Sprite Jam 18-25 Aug 06

Started by Ago75, Fri 18/08/2006 13:05:22

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Topic: Pirate Kid and the Jolly Roger

Draw a sprite suitable for an Adventure Game representing a Pirate Kid.
The Character MUST have his own Jolly Roger and one of the following:

- A weapon (Sword, gun etc...)
- A friend pet to interact with (dog, cat, rabbit, parrot...)
- A pirate hat
- A eye patch

Sprite Size (Max): 200x200 (including optional pet)
Sprite Colors(Max Num.): 32

I know that the topic is not so original, but I really like pirates Games and Movies, and I would like to see the style you will use for this kind of game.

(whoops!!.. sorry..Ã,  :P)


here is my entry. It's 14 colours not counting transparency.




Ã,  - The Jolly Roger is on his head
Ã,  - the pet is also on his headÃ,  :P
Ã,  - he has 2 eyepatches
Ã,  - a walking stick (Which could be used as a weapon.)



Nice entries so far! Welcome Tocsik, it's great to have another talented artist on our forums!
It sure is hard to be original when it comes to pirates. I started to draw some clothes on my pirate and guess who's clothes they were. No really, guess. hint: Guybrush. So I've made the head sprite so far, gotta think of some clothes, hmm....
Edit: Well I didn't finish it. Blah. I really need to get used to drawing the body without a reference.

Crap! I just realized the clothes look like LeChuck's. What an idiot!
<First time placing in a Sprite Jam. Neato.


<First time placing in a Sprite Jam. Neato.



Nice entries so far, I really like them!

Well here comes my entry. He is a teenage pirate who has to fight his final battle, so he could prove that he is ready to become a real pirate.

21 colours

Have a nice day!



13 colours including background


edit: Oh yeah

no eye patch, roger on hat, akimbo flintlocks, sabre, and yeah, he's hardcore cause he's a roughneck island boy.

Darth Mandarb

Thought I'd toss my hat in the ring ...

Privateer Puddin'

jolly roger pants and hook as his weapon arr


Kid Pirate with his pet turtle.


Wow  :o! How many nice entries!
The contest is getting hot!


I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.
(Groucho Marx)


he doesn't really look like a pirate but he is a mighty one. his shadow is his Jolly Roger and his weapon is well...powerful.


Aww, it's wee Jack Sparrow,
his compass already pointing due his desires
and ever ready to hoist the Jolly Roger should the occasion arise!

Edit: Ooops, had the wrong one uploaded. Fixed now!


this is a not very succesful pirate as you can see but at least he is a nice guy. awhm, i hope he is. he has some very special skills of course, when i found out what skills exactly i will tell you. his only weapon is the steely glance of his parrot. some people say he can hypnotize everyone if he wants. but most of the time he hypnotizes his owner, who is most of the time very confused because of that. everytime he wants to get rid off the parrot he gets hypnotized.


That's a really good one der.uwe! Looks like it would fit right into an adventure game!
Dancing madly backwards on the sea of air...


I like the work people are doing here tis well good
Deathy mc pimpstick
His pimpstick can disrespect a B*%ch with one foul swoop
Only thing is no one will work for him coz hes dead
Currently working on a project!

The Ivy


Meet kid pirate Sonia Swiftboat, terror of the playground.  Also meet her seaworthy sidekick Christopher "Wheels" Turtleton.  And then run for it.


Quote from: Mad on Tue 22/08/2006 14:34:08
Aww, it's wee Jack Sparrow,
his compass already pointing due his desires
and ever ready to hoist the Jolly Roger should the occasion arise!

Edit: Ooops, had the wrong one uploaded. Fixed now!

I think if you fixed his legs you'd have a winner. You look like you have the skill to know what i mean, but if you arent sure, pm me.
I know, not my place to say, but thought you might appreciate it. if not, ignore.

Edited by mod: Please don't quote whole post with images.


Quote from: Sinsin on Wed 23/08/2006 15:31:53
I like the work people are doing here tis well good
Deathy mc pimpstick
His pimpstick can disrespect a B*%ch with one foul swoop
Only thing is no one will work for him coz hes dead
I don't want to be a party poop, but looks like a Guybrush paintover to me.


This isn't happening again is it?


Here is my entry:


While Captain Goldtooth (yarr) always wanted a son to pass the family business, his one and only daughter proved to be a natural in the more intelligent aspects of piratehood. Even from a young age, her tactical planning and diplomacy soon made stand out as one of the most promising young minds of her generation.

As far as an adventure would go, she could be joining the 'Fabled School of Pirates (maybe adding the fact that she is the first girl ever allowed to join) where she would have to prove herself, save the family legacy or even discover the fabled lost treasure in the school grounds. Some random idea..



Damn their onto me I better get out of here LOL
Currently working on a project!



Don't be scared: The fish won't be harmed at all - it's the boys best friend Keith the no herring.  ;)

By the way: A making-of of this picture (with some more colors) can be found on my blog. So if you're interested just have a look.


Ok! Congratulations to everyone and thank you for taking part to the Compo.

The Contest is over.

Decision pending.


First of all, I want to say that was very hard to take a decision...
so many good entries... but only 3 prizes (the Bronze Hook, the Silver Sword and the Golden Jolly Roger) ... so:

3rd place: Tocsik

2nd place: Mad

and the winner is:

1st place: Klaus

Congratulations Klaus (the making of is great also!) and remeber to start a new Contest.


Yippie Yeah! Many thanks Ago75. There are great sprites here, all so different in style and technique - this must have been a really hard decision for you. I'll soon start the next Jam.


 ;D Awesome, I wasn't expecting to even place. thanks.

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