Photoshop...geez is it Friday already?

Started by OneThinkingGal and ._., Sat 03/06/2006 01:22:52

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OneThinkingGal and ._.

What is a Photoshop Friday?

Photoshopping isn't drawing a completely new image -- It's editing images to create a new image, such as editing one image or combining several images. The contest usually lasts for a fortnight. Also, you don't have to specifically use Photoshop -- Paint Shop Pro, MSPaint, or any other programs can be used. Please make sure your image doesn't exceed the width of the screen.

See this link:

And for other examples, see here:


This week's topic: Shocking adventure game character antics caught on tape! Film at eleven!

Two weeks to the finish line - enjoy! ._.


Sam n' Max name names at the House UnAmerican Activities hearing!

For shame!  :'(
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Gabe spotted at Springer show. Gabriel is a unisex name, now that I think about it...


Geoff Hoon can't bear to witness this unholy alliance, but the guy in the top-right looks pretty chipper.



Commenting on the find, Mr. Threepwood said: "I found Jimmy Hoffa's body, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!"


Best. Phriday. Evah!

plus, Annie posts for the first time in millenia!


"Timetravelling Freelance Police upset space-time continuum"

I decided to finish the concept I started out with, and I spent quite a bit of time on this, so I thought I might as well post it. However, the previous picture remains my real entry, since this one doesn't fit as well with the topic.

Privateer Puddin'

Dave Gilbert

Queen Elizabeth caught having affair with Gabriel Knight!



wow great entrys!   I will enter this one later today but only because i havent seen OTG for a long freaking time

OneThinkingGal and ._.

This is going to be a tough one to pick - great entries everyone. Keep 'em comin'! :D


Manny later abdicated the throne of England.
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


The first trip in time, Purple Tentacle did some learning...


Most journalists didn't notice this, but the meeting of the European Council in Copenhagen a few years ago actually had some big news to present to the world: the expansion of the Union with a new member state. Unfortunately, this new member was Monkey Island. As LeChuck was turning one European leader after the other into his evil minions, most of the politicians believed that this was probably their second largest mistake ever. But only one of them realised the full potential of the situation...

Hollister Man

Holy cow!  They're all great, but make me give up!  ;)
That's like looking through a microscope at a bacterial culture and seeing a THOUSAND DANCING HAMSTERS!

Your whole planet is gonna blow up!  Your whole DAMN planet...

OneThinkingGal and ._.

Very tough to pick just one but I'm going to go with Dave's since her expression is great and the entry fits the theme very nicely.

Great entries again everyone, thanks for entering and that wraps up this round of PHOTOSHOP....SUNDAY!!

Dave Gilbert


Long live the Queen.

I'll come up with something... soonish.

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