Photoshop Phortnight (Until 24.6.07): Game Anagrams

Started by SpacePirateCaine, Sun 10/06/2007 15:49:14

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Hello again, everyone - Time for the Photoshop Phortnight once again. I am your host, SpacePirateCaine, and before we begin, I'd like to state the rules of the PP for anyone who hasn't read them before. So here they are:

What is the Photoshop Phortnight?

See this link:

And for other examples, see here:

The two above websites should give a fair idea of what is involved. Also you can check out the earlier Photoshop Phortnights in this forum.

Note: Photoshopping isn't drawing a completely new image -- It's editing images to create a new image, such as editing one image or combining several images.

Also, you don't have to specifically use Photoshop -- Paint Shop Pro, Gimp or any other ~equally good programs can be used.

Okay? Okay.

This time around, I've decided to use a tried-and-true PP topic, which I'm not sure has already been used on the AGS forums before. I was inspired by this particular photoshop phriday on Something Awful and thought that people who make adventure games in their spare time might just have a little fun with it, so I decided to steal the concept entirely. So here it is:

Anagrammed Video Games
Take the title of an existing video game and move the letters around to spell something else (in case you weren't sure what an anagram is). I'd generally prefer if the box art for the game is used, but if you'd rather use a screenshot, go right ahead. Photoshop the image to make the title fit.

Sound like fun? I think it does. And I'm hoping that you all agree!

Edit: Fixed the link. Forgot to write url=.
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.

Dave Gilbert


With no intention to win, I'm still gonna post my lameass entry:

Em, got a bit carried away, and following is not an entry, but a reason why Technos corp. went into bankruptcy...
...they didn't make this! I did!


InCreator - that is awesome. It actually took me a little puzzling to work out exactly what game you were anagramming (River City Ransom, n'est-ce pas?), but The end result was that of me being immensely entertained. I'm not entirely sure if Technos didn't at one point at least think about making a love sim starring their beloved Kunio there. And if they didn't... Well god damn it, they should have.

That helped to add even a little more brightness to an already good day. Thanks - and to the rest of you, keep 'em coming! Competition's tight as it is - make it even harder to decide!
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.


In my attempts to keep the blueish palette, I might have made the bottom text slightly ugly. I still like it though. :P

JC. Pimp.


Didn't you copy that from the something awful one?
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


Gah!  >:( Actually I didn't, the online anagramist only gave 6 alternatives.
Sued Ex
Used Ex
Dues Ex
Due Sex
Ed Ex Us

So I made the choice quickly. At first, I wanted an anagram for commander keen 6: aliens ate my babysitter, but that was too long. :( Ah well.

Vince Twelve


I heard they made a deluxe version.

(side note: metatarsal?   stale ram at?  real "at mast" ::))

Darth Mandarb

i k a r i


QuoteWell, one think is not liking him, and the other is making humour of the retarder people!
Nacho speaking of Bush.


aka Nur-ab-sal

"Fixed is not unbroken."


[this space reserved for Grand Theft Data: Reason Anus]

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Banjo nerd... priceless!



Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...


Rockstar Games presents their most disturbing title yet:


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