Sprite jam! from Feb.20-Feb26 Useless heroes!

Started by Finkenstein, Mon 20/02/2006 18:17:50

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Hi there! I'm Jess(Mr.colossal's lady friend)! I've been around AGS for a while and even helped eric host mittens 2 years ago. I like a lot of games, espescially adventure, and I'm an artist, so I think I'll be awesome at judging your awesome sprites!

Here's the theme for this week: Useless superheroes
Super heroes with super terrible powers.
Think the Tick, think Mystery Men, but come up with your own, be origional!

150x150 pixels 32 colors max



Hrees some inspiration...


9 colors incl back
approx 5 mins

Its Devil Boy, his only super power is to be extremly evil
this is not so bad but unfortunatly he has a plastic fork...
Note had to bump him up to BMP else his under a kb and well then cant host him cause file size too small...
Imagine that at image shack!


Isn't "Devil Boy" a villain?
I guess I'll post my villain, too, then.
(\ _ /)
(o.o )
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This is Bunny
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


Could you possibly resize that little thingy?


Quote from: Grapefruitologist on Mon 20/02/2006 20:58:49
Isn't "Devil Boy" a villain?

Only in the eyes of a hero, and guess what the hero is in his eyes!



Errr... I forgot to post why he's a useless villain, too.
He's a venomous vampire penguin with gold fangs and claws. But unfortunately, for him, he can't reach people's necks.
That's a good point, Afflict.
(\ _ /)
(o.o )
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This is Bunny
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


well, i'm not much of an "artist", but i'll have a go.
it's this guy who has these extra long arms, however, he doesn't have the necessary muscles to support them, so they are pretty much useless.

129x133, 7 colours.

"It's a fairy! She's naked! Curse these low-res graphics!" - Duty and Beyond


in the interests of bad taste i bring you... LEPER MAN!

34x40, 16 colours

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


He doesnt look very leprous... Where is the rotting skin tissue? Where is the agony? And where the hell is his arms and legs?

(now dont take this as c&c anyone. just asking some extremely nescessary questions...)


he's wearing a mask to conceal his true identity, and his arms and legs not being there is what makes him a leper...

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


Oh okay...

Wait a minute! You dont lose your arms and legs when you become leprous! You just start rotting.

And it does exist a cure against lepracy nowadays you know?


Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


Maybe he has scurvy.
Wait a minute, you don't lose your arms and legs when you have scurvy, do you?
(\ _ /)
(o.o )
(>< )
This is Bunny
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


only if you're careless...

hmm, perhaps i should have called him Thalidomide Man...

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!

The Ivy

Impossi-girl is having one of those days.


Meet Emo!

Pouring his soul out into his music regularly caused Harold Charleston's actual immortal soul to partially separate from his body, and it now floats a few inches off his left shoulder.

It doesn't really give him any particular superpowers, but the constant tormented wailing of his soul is really creepy and makes it hard for people in the vicinity to concentrate.
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.


Quote from: BOYD1981 on Tue 21/02/2006 00:36:28
hmm, perhaps i should have called him Thalidomide Man...

That still doesnt explain why he lacks arms and legs. It would just give him small and nasty limbs. But they would not disappear completely, like with that little fella.

And how do you explain the "L" on his suit then?


Maybe that "L" is actually a tear in his costume revealing his yellow, leperous/scurvyous/thalidomide skin.  :=


You could call him "little limb man" (his arms could be under his sleeves).
(\ _ /)
(o.o )
(>< )
This is Bunny
Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


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