Sprite Jam 17-22 Septemper: Robots <3

Started by ninepug, Sun 17/09/2006 18:22:49

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This Sprite Jam's topic is: Robots! with hearts of gold or some other precious metal

So slap heart stickers on that AT-AT and put flowers in that gunbarrel, 'cause the robots are showing some love.

Rules: Maximum Size is width 275 and length 175 but less is more and sprites that big are hopefully actual giant robots  :).
           Colours: 25 I'm not actually that experienced in pixelart, I just picked a number ó_ò so going one or two colours over is a-okay
           Contest ends on the 22 septemper

hopefully I didn't make any mistakes this being my first contest, is an AT-AT even a robot?

Good luck!

Edit:I just discovered that the infamous "Talk like a Pirate Day" is only two days away from now and so, in honour of this tradition any pirate robots will also be accepted, that is all.(note, these do not have to be nicey nice robots)



Is it okay to use refrence pics? Not direct edits of course, but refrence for inspiration or pose for the robots perhaps. :)


Sure it is :).
If you could provide a link to the reference picture it'd be helpful in judging ;D
but I would say that just mentioning that you're using reference or something as an inspiration is enough :).


i don't know whether this counts as a robot but here he is: Darth Lovely

EDIT: thx  :)


Not to worry, I'll allow him.
even though he's scaring the heck out of me ó_ò.


Here we have a "Red Dwarf" Skutter. Perhaps the flowers are for another skutter perhaps Lister is sending them to Kochanski




Currently working on a project!




Its gold plated is all.
Hey! All my awesome trophies dissapeared in the year since I was here last. CONSARN_IT! with an underscore!!! I earned dem tings!! Oh well. Hope your Monkey floats.



She wasn't the most succesful model of year 2073. So, finally when 1569 years had passed, all the unused love she still had running in her circuits bursted out bringing peace and hapiness all over the world.

And caused a self-destruction.


In cold.

Darth Mandarb

This is H3rM13 (Hermie) and he has a heart of gold ...

106 x 106 17 colors

And what, you may ask, does Hermie do to show his heart of gold?

He wanders the world in search of little duckies in need of a crossing guard!



I'd like to introduce REFTY, she is an emo-robot and thats why she has this kind of hair, and a big heart inside of her. She hates mean robots who try to conquer the world. But she loves butterflies, flowers, hearts and of course she loves loving.

17 colours



This bot is poised and ready to hug.Ã,  Hugging is just one of its many functions, however.

13 colors (i'm pretty sure, close to that), 161x79


A huggamatron trophy!


Ooh Lovely! :3 All these robots look very huggalicious so it's been hard to choose just one winner.

Here's the verdict!

Bronze: Rmullen and his huggamatron! Love that grin :3.
Trophy for you!

Silver: Darth Mandarb and Hermie :D. I mean, who can't love a robot who protects little duckies? :3.
A silver throphy well earned! oh and it's not eating the duckie.. just protecting.

Now what could be better than a small duckie protecting machine?
Something even smaller than a duckie!

Gold: Krysis! and his tiny robot. It's so small and cute, and has a very nice use of colours :D.
May you find this trophy worthy for the tiny bot!

Thank you all for participating :)!


Thank you.  ;D

I am sorry to be an ass, but I am really busy lately so I'd prefer if someone else hosts the next one... I guess that should be Darth, because he won the silver and all.

Hollister Man

Congrats to the winners!  Especially the tinybot!  lol  :)
That's like looking through a microscope at a bacterial culture and seeing a THOUSAND DANCING HAMSTERS!

Your whole planet is gonna blow up!  Your whole DAMN planet...


A huggamatron trophy!


Oh man! I can't believe it's too late.... AARGHHHH!
However, I've made an entry for the contest....


and I know it's too late now...Ã,  :'(

But don't worry next time I'll be Faster!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to the winner! ;D


Wow... that's so awesome. Hehehe, look at the legs.


Krysis, Oh you ass >:(. Kidding, nothing assed about being busy ;D.
I guess the honour of holding the next contest defaults to Darth Mandarb and if he's too busy, to Rmullen, and if he too is too busy, it'll be up to grabs by whoever is fastest?

And Ago75
Wow :D. That's is just awsome, very, and is has a heart of gold aswell ;D! I'm sure it would have won a trophy or two :). or 5
I'll try to end any contests as late as possible from now on  ;).


well, i'd be happy to do it, just let me know.
A huggamatron trophy!

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