner announced!

Started by Hobo, Sun 23/08/2015 16:13:26

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It's alive!

Hi! The theme of this sprite jam is "It's alive!" It means that for a qualifying entry you'll need to create a character sprite of something that is not usually considered to be alive. It could be an inanimate object, undead creature, some sort of mechanical device or whatever else you can think of, as long as it's something that you would not expect see running around or having a consciousness.

- Create a character sprite of something that is not usually considered to be alive
- No size limit
- Use all the colors you want
- Have lots of fun and be nice to others!

Competition lasts from 23.08 - 06.09 and then it's voting time.

Voting system will depend on the amount of entries. In case of a draw, I will choose the winner.
If the winner of the competiton does not start a new competition in 2 weeks, that honor will go to the next in line.




Lol, that's awesome.  If I had Detective Speech Balloon as my Windows 2000 Microsoft Word instead of Clippy, I would've kept Detective Speech Balloon around.


Wow, great sprite, Grok. Really creative and it's oozing with personality.

I added some trophies to the first post to inspire other potential participants. There's about a week left, make good use of it!


Ok, I'm wrapping this one up, since there's no need for voting.

Congratulations, Grok! You're the clear winner and the golden trophy is yours:

and the other ones too, if you should want them :) Also, you have the honor of hosting the next competition.

It's a bit sad that such a great sprite had to win by default, but with all the MAGS and OROW stuff going on at the same time, the lack of entries is understandable.


Quote from: Hobo on Tue 08/09/2015 17:47:31

Congratulations, Grok! You're the clear winner and the golden trophy is yours:
with all the MAGS and OROW stuff going on at the same time, the lack of entries is understandable.

Thanks Hobo. It was a good theme for the jam, that sadly didn't attract the amount of attention I think that it deserved. Those things happens.

I will retreat to my library, put on my thinking cap, - polish my newly acquired golden trophy - and in a couple of days I will hopefully put up a theme for the next jam.

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