Sprite Jam - 9.21.05-9.28.05 - Winner annouced

Started by Stefano, Tue 20/09/2005 18:09:03

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Ready for the next Sprite Jam? So launch your favourite graphics program and get your hands dirty (with pixels).

This edition's theme is:

Pirate ladies.
(har, har, har!)

The SeaPanties must set its sails once again and captain Carmen is recruiting! The only requirement: progesterone. That's right. You've got to be a lady. Sexy or bulky. Armed or not. Hairy or waxed. Swordsgirl or cooker. A boat full of pirate girls...

It's up to you, dear AGS sprite artist, to provide the captain with the required crew members.

- Gotta be a female pirate.
- 200x200 pixels, maximum size.
- That's it. No more limitations.

After the week is through, the best pirate lady will grant victory to her creator.
Feel free to write a pirate style caption after posting the image.

Good luck!

PS. Would anyone help me re-write this text in a pirate-like way? Not really necessary, but...  ;)
Trying to make my first AGS game.


Here's my attempt on a pirate lady. I know I screwed up with the propotions abit ::).
Dancing madly backwards on the sea of air...


Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!


Meet Molly. She doesnt even like the sea but... she is 14 and she is the only child of a fearsome pirate. No wonder Molly is a bit insane.Ã, Ã,  ;D

Guess I didnt want to make the tipical "Elaine Marley" type. I know it aint big and colorfull but I like her. :)


Well, I guess this is just pretty whacked. :-\ But I like the way the socks turned out.


(130x194 - 33 colours total)

Here comes teh lone piratess Megymia holding her mighty Hook-Sword (tm), with her talkative sidekick Arrrrkon resting on her shoulder.


Interesting how any of these "chicks" don't seem to like wearing much on their legs. As if the drawer wanted to peek about a bit, but then, who am I to say :)


Gilbot's sprite looks sexy only aint she getting a cold when she's sailing on a cold winter night??  :P
Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!

Mr Flibble

Its a well known fact that women's arms, midriff, and legs from the crotch down are impervious to damage, and therefore not requiring any sort of armour.

Go play a video game, see for yourself.
Ah! There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!


I logged in just to say: Yay for gilbot! :D

big brother

Loose cannon on deck!

A proper pirate ship needs a gunner (or gun-mistress) and a cannon. Otherwise, the ship couldn't accomplish much terrorizing (a prerequisite for piracy).

200x120 (2x zoom), 12 colors

Dr. Freud would have a field day with this one.
Mom's Robot Oil. Made with 10% more love than the next leading brand.
("Mom" and "love" are registered trademarks of Mom-Corp.)


Holy moly!  :o
That's sexy... almost pornographic. ;D
*saves in the "almost porn" hidden folder*
Trying to make my first AGS game.


BB, you were born 10 years too late... :P
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II


Don't be too jealous.  BB doesn't do any of his own graphics.  There's a "residentially-challenged" guy that hangs out at Borders books that does all his work for him provided he's given malt-liquor and a quadruple brevé mocha. 


I don't usually reply to this sprite jams entries, but... wohaaaaa! congrats BB!
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!


Nice booty...(pun intended) ;) ;D.



Nice image, LF. The spelling is a bit iffy, though.

Piratess - not Piratress
imprisoned - not impresioned
await - not wait


I have to congratulate all of you but first of all Stefano, for his perfect idea to have the contest about porn stars dressed as piratess. My god, really I love all your works... ;D


96x142  25 colors

with her booty always on top of the looty and making peg legs look sexy it's PIRATEGIRL!

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