Re-Animation Competition: Ressurect yourself [WINNERS ANNOUNCED].

Started by Lionmonkey, Thu 22/05/2008 16:49:13

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A sprite is supplied, with a theme.
Participants must use the given sprite for their animation
Each competition will last 11 days
The starter of each competition will decide on the winner.
The winner, who will decide on the next competition's theme, must also supply a sprite.

Theme: Ressurect yourself!

Oh dear, you have died! But it's ok, you got ressurected somehow. Show us how it was done, by whom was it done, what happened after it was done, e.t.c.

All ideas are welcomed. From the classic hand-from-the-grave to...something else!

This is you:

Shouldn't be too hard to animate. You are welcome to make any changes to the given sprite, in order to personalise it, just keep the resemblance.

P.S: Please write your name above the black line on the gravestone.

Gold goes to derboo

            Nothing else goes to nobody


So, still, there is no answer. Why? Do you find the theme too unappealing? I've seen worse, trust me, I did. Maybe it's just that "let's all get our revenge on Lionmonkey, who makes our heads hurt by ignoring him" thing? Well, revenge is not a jedi way.

Why do you think you come to this forum, anyway? Is it to learn using AGS better? No! Then there would be at least 3 less boards.

You come here to escape the reality. Everything is different in here. You come here to get some fun.

Well, I can tell you, that animations are fun. You don't need much to skill to create one, just some patience. So why don't you open up your, Photoshop, GIMP, or anything, you use to draw stuff, and start drawing frames?!

Don't tell me "Wee wee, I can't draw/animate/do something too good". I'm not asking for anything spectacular. I'm just just asking for something.

Start working right...NOW.

P.L.P.S. mode off.

It appears that there are still no entries. If you need more time PM me or email me to the email in my profile, and I will prolong it.


Just read the first two rules in your first post. Then consider that you didn't "supply a sprite", just a background. I suppose this might have something to do with the lack of participants. :)


Any drawing can technically count as a sprite. Or, you can count the grave as a sprite.

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

Correct. However, your contest concept relies on more sprites being added - there's no way to animate a ressurection with what you've given. Maybe one could make a head or a hand come out of the grave - tops. This is why there's a sprite jam, in which people come up with sprites, and an animation competition - in an animation competition everything's there, all you have to do is animate.

My advice - supply some more sprites, if you want to keep the theme, and extend the deadline.

Or just keep it like this and leave this round for the artistic guys who come up with lots of extra stuff. Though mark the word "extra".
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.


Thanks for information. I've done some changes.

Please excuse my inferior knowelge of Animation Competiotion. It's my first time, you know how it is.


Alright, here's the first entry:

Animation is a little choppy, and after i finished i noticed that my moon doesn't change it's shape... Anyway, guess i shouldn't be too ambitious since this is my first entry for a competition here ever.


Funny, Derbo xD

Sometimes I tried to make animations with gif (simply put a walkcicle in the gif) but I don't have a good program to control the speed of the frames. A good solution? thanks ^^
"Tiny pixelated boobies are the heart and soul of Castlevania"

Galactic Battlefare Capital Choice Part 1 , finished, releasing soon
GBF CC Part 2, WIP


Hmm, the ones I know are Animake ( and Bannershop. Animake is free for non-commercial use, Bannershop is Shareware.


Derboo: Thanks for the first entry.

The competition will officially be over on June 3rd at 16:49  AGS GMT.


1st place: derboo
I've liked the idea very much and the quality of animation isn't too bad. Also, it's the only entry.


1st of one, yay. Guess everyone else is out enjoying the summer sun... here, if it isn't raining, it's awfully muggy.

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