Re: [Winner announced] BACKGROUND BLITZ The Dancing is extra

Started by Grok, Fri 16/09/2016 19:34:18

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So it's a stormy and dark night, right? And this dame walks into my office. I know it's mine, 'cause it's got my name on the door, see?
I'm a private detective. That is like a private dancer ... but the dancing is extra...

Your mission.. should you chose to accept it ... is to draw the office of a private investigator.

You could go hard-boiled, Victorian, holistic, futuristic or any other way you want.

Entries will be judge on

To be finished by the 10th of October 2016.

As always, should you fail to complete this mission, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.
This post will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck.

see post further down


What a misleading title.

Here's an early sketch :



I agree with Creamy, the title doesn't make me think of detectives much at all.

Anyway, might as well give this a go, here is my take on a detectives office:

I thought it would be fun to give this detective a back-story, can anyone figure it out based on the room?


Quote from: Blondbraid on Fri 30/09/2016 18:45:57
I thought it would be fun to give this detective a back-story, can anyone figure it out based on the room?
An alcoholic divorced war veteran with a daughter, who I assume he never gets to see.
How close was I?


Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 30/09/2016 19:29:42
An alcoholic divorced war veteran with a daughter, who I assume he never gets to see.
How close was I?
Spot on! ;-D
I know it's a bit of a cliche, but I wanted to test myself and see how much I could tell through a picture alone.


As the proton winds swept past the window of my new office, I was pondering on the folly of mankind.

This is not an entry.


I've got my paintbrushes out. Sometimes it feels good to get your hands dirty.



Whew I finally manage to finish this,should have completed the background ages ago,but I got busy. Manage to pick up on the background again at the last minute, as you can see I rushed on a lot of things,but I just wanted to finished it rather than waste the effort.


"OH HELL YES!!!" is my reaction to all these entries!!!

Blondbraid's P.I. seems to be quite the snappy dresser, and also has a window looking out into the gameworld of "Sniper And Spotter"! The small details in the room that make up the backstory add a lot of depth and charm, and really bring the background to life. It feels like it is already part of an existing game.

Creamy's detective seems to be quite the misogynist, unless they are, in fact, a woman of course... Although I suppose a woman could technically be a misogynist? And you painted that by hand with actual paints? Impressive skills!

Yitcomic's gumshoe seems to have a closet in their office containing a detective? Or, I'm guessing that's supposed to be the entry door but you forgot the text should read backwards when viewed from the interior? Either way, it's a very beautiful background! Lovely contrast of hot/cold tones! I also love the playability factor of the coat-stand being placed it the foreground for depth but just far enough to the left so as to not interfere with potential door-opening animations.


Quote from: Mandle on Mon 10/10/2016 04:13:52
Yitcomic's gumshoe seems to have a closet in their office containing a detective? Or, I'm guessing that's supposed to be the entry door but you forgot the text should read backwards when viewed from the interior?

Did some minor update.


Hehe..."DETECTIVE" is now written on the outside of the door's window...

I still kinda liked to think though that it was a closet containing a glowing radioactive super-detective that our hero could unleash when needed on a case...

Oh well...


End of the Blitz.

We have round up the usual suspects and have a line up of three entries.

Entry number 1

Entry number 2

Entry number 3

Vote on


Your vote should be in by the 18th of october.


Artistic execution: Creamy (Entry number 2)
Playability: Blondbraid (Entry number 1)
Concept: Yitcomics (Entry number 3)


Artistic execution: Creamy, Entry number 2 (simply because it's hand painted)
Playability: Blondbraid, Entry number 1 (I can see it being used in an actual adventure game)
Concept: Blondbraid, Entry number 1, again (I love how this one tells a story based on the props scattered around)


CONCEPT: (1)Blondbraid (The backstory won me over)
PLAYABILITY: (3)Yitcomics (The camera height is at a good setting to allow a 4 or 8 direction walkcycle character to navigate the space realistically. Also what I mentioned before about the coat-stand adding foreground depth without getting in the way of background animations.)
ARTISTIC EXECUTION: (2)Creamy (Painted by hand: You don't see that much)


CONCEPT : (3) Yitcomics.
PLAYABILITY : (1) Blondbraid. Great attention to detail (the torn face of the mother...).
ARTISTIC EXECUTION : (3) Yitcomics. The bold colours work wonders.


CONCEPT: (2) Creamy (Is ti painted with watercolors? Eitherway it looks nice, very Victorian. Is this detective searching for Jack the Ripper? :) )
PLAYABILITY: (3) Yitcomics (Looksready to be implemented into a game!)
ARTISTIC EXECUTION: (3) Creamy (Again, hand painted!)


QuoteIs this detective searching for Jack the Ripper? :)
Yes, that's what I had in mind. You can also call it an easy excuse to draw a female chest.
QuoteAnd you painted that by hand with actual paints?
QuoteIs it painted with watercolors?
It's hand painted but there's a trick. I've copied my sketch and painted it twice, focusing on different elements each time (for instance, the objects have been painted independently from the table).
What you see here is a mix of both versions. As a result, the colours were all over the place so I've added a sepia effect. The left arm of the chair has been digitally corrected too.

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