Photoshop Ph-Tuesday 17 oct - 31 oct [WINNERS!!!]

Started by Tocsik, Tue 17/10/2006 03:57:40

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What is a Photoshop ...Phriday?

Photoshopping isn't drawing a completely new image -- It's editing images to create a new image, such as editing one image or combining several images. The contest usually lasts for a fortnight. Also, you don't have to specifically use Photoshop -- Paint Shop Pro, MSPaint, or any other programs can be used. Please make sure your image doesn't exceed the width of the screen. This competition is also known as the Photoshop bi-weekly meaning two weeks long. hopefully boosting it back to full lenght will encourage more entries.

This fortnight's Topic:
                  Famous Painting: New Vision

Take a famous painting and add your own twist.  Please also post a link to the real image.





Damn, am I the only one seeing that? :P


I thought Krysis was mentioning the giant ding-dong hanging above the ladies face. But now i understand what happened to that painting. I'm glad i didn't put my elbow through it.


Quote from: Vince Twelve on Fri 20/10/2006 00:26:22
Huh? ... Errr?
Just to clarify for anyone who doesn't feel like researching it:
"Wynn suffers from retinitis pigmentosa which affects his peripheral vision and therefore his interaction with proximate objects. In September 2006, Wynn was finalizing a deal with Steven_A._Cohen to sell his Picasso painting, La Reve (The Dream), for a record $139m, when he accidentally struck the painting with his right elbow, tearing a coin-sized hole in the piece of art."
ACHTUNG FRANZ: Enjoy it with copper wine!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams


You forgot the most important bit.

"His response to the incident, as reported by Nora Ephron, was "Oh shit, look what I've done.""
Achtung Franz! The comic

Vince Twelve

Ahh, I didn't read that far down on the wikipedia page.  But it would also have been funny if he had called it "Steve Irwin's version of a Picasso."  :P


It's both! Perhaps Steve Wynn has a secret life as a stingray.


I googled "Famous paintings", and this is what it gave me on the 7th-ish page :P

Someone got a little stuck...


Not an entry

| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


I can't really photoshop but...

However, if something weird happens and I win, don't consider this an entry and grant victory to someone else.



This is my entry yeah and a song.

Yes I think I could post a link to the original


obi, could you please post a link to the original


And on your left, you'll see the famous painting The Scream by Edvard Munch, which was recently recovered after having been stolen by... OH! Who could have possibly seen that coming?






RightMind you stole my painting, good use of Zidane though, great entry


Here's my entry.Ã,  Chris Jones on AGS Version 5.0

The original is at
Life is a banquet and most poor sonsofbitches are starving to death


Well, I didn't get to do as much as I wanted, but it's 11pm and I'm going to bed.  Most of the stuff is towards the left.  Hint: There are more than 5 changes  :P



OMG... We should make theatr's entry an AGS welcome screen :D :D
Simply superb...

Vince Twelve

That's funny, I was thinking we should make theatrx's avatar into AGS' welcome screen.


1st LilBlueSmurf Awesome Job  :o I was suprised was I started to pick things out.

2nd InCreator and theatrx (I couldn't choose so like in golf I will give them both    second and have no third)

Good Job to everyone, I was pleased to see lots of good entries this time around.

Happy Halloween everybody

take it away Lilblue


LilBlueSmurf good job. Hint: Using Firefox with the Image Zoom plugin, open both images, one in each of two tabs, and zoom the original to 50%. Switch between the tabs. ;)

I guess that's kind of cheating...but I did find Waldo first! :=


MIRC: #ags #agsfun #hello #agsnude #agscake

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