Sprite Jam: 10 Oct. - 18 Oct.

Started by Darth Mandarb, Tue 11/10/2005 00:59:01

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Darth Mandarb


But I thought Hitler was, when he was alive?!  ;)

Are we allowed to voice ideas even if we don't participate? Just a thought.  ;D
"Hail to the king, baby!"


Hitler as a Rabbi ?? thats a wrong example. If you die with a bad Karma you get a more bad live. A rabbi is like a priest (or something) they are at the top of the Kast system.

Yeah i've done my homework lol  :P
Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!

Darth Mandarb

Corey - in the last sprite jam I asked you to stop cluttering up the the thread with non-entries ... and you do it yet again?? 

Besides that ... you miss the point of this jam.  Hitler was an anti-semetic and homophobic Nazi.  Being re-incarnated as a homosexual rabbi would "severly clash" with his former existence.

Do not reply to this, unless it's with an entry.

People, from this point on, unless you have a question about your entry, DON'T post unless it's an entry.

Keep the conversations out of here please!  Thanks.


I have a question about how we should present the sprite... Should it be two sprites, one dead person and the other the "bad kharmic revival"?  Or just the revival sprite with a description after it?

Darth Mandarb

I didn't realize it was so complicated ...

Just the re-incarnated sprite.  If you can't make it clear who it is/was, graphically, then a description is fine. 


Huh, I hope I won't get shot for this...  :( Lame, I know


After reincarnation, Osama finally managed to fulfill his secret dream: becoming a president of U.S.


WARNING! Might couse eye damage:

Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã, 

I know its not very bright. Its that writer, Hemingway. He was a hunter. :)

big brother

Try to guess the reincarnation...

10 colors, 2x zoom

It's Ben Throttle, reincarnated as a soccer dad. To make things worse, he drives a minivan! A MINIVAN!
Mom's Robot Oil. Made with 10% more love than the next leading brand.
("Mom" and "love" are registered trademarks of Mom-Corp.)


Very, sorry, was late at night...

*Entry withdrawn*
Spin around me like a dream...


Unfortunately it's too large so it broke the rules.


Hey, all. First post on these hallowed boards, thought I'd throw in my two sprites' worth, in the form of Truman Capote as a psychotic leather-clad punker. Severely outgunned here though I am. Damn people are just too good with your sprites. :P



Punker (3x zoom):

Cropped for submission to 40x87. The rest was just background filler.


Bad Karma Reincarnation (learning to sprite with the new tablet)

After Agent 47 was killed by the russian guard all that bad karma from his assinations finally caught up with him. Hitman 47 was reincarnated as bathroom duty nurse at deadend retirement home.

Its ironic because 47 was an assasin killing people at an early age, now he's stuck at a old folks home living the last years of peoples life with them.


40 pixels on X are not enough. I barely got my entry to fit the image!

And I love Chicky's entry. Funniest faces I've seen in a long time!


I love they way the quality of Sprite Jam has got better and better. The entries here are more than outstanding... Well, I might just add mine too

Had a little lack of ideas this time, so...

This would be Thomas Hobbes -yes, he wrote the Leviathan- reborn as a soldier in the red army... The way I can't really see him :D Somehow I get this feeling that this doesn't open to most of people :) Anyway, it sucks to first save it, and then wanting to add more details you need to find the right colours and change them, so this guy is a bit plain, but nevertheless, I like him... He never lost his wig though



here is mine. 32 colour (exactly) 1x, 2x and 4x


guybrush has reincarnated as a MIGHTY UNDEAD ZOMBIE PIRATE. :)


some really nice entries!

here's my 1st try at a challenge. 17 or 18 colours.


its rincewind, who is reincarnated as a front rank soldier, and there's nothing he can do to stop impending war and his part in it. no running away this time.Ã,  ;D

creator of Duty and Beyond

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

I made this while heavily under the influence of mountain dew, but I make no apologies.  In glorious 8 colors, at 40x98, I bring you the reincarnation that shocked a nation!

George Bush, Tibetan Monk!  "There are no Evil Ones."


great entry Mordalles! I didn't even need read the spoiler :D


creator of Duty and Beyond


Can we each only make one entry? Thanks.


you can make more, but decide before the end which one is your official entry.
And don't double post. waiting 13 minutes and then posting again is not okay. read the forum rules. People just dont sit on the forums waiting for one more post to read, 24 hours a day, okay! Just chill, and we'll get to your post.... like I just did.
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT


Actually I removed my entry on the second post because it wasen't a person, it was an object. And it would not allow me to delete the second post. Thank you.

Darth Mandarb

This competition is over ...

The winner is big brother's re-incarnated Ben from full throttle!!

Prog's was a VERY close second ... but I think BB captured the point of the contest better!

Congrats BB!!


I must say that this has been a fantastic sprite jam. congrats to all the entries... seriously.
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT


And that's the grand slam for BB!
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II


Quote from: SteveMcCrea on Wed 19/10/2005 03:54:53
And that's the grand slam for BB!

Wowies, congratulations Mr. Big Brother!

big brother

Thank you! I had a lot of fun entering those creative Sprite Jam topics!
Mom's Robot Oil. Made with 10% more love than the next leading brand.
("Mom" and "love" are registered trademarks of Mom-Corp.)

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