Spite Jam- 1/27 to 2/4

Started by Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens, Sat 28/01/2006 03:54:28

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Nic picture, looks much more useable in a game than the others.


EDIT: See below the animation for the actual entry......

Not an entry (did it above the allowed pixels anyway) and coulsnt resist animating it.... I'll resise the pic and add it later as an entry...

drew it in GraphicGale and copied it into Jasc Animation shop to animate (note the white line around the DeLorean)


Actual Entry;


So here is my entry

(size 133x88)


This ship is from a comicbook.


A badly drawn cycle from Tron:


Here's my entry:



It's the Enterprice from Star Trek: Enterprice(Yeah, Picard ;D!)
And that behind the Enterprice is Earth 230.364 years, 4 months, 7 days olderÃ,  ;).

Used GraphicsGale FreeEdition for the picture


Pretty cool dude, but you posted the thumbnail version of your image that gets generated by the imageshack service.

Here is your original:

Oh, and I suggest saving your pixel art as either gif or png, jpg can distort your image a bit.


Quote from: Damien on Fri 03/02/2006 18:42:41
Pretty cool dude, but you posted the thumbnail version of your image that gets generated by the imageshack service.

Here is your original:

Oh, and I suggest saving your pixel art as either gif or png, jpg can distort your image a bit.

Yeah, thanks, I think I will, 'cause I tried some images before and they weren't in the colors i drew them in.


Is it just me or was this supposed to end 3 days ago?


Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Nice entries, though I would have liked more variety in film selection.  Anyway, it came down to a battle between Farlander's highly detailed Tiderium Shuttle, Buloght's awesome milennium falcon scene, and Damien's cool low color ornithopter.  Ultimately I had to choose Farlander's as the the best sprite befitting a cutscene, so
Farlander wins!  Great work everyone.


Quote from: Damien on Sat 04/02/2006 23:40:16
Is it 4th month already?

Whoops, sorry, months are written dd/mm in australia, and I just forgot for a minute.


Hey! I won! ^_^ I'll think in a new sprite Jam, asap. Thanks for the victory Mr. ProgZ, I've seen the three staled entries as possible winners.
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!

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